

Users can be added to the Local-Default worker Source. Alternatively, users can be imported from an external system (e.g., Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce, Active Directory, etc.). However, only limited changes are permitted for those users. Imported users should be added, modified, or removed in the originating system and those changes will be synchronized with CFSWorX.


To Add a User:

  1. Expand your project in the Workbench, and then expand the Connected Field Worker node and then the Field Workers node.

  2. Right-click on the "Local-Default" branch, then click on the Add User button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.

Add User from the Project Explorer




Select the source branch (i.e., one added though Dynamics365 or Active Directory), then click on the Add User button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add User Button

  1. This opens the User properties window, shown below, in the Workbench. Enter the user's name in the Name text entry field.

User Properties


You can then set multiple properties for the new user including General, Assets, Alarms, Email, and SMS.

General Tab

User Properties - General Tab



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Assets Tab

Assets can be assigned to users to enable filtering workers by assigned assets, or parent assets.


User Properties - Assets Tab



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Alarms Tab

Alarms can be assigned to users to enable filtering workers by assigned alarms, areas, or alarm server. The Worker Lookup activity in CFSWorX workflows have the option to “Apply Source Restrictions” and “Apply Area Restrictions”, which enables finding only those workers assigned to handle the incoming alarm.


User Properties - Alarms Tab



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Email Tab

Email addresses defined here are used when attempting to notify a worker via a CFSWorX Workflow that uses a Worker Lookup activity and a Send Email activity.


User Properties - Email Tab



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Telephone numbers defined here are used when attempting to notify a worker via a CFSWorX Workflow that uses a Worker Lookup activity and one of the following activities:

User Properties - SMS Tab



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  1. Once you have completed setting your User properties, click on Apply, then Close to return to the Workbench.


Membership associates a User with a Group. Also, see Enhanced Group Filtering in Worker Lookup.


To Set Membership Settings for a User:

  1. Expand your project in the Workbench, and then expand the Connected Field Worker node and then the Field Workers node and then the Local-Default source branch. Note: You can also view the group membership for external system (e.g. Dynamics 365, Salesforce, Active Directory, etc.) users, but you can’t modify those memberships in CFSWorX. You must make such changes in the external system (e.g. Dynamics 365, Salesforce, Active Directory, etc.).

  2. Right-click on a User and then select Membership... from the pulldown menu.

Add User from the Project Explorer




Select the User, then click on the Membership... button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Membership... Button

  1. This opens the Set the membership window, shown below.

Set the membership Window


If a User is already associated with a Group, the Group will be listed within the window, along with any associated Proficiency.


Note: Proficiency is supported for Dynamics 365 and Salesforce Characteristics, intended to illustrate the person’s proficiency at a particular skill. The Proficiency is also defined within Dynamics 365 or Salesforce.


To add a Group, use the pulldown menu at the bottom left of the window to select from current Groups, then click on the button. You can also remove a selected Group from the window by highlighting it then clicking the button. You can also refresh the Groups in the pulldown menu by clicking the button.

  1. Once you have completed assigning Users to Groups, click on the OK button to return to the Workbench.

See Also:

Field Workers


About CFSWorX