The GwxConfiguration3D type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddAmbientLight
Create a new AmbientLightVisual and add it to the content area.
Public methodAddAnnotationControl(AnnotationType, Boolean)
Create a new annotation object of the given type
Public methodAddAnnotationControl(AnnotationType, Boolean, GwxElement, Boolean)
Create a new annotation object of the given type
Public methodAddBox
Create a new Box3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddCone
Create a new Cone3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddCylinder
Create a new Cylinder3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddDirectionalLight
Create a new DirectionalLightVisual and add it to the content area.
Public methodAddDonut
Create a new Donut3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddGwxViewPlane3D
Create a new GwxViewPlane3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddLayer3D
Create a new AmbientLightVisual and add it to the content area.
Public methodAddPipe()()()()
Create a new Pipe3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddPipe(Point3DCollection)
Create a new Pipe3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddPlane
Create a new Plane3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddPointLight
Create a new PointLightVisual and add it to the content area.
Public methodAddPolygon
Create a new Polygon3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddSphere
Create a new Sphere3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddSpotLight
Create a new SpotLightVisual and add it to the content area.
Public methodAddTerrain
Create a new Terrain3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAddTube
Create a new Cylinder3D and add it to the content area
Public methodAlignObjects
Align a collection of objects in the 3D space
Public methodApplyTexture
Apply a texture mapping to a given object or group of objects
Public methodCalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace
Determine the inner space of a 3D element and his subgraph
Public methodCalculateSubgraphBoundsOuterSpace
Determine the outer space of a 3D element and his subgraph
Public methodConvertPrimitiveToGeometry
Converts a Primitive3D into a ModelVisual3D
Public methodCreateCloneDynamic
Create a new GwxCloneDynamic dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodCreateColorDynamic
Create a new GwxColor dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodCreateDisableDynamic
Create a new GwxDisable dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodCreateDynamics
For internal use only. Not for customer use.

Creates and attaches a GwxDynamic derived object of the specified type for each of the specified GwxDependencyObjects.

Public methodCreateHideDynamic
Create a new GwxHide dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodCreateLocationDynamic
Create a new GwxLocation dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodCreatePickActionDynamic
Create a new GwxPick dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodCreateRangeSelectorDynamic
Create a new GwxRangeSelector dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodCreateRotationDynamic
Create a new GwxRotation dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodCreateSizeDynamic
Create a new GwxSize dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodCreateStateSelectorDynamic
Create a new GwxStateSelector dynamic for each of the selected objects
Public methodDistributeObjects
Distribute a collection of objects in the 3D space
Public methodDuplicateSelectedFaces
Will create a new GwxDependencyObject created from the currently selected faces.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFastTransformBounds
Transforms the axis-aligned bounding box 'bounds' by 'transform': this represents an approximation of the real bounding box after transformation
Public methodFindObject
Searches for an object of given name in tree of 3D objects.
Public methodFindObjectsByTag
Searches for objects with the given tag in tree of 3D objects.
Public methodGetDescendantBounds
Get the bounding box of the descendant objects. This is also the bounding box of this object prior to applying transform attribute and animated transformations.
Public methodGetDescendantCenter
Gets the Point3D that is the center of the descendant obejcts
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMaterialFromObject
Get the Material of a given object or group of objects
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetVisualParent
Get the parent of a given Dependency Object
Public methodGroupObjects
Group a collection of objects
Public methodMakeObjectsSameSize
Make a collection of objects the same size
Public methodMoveObjects
Move a collection of objects in the 3D space
Public methodMoveTo
Move an object to a specific position
Public methodRemoveSelectedFaces
Removes the selected
Public methodRemoveTransforms
Remove all tranformation from an object and replace them with Identity
Public methodRotateObjects
Rotate a collection of objects in the 3D space
Public methodScaleObjects
Scale a collection of objects in the 3D space
Public methodScaleTo
Scale a collection of objects to a specific size
Public methodSetDimension
Move and scale a collection of objects to fill a specific region of space
Public methodSetMaterialToObject
Set the Material of an object or group of objects
Public methodStackObjects
Stack a collection of objects in the 3D space
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUngroupObject
Ungroup an individual object
Public methodUngroupObjects
Perform the ungroup of each individual object in the collection


Public propertyConfiguration
Gets the GwxConfiguration object for the document in which the Gwx3DControl is contained. If the Gwx3DControl is not currently a descendant of IGwxControl, this property returns null.
Public propertyGwx3DControl
Gets the Gwx3DControl associated with this instance of GwxConfiguration3D.
Public propertyRoot3D
Gets the root object that provides the visual children for the 3D control.

See Also