Enabling and Disabling Schedules (ScheduleWorX64)


ScheduleWorX64 schedules can be set so that they run during their effective time and are thus enabled, or they can be disabled and the scheduled events do not run.


To Enable or Disable a Schedule and Set an Effective Period

  1. Double-click on a Schedule Name in the Workbench64 Tree Explorer.
  2. In the Schedule detail pane, click on the General tab if it is not already selected.

General Tab for Selected Schedule

  1. Click the Enable Schedule checkbox if you want the schedule to be active and events to be applied. Uncheck the Enable Schedule checkbox, if you want to disable the schedule. The Project Explorer will grey out any disabled schedules, as shown in the image below. In the example below, the "Building Floor 1 Lights" schedule is enabled, as the 'Enable Schedule' checkbox has been ticked.

Enabled and Disabled Schedules in the Project Explorer


  1. You can set an Effective Period bounding condition so that an enabled schedule becomes active on a certain date or so that a schedule ceases to be active after a certain date. If these options aren't set, then there is no bounding condition and an enabled schedule will be applied to start immediately or not to end.


To Set a Schedule to Start on a Particular Day

  1. Click the checkbox next to Active for the From date. Select the pulldown box to set a date. Once the checkbox has been selected, click the From pulldown box and select a date or use the up and down arrows to do so.
  2. Click Apply to activate the new Effective Period.

Setting a Schedule to Start on a Set Day


To Set a Schedule to End on a Particular Day

  1. Click the checkbox next to Active for the To date. Select the pulldown box to set a date. Once the checkbox has been selected, click the To pulldown box and select a date or click on the up and down arrows to do so.
  2. Click Apply to activate the new Effective Period.

Setting a Schedule to End on a Set Day


When both Active checkboxes are enabled, the From: and To: dates define a range during which time the schedule runs (at runtime).


When both Active checkboxes are disabled, the From: and To: dates are ignored and the schedule runs whenever ScheduleWorX64 is in runtime.


See also:
Creating a Schedule
Creating a Schedule Folder
Schedule Configuration Tab
Editing a Schedule