The features on this page require a GENESIS64 Advanced license and are not available with GENESIS64 Basic SCADA . |
Keyword Selection Form Window
In the Keyword Selection Form Window, you can select a keyword for the custom format, based on the properties being set. For instance, you can use the Keyword Selection Form Window for:
Selection options for the Encoder/Decoder - Value Format property include:
ACCESSRIGHTS -Point access rights property (byte) - e.g. 1 = READ, 2 = WRITE, 3= READ WRITE.
DATASET -The object or array of objects will be interpreted as a dataset (table).
DATATYPE -The data type of the point (string) - e.g. Int16.
DESCRIPTION -Point description property (string).
DEVICENAME -The name of the device (string).
FORMAT -Point Format property (string).
ENCODER -The encoder name (string).
HIGHRANGE -High Range of point AnalogRange property (double).
LOWRANGE -Low Range of point AnalogRange property (double).
MEMBER -Represents a complex object that wraps properties such as value, description, etc. Each property will be exposed as a specific point. It can be used only for decoders.
PUBLISHNAME -The name under which the point is published (string).
UNITS -Point Units property (string).
VALUE -The value of the point (string).
NOWLOCAL.TEXT -The local timestamp (string) - e.g. 2017-03-22T17:09:44.5358262+01:00.
NOWLOCAL.TICKS -The local timestamp (long) - e.g. 636257795760626391.
NOWLOCAL.UNIX -The local timestamp, milliseconds since 1 January 1970 (long).
NOWUTC.TEXT -The local timestamp (string) - e.g. 2017-03-22T17:09:44.5358262+01:00.
NOWUTC.TICKS -The local timestamp (long) - e.g. 636257795760626391.
NOWUTC.UNIX - The local timestamp, milliseconds since 1 January 1970 (long).
TIMESTAMP.TEXT -The timestamp of the value (string) - e.g. 2017-03-22T17:09:44.5358262+01:00.
TIMESTAMP.TICKS -The timestamp of the value (long) - e.g. 636257795760626391.
TIMESTAMP.UNIX -The timestamp of the value, milliseconds since 1 January 1970 (long).
STATUS.CODE -The code used to identify the quality of the point (integer) - e.g. 0x0000007.
STATUS.TEXT -The quality of the point (string) - e.g. Good - From Cache.
STATUS.GOOD -True if the quality of the point is good, false otherwise (boolean).
STATUS.OPCQUALITY -The quality of the point converted to classic OPC code (integer).
Selection options for the Encoder/Decoder - Message Format property include:
DEVICENAME -The name of the device (string).
ENCODER -The encoder name (string).
NOWLOCAL.TEXT -The local timestamp (string) - e.g. 2017-03-22T17:09:44.5358262+01:00.
NOWLOCAL.TICKS -The local timestamp (long) - e.g. 636257795760626391.
NOWLOCAL.UNIX -The local timestamp, milliseconds since 1 January 1970 (long).
NOWUTC.TEXT -The local timestamp (string) - e.g. 2017-03-22T17:09:44.5358262+01:00.
NOWUTC.TICKS -The local timestamp (long) - e.g. 636257795760626391.
NOWUTC.UNIX - The local timestamp, milliseconds since 1 January 1970 (long).
VALUE_ARRAY - The array of values encapsulated in the message.
Selection options for the Encoder/Decoder - Write Format property include:
DEVICENAME -The name of the device (string).
ENCODER -The encoder name (string).
NOWLOCAL.TEXT -The local timestamp (string) - e.g. 2017-03-22T17:09:44.5358262+01:00.
NOWLOCAL.TICKS -The local timestamp (long) - e.g. 636257795760626391.
NOWLOCAL.UNIX -The local timestamp, milliseconds since 1 January 1970 (long).
NOWUTC.TEXT -The local timestamp (string) - e.g. 2017-03-22T17:09:44.5358262+01:00.
NOWUTC.TICKS -The local timestamp (long) - e.g. 636257795760626391.
NOWUTC.UNIX - The local timestamp, milliseconds since 1 January 1970 (long).
VALUE_ARRAY - The array of values encapsulated in the message.
Selection options for the MQTT Broker - MQTT Birth Message property include:
ENCODER -The encoder name (string).
DEVICENAME -The name of the device (string).
Selection options for the MQTT Broker - MQTT Will Message property include:
ENCODER -The encoder name (string).
DEVICENAME -The name of the device (string).
See Also: