Schedules in ScheduleWorX64

In ScheduleWorX64, schedules are container objects for events. A schedule can contain one event or it can contain many events. Schedules exist to control resources, and resources are anything that is controlled by an OPC tag, BACnet tag, or other data source.


A schedule must have a valueset assigned to it, and the valueset in turn must be associated with one or more tags. The values in the valueset control the state or condition that is passed by the event to the data source.

Schedules can be defined so that they have a start time and a stop time; or they can be open ended. Schedules can be duplicated and modified, but the name for a schedule must be unique in the folder it is in. There are no program limits to the number of schedules you can define, or the number of events in a schedule.


You can import and export schedules.


See also:

Creating a Schedule

Creating a Schedule Folder

Schedule Configuration Tab

Enabling and Disabling Schedules

Editing and Saving a Schedule