Publish Lists

Publish Lists are lists of tags which are exposed by the device using a "Pub/Sub" (publish and subscribe) protocol. These tags are refreshed periodically throughout the day. Their contained data is sent to the IoT Hub. These tags can then be used by any client. A Publish List can be connected to a Real-time tag or a Historical tag.


To Add a New Publish List:

  1. In Workbench, expand a project and then expand the Internet of Things node. Right-click on the Publish Lists node, as shown below, and then select Add Publish List.

Add Publish List from Project Explorer in the Workbench




Select Publish Lists then click on the Add Publish List button (shown below) in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in Workbench.


Add Publish List Button

  1. This opens the New Publish List properties in the middle of the Workbench shown below. The properties are split between the General and Published Points tabs, described below.

New Publish List Properties - General Tab

General Tab

Rate Settings

Publisher Real Time Points Tab

Published Real Time Points Tab in the New Publish List Properties


Specify the real time points that will be exposed by the publisher


You can add multiple points by clicking on Click here to add multiple tags. This opens the Data Browser where you can navigate to your selected tags.


You can also click on Click to remove duplicates which will delete any identical published points.


You can add single points by clicking on + Click here to add new item. This changes the property window, as shown below.


Added Point Name Entry


Enter a Point Name or click on the button to open the Data Browser and navigate to your selected tag. Enter a Publish Name for how you want this data point to appear in the IoT Hub. Ensure that the Send Timestamp checkbox is checked (it is checked by default) if you want timestamp information taken from the data source directly to be included with the data point. You can select if the point is Writable or not via the checkbox. You can opt for the selected point, via checkbox, whether you want to associate it with Real Time Publishing, Local Buffering and HDA, and/or Cloud Buffering and HDA (if enabled). You can enter a Deadband in the text entry field for that cell. You can also select the associated Collection Group and Logger via those columns'' pulldown menus.

Publisher Historical Points Tab

Published Historical Points Tab in the New Publish List Properties


Specify the historical points that will be exposed by the publisher


Similarly to the Published Real Time Points, the list of historical points exposed by the publisher can be specified.

Specific configuration details for BACnet Trends can be found here.


Published Alarm Tab

Published Alarm Tab in the New Publish List Properties



Specify the alarms that will be exposed by the publisher

  1. You can add Alarm Sources from which the alarms will be exposed by clicking on Click here to add new item. This opens the Data Browser where you can navigate to your selected alarm source, which might be the alarm server or just a specific area.

  2. You can then specify settings of the selected alarm source.

  3. You can add alarm source fields clicking on Click to browse alarm source fields. This allows importing event types and properties from the selected IoTWorX gateway.

  4. Click Apply to save your changes and Close to return to the Workbench. Your new Publish List will now appear in the Project Explorer.



See Also:

Publish List Configuration Simplified

IoTWorX Configuration in Workbench

Internet of Things Node

Publisher Connections

Custom Encoders/Decoders

MQTT Brokers

Collection Groups

Analyzer Groups

Logger System Settings


Subscriber Connections
