
Public classCloseWindowCommand
Command used to close a window.
Public classCollisionEventArgs
Arguments for collision events.
Public classCollisionLogOptions
Options of handling collision event.
Public classCommandExecutionEventArgs
Provides data for "CommandExecution" events.
Public classComposeEmailCommand
Command for launching an e-mail client
Public classCustomPivotControl
A control for containing/switching multiple page views.
Public classCustomPivotControlRibbon
Provides a configuration Ribbon for the Pivot Control
Public classCustomPivotItem
A class to hold pivot item information
Public classDataValueWriteEventArgs
Provides data for "DataValueWrite" events.
Public classFaceplateInformation
Stores information for a single fixed-size faceplate related to the image and the device it represents.
Public classGlobalAliasesCommand
Command used to set global aliases.
Public classGwx3DControl
GraphWorX 3D Control
Public classGwxAnnotationCanvas
Represents an annotation canvas
Public classGwxAnnotationsContainer
Wrapper class used to expose annotations in the Document Explorer. This class also supplies undo/redo capability for adding/removing annotations.
Public classGwxArc
An elliptical arc based on a center point, two radii, a start angle, and a sweep angle.
Public classGwxBorder
Represents a Border object.
Public classGwxBorderBase
Base class for Border objects.
Public classGwxButton
A normal push-button.
Public classGwxButtonBase
Base class for buttons, checkboxes, and radiobuttons.
Public classGwxCanvas
A container for grouping together related elements.
Public classGwxCheckBox
A check box that allows the user to select a true or false state.

GwxCheckBox and GwxRadioButton controls have a similar function: they allow the user to choose from a list of options. GwxCheckBox controls let the user pick a combination of options. In contrast, GwxRadioButton controls allow a user to choose from mutually exclusive options.

Public classGwxClassicBorderDecorator
Represents a Classic Border object.
Public classGwxCloneDynamic
Dynamic clone animation.

Clones an object at runtime.

Public classGwxCollisionSystem
Top-level class for collision detection support in GraphWorX64 3D. In config mode (as a part of Gwx3DControl) gathers input information, in runtime mode encapsulates all collision bodies and takes care of detecting/handling collisions between them.
Public classGwxColor
Dynamic color animation.

Changes the color of an object based on the value of a data source.

Public classGwxConfiguration
This class contains methods/properties used for configuration of display files.

In scripting, an object of this type is accessible via the "ThisConfiguration" global variable. The value of the "ThisConfiguration" variable is the GwxConfiguration object that can be used to edit the currently loaded display file.

Public classGwxConfiguration3D
This class contains methods/properties used for configuration of 3D content.
Public classGwxContentControl
Base class for content controls (such as buttons, checkboxes, etc.).
Public classGwxControl
Base class for controls (such as buttons, checkboxes, etc.).
Public classGwxCustomConfirmMessage
This class is used to display a custom confirmation MessageBox.

Public classGwxCustomMessage
This class is used to display a custom MessageBox.
Public classGwxCustomView
This class defines the information for an individual custom view used in a GwxCustomViews object.
Public classGwxCustomViewList
A list of GwxCustomView objects.
Public classGwxCustomViews
This class defines a set of custom views that are used to change the current zoom and pan when selected by the user.
Public classGwxDecorator
Provides a base class for elements that apply effects onto or around a single child element, such as GwxBorder or GwxClassicBorderDecorator.
Public classGwxDependencyObject
Base class that wraps DependencyObjects for configuration.
Public classGwxDependencyObjectList
A list of GwxDependencyObject objects.
Public classGwxDependencyObjectListBase
A list of GwxDependencyObject objects.
Public classGwxDisable
This dynamic is used to disable objects with controllable dynamics.
Public classGwxDisplayTab
This class defines the information for an individual tab used in a GwxDisplayTabs object.
Public classGwxDisplayTabList
A list of GwxDisplayTab objects.
Public classGwxDisplayTabs
This class defines a set of tabs that are used to load display files.
Public classGwxDocument
Represents GraphWorX runtime information. This object type is associated with the root element of a display.

In scripting, an object of this type is accessible via the "ThisDocument" global variable. The value of the "ThisDocument" variable is the GwxDocument object for the currently loaded display file.

Public classGwxDynamic
Base class for all GwxDynamic animations/actions.
Public classGwxDynamicDragEventArgs
Provides data for "Drag" events.
Public classGwxDynamicGroup
This class stores a list of Dynamic objects that are associated with a target object.
Public classGwxDynamicList
A list of GwxDynamic objects.
Public classGwxDynamicListBase
Base class for strongly-typed lists of GwxDynamic objects.
Public classGwxDynamicSortedList
A list of GwxDynamic objects sorted by type.
Public classGwxElement
Base class that wraps Visual objects for configuration.
Public classGwxElementList
A list of GwxElement objects.
Public classGwxEllipse
An ellipse based on a center point and two radii.
Public classGwxFocusBorderOptions
Options for the "focus border". The focus border appears around user-interactive objects in runtime when the mouse pointer is over the object, or if the object has keyboard focus.
Public classGwxGeometryModel3D
Represents a GeometryModel3D object.
Public classGwxGridOptions
The grid used for aligning objects in a display.
Public classGwxGridPanel
A container for grouping together related elements.
Public classGwxGridSmartSymbol
A Smart Symbol based on a Grid Panel.
Public classGwxGroup
A container for grouping together related elements.
Public classGwxHeaderedContentControl
Base class for content controls that include a header (such as GroupBox elements).
Public classGwxHeaderedItemsControl
Base class for items controls that include a header (such as ToolBar, MenuItem, and TreeViewItem elements).
Public classGwxHide
Dynamic hide animation.

Hides an object based on the value of a data source.

Public classGwxImage
Renders the contents of an image file (such as PNG or JPG) into a rectangular area.
Public classGwxItemsControl
Base class for controls that contain a list of items (such as listboxes).
Public classGwxLabel
Represents a Label object.
Public classGwxLayer
Adds structure to a document by subdividing the contents into distinct layers. Similar to a GwxGroup object.
Public classGwxLine
A line segment that starts at one point and ends at another.
Public classGwxLocation
Dynamic location animation.

Changes the location of an object based on the value of a data source.

Public classGwxMediaElement
Wrapper for MediaElement
Public classGwxModel3D
Represents a Model3D object.
Public classGwxModel3DGroup
Represents a Model3DGroup object.
Public classGwxModelVisual3D
Represents a ModelVisual3D object.
Public classGwxPanel
Represents a Panel object.
Public classGwxPath
A complex shape that can be a combination of lines and curves.
Public classGwxPathBase
Base class for lines, polylines, polygons, and paths.
Public classGwxPick
Dynamic pick animation.

Makes an object user interactive. This dynamic is typically used to perform a command when the user clicks on an object.

Public classGwxPickCommand
This is the base class from which all GwxPick commands derive.
Public classGwxPickFunctionKey
This class is used to implement "function key" support.
Public classGwxPickMenuItem
This class is used to implement "popup menu" support.
Public classGwxPipeControl
A control for drawing pipes using polylines.
Public classGwxPivotControl
Represents a control that allows a user to select items from among its child elements.
Public classGwxPivotItem
Control that implements a selectable item inside a CustomPivotControl.
Public classGwxPolygon
A 'closed' shape consisting of a set of connected straight line segments. See also GwxPolyline.
Public classGwxPolyline
A shape consisting of a set of connected straight line segments. Typically a polyline represents an 'open' shape. See also GwxPolygon.
Public classGwxPolylineBase
Base class for polylines and polygons.
Public classGwxProcessPoint
Dynamic process point.

Displays an alphanumeric representation of the value of a data source.

Public classGwxProcessPointStateItem
Used to implement "statefield" support. Each state item is derived from GwxColor, allowing each state to have a different color if desired.
Public classGwxRadioButton
A radio button. Radio buttons are grouped logically if they all share the same GroupName. When the user selects one radio button within a group, the others clear automatically.

GwxCheckBox and GwxRadioButton controls have a similar function: they allow the user to choose from a list of options. GwxCheckBox controls let the user pick a combination of options. In contrast, GwxRadioButton controls allow a user to choose from mutually exclusive options.

Public classGwxRangeSelector
Dynamic range selector animation.

Shows an object in a group of objects based on the value of a data source. Similar to GwxStateSelector

Public classGwxRangeSelectorStateItem
Represents an individual state defined in a GwxRangeSelector animation.

This class is only used during runtime (it is not saved to the display).

Public classGwxRectangle
A rectangle based on a top-left coordinate and a width and height. This class also supports rounded rectangles.
Public classGwxRootElement
Root object that contains all elements in a display.
Public classGwxRotation
Dynamic rotation animation.

Rotates an object based on the value of a data source.

Public classGwxRuntimeControl
GraphWorX Runtime Windows Forms Control.
Public classGwxRuntimeViewControl
GraphWorX Runtime Viewer WPF Control.

In scripting, an object of this type is accessible via the "ThisWindow" global variable. The value of the "ThisWindow" variable is the GwxRuntimeViewControl object that contains the currently loaded display file.

Public classGwxScaleControl
Scale Control Class
Public classGwxSelector
Represents a control that allows a user to select items from among its child elements.
Public classGwxSelectorBase
Base class for GwxRangeSelector and GwxStateSelector.
Public classGwxSelectorBaseStateItem
Base class for selector state items.
Public classGwxShape
Base class for all shapes (such as rectangles, ellipses, polygons, etc.).
Public classGwxSize
Dynamic size animation.

Changes the size of an object based on the value of a data source.

Public classGwxSmartPinControl
Smart Pin Control
Public classGwxSmartSymbol
A Smart Symbol.
Public classGwxSmartSymbol3D
A 3D Smart Symbol.
Public classGwxSmartTile
A Smart Tile.
Public classGwxStateSelector
Dynamic state selector animation.

Shows an object in a group of objects based on the state of a data source or data sources. Similar to GwxRangeSelector

Public classGwxStateSelectorStateItem
Represents an individual state defined in a GwxStateSelector animation.
Public classGwxSvgImage
Renders the contents of an SVG file into a rectangular area.
Public classGwxSymbol
Represents an individual symbol in a Symbol Library Category.
Public classGwxTabControl
Represents a control that allows a user to select items from among its child elements.
Public classGwxTabItem
Control that implements a selectable item inside a TabControl.
Public classGwxTemplateLayer
A template layer provides a "background" layout for a display. Similar to a GwxLayer object.
Public classGwxTextBase
Base class for elements with text properties (such as TextBlocks and Controls).
Public classGwxTextBlock
Represents a TextBlock object.
Public classGwxTextBox
Represents a TextBox object.
Public classGwxTextBoxBase
Base class for TextBox objects.
Public classGwxTextDynamic
Base class for text-related animations (GwxProcessPoint, GwxTimeDate).
Public classGwxTimeDate
Dynamic time and date.

Displays an alphanumeric representation of the current time and date.

Public classGwxToggleButton
Base class for checkboxes and radiobuttons.
Public classGwxToolTipOptions
Options for tooltips.
Public classGwxUserControl
Base class for user controls.
Public classGwxVideoControl
A control for presenting video files and live video streams
Public classGwxViewbox
Represents a Viewbox object.
Public classGwxViewPlane3D
Represents 3D Plane that renders a 2D graphics display file.
Public classGwxWindowProperties
Properties of a window.
Public classGwxWindowsFormsControl
An embedded .NET Windows Forms Control.
Public classHistoryBackCommand
Command used to navigate back in the display history.
Public classHistoryForwardCommand
Command used to navigate back in the display history.
Public classIcoCommandingCommand
Command for executing a command in the global commanding system.
Public classLayer3D
Provides security-based decluttering for objects in 3D as well as the standard grouping functionality.
Public classLoadDisplayCommand
Command used to load a display.
Public classLoadEventArgs
Provides data for "Load" events.
Public classLoginLogoutCommand
Command for opening the Login/Logout dialog.
Public classMapTerrain3D
Represents a 3D terrain with the possibility to obtain data from EWX control.
Public classObjectVisibilityCommand
Command used to popup a menu.
Public classPanChangedEventArgs
Provides data for PanChanged events.
Public classPhoneCallCommand
Command for performing a phone call. For Windows Phone only.
Public classPipeCapConverter
TypeConverter for PenLineCap.
Public classPipeCapEditor
The editor for pipe caps
Public classPlaySoundCommand
Command used to play a sound.
Public classPopupMenuCommand
Command used to popup a menu.
Public classPropertyDefinition
This class stores the information necessary to dynamically define a new property as a PropertyDescriptor and as a DependencyProperty.
Public classPropertyDefinitionCollection
A list of PropertyDefinitions.
Public classPropertyDefinitionList
A list of PropertyDefinitions.
Public classRegisteredCollisionBody
Reference to GWX64 object to be included in collision detection.
Public classRegisteredCollisionBodyCollection
Collection of registered collision bodies. Used for serialization purposes.
Public classRegisteredCollisionPair
Explicit definition of two GWX64 objects to be mutually tested.
Public classRegisteredCollisionPairCollection
Collection of registered collision pairs. Used for serialization purposes.
Public classRunReportCommand
Command used to call report on a ReportWorX web service.
Public classRuntimeMenuCommand
Command used to execute a command from the application's runtime menu/ribbon.
Public classRunTransactionCommand
Command used to call transaction on a BridgeWorX web service.
Public classSaveEventArgs
Provides data for "Save" events.
Public classScriptCommand
Command for executing a script.
Public classSendSMSCommand
Command for launching an e-mail client
Public classSetAliasesCommand
Command used to set local aliases.
Public classSetAliasesCommandBase
Base class for commands that include parameters for setting local aliases.
Public classSetLanguageCommand
Command used to set language aliases.
Public classSetViewCommand
Command used to set a view.
Public classSmartIconMouseEventArgs
Data relating to Smart Icon mouse events.
Public classStartApplicationCommand
Command used to start an application.
Public classSymbolLibraryControl
Control for managing "symbols". Symbols are reusable graphical components.
Public classToggleValueCommand
Command used to toggle a data value.
Public classToggleValueCommand..::..ValueCollection
Collection of values for the ToggleValueCommand.
Public classUpdateDatabaseCommand
Command used to write a data value.
Public classWindowTargetCommandBase
Base class for commands that include target window parameters.
Public classWordVariationsControl
Control used to configure word variations
Public classWordVariationsForm
Form for editing a word variations DataTable used by the SymbolLibrary search.
Public classWriteValueCommand
Command used to write a data value.
Public classZoomChangedEventArgs
Provides data for ZoomChanged events.


Public structureGwx3DExportOptions
Structure ensuring options exchange between GWX64 and export plugins.
Public structureGwx3DImportOptions
Structure ensuring options exchange between GWX64 and import plugins.


Public interfaceIGwx3dDwgImporter
Interface provides methods specific for the process of importing 3D dwg files.
Public interfaceIGwx3DExporter
Interface for all classes exporting GraphWorX64 3D data.
Public interfaceIGwx3DImporter
Interface for all classes importing GraphWorX64 3D data.
Public interfaceIGwxDependencyObjectContainer
Interface for a GwxDependencyObject that can contain child GwxDependencyObjects.
Public interfaceIGwxDependencyObjectExtraContentContainer
Interface for a GwxDependencyObject that can contain "extra content".
Public interfaceIGwxElementContainer
Interface for a GwxElement that can contain child GwxElements.
Public interfaceIGwxSmartSymbol
Interface for defining a "Smart Symbol" wrapper.
Public interfaceILayerRecord3D
Provides layer information for import.


Public delegateCollisionEventHandler
Delegate for collision events.
Public delegateCommandExecutionEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle "CommandExecution" events.
Public delegateDataValueWriteEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle "DataValueWrite" events.
Public delegateGwxDynamicDragEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle "Drag" events.
Public delegateLoadEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle "Load" events.
Public delegatePanChangedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle PanChanged events.
Public delegateSaveEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle "Save" events.
Public delegateSmartIconMouseEventHandler
Represents a method used to handle Smart Icon mouse events.
Public delegateZoomChangedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle ZoomChanged events.


Public enumerationAliasCommandType
Command types used for setting alias values.
Public enumerationAlign3DType
Represents a type of alignment in the 3D space
Public enumerationAnnotationType
Represents a type of annotation
Public enumerationBooleanOption
Tri-state boolean that includes values for False, True, and Default.
Public enumerationCachePriority
When the available cache space is running low, this option determines which displays will be removed from the cache first.
Public enumerationDistribute3DType
Represents a type of object distribution in the 3D space
Public enumerationFindReplaceTypes
Types of properties to include in find/replace operations.
Public enumerationGwx3DControl..::..HighlightMode
Modes of highlighting selected objects.
Public enumerationGwxArc..::..ArcStyles
Styles for a GwxArc object.
Public enumerationGwxCollisionSystem..::..PreprocessingQuality
Quality of BVH preprocessing.
Public enumerationGwxDocument..::..MobileDisplayStyles
Defines all types of styles for control in a mobile display.
Public enumerationGwxDynamic..::..AnimationModes
Available animation behavior types for dynamic objects.
Public enumerationGwxDynamic..::..ComparisonType
Available comparison operators for discrete dynamic activation.
Public enumerationGwxDynamic..::..PartitionModes
Available Partition (detent) Modes.
Public enumerationGwxPick..::..PickExecutionType
Specifies the type of user action that causes the pick dynamic to activate.
Public enumerationGwxPick..::..PickModes
Pick modes supported by GwxPick.
Public enumerationGwxProcessPoint..::..PasswordHashingOptions
Public enumerationGwxRotation..::..RotationModes
Defines how a rotation dynamic affects its associated visual object.
Public enumerationGwxRuntimeViewControl..::..PrintAreaOptions
Specifies the different options for print area.
Public enumerationGwxTimeDate..::..TimeDateFormats
Formats available for the GwxTimeDate dynamic.
Public enumerationGwxTimeDate..::..TimeDateModes
Modes available for the GwxTimeDate dynamic.
Public enumerationMakeSameSize3DType
Represents a type of size in the 3D space
Public enumerationObjectVisibilityCommand..::..VisibilityCommands
Options for setting object visibility during runtime.
Public enumerationPhoneOrientation
An enumeration of phone orientations
Public enumerationPipeCap
Pipe Cap Enumeration
Public enumerationPlaySoundCommand..::..SoundSourceModes
Defines ways that the SoundSource property can be interpreted.
Public enumerationRunReportCommand..::..IdentityType
Options for the user identity
Public enumerationRuntimeMenuCommands
IDs for commands that are available in the runtime menu/ribbon.
Public enumerationRunTransactionCommand..::..IdentityType
Options for the user identity
Public enumerationScaleCenter
The enumaration representing types of centering
Public enumerationScaleType
The Enumeration representing types of scale control
Public enumerationSetViewCommand..::..ZoomType
The enumeration representing the type of zoom
Public enumerationStack3DType
Represents a type of stack in the 3D space
Public enumerationVideoState
VideoState enumeration
Public enumerationWindowInitialLocation
Specifies how to initially position a window.
Public enumerationWindowTargetType
Target type for finding one or more open display windows.

The target type is used in conjunction with a "TargetName" to designate which display window(s) to find. Note: "TargetName" can be a complete name, a partial name with wildcards, or unspecified.

These target types are similar to those used in Internet Explorer's