Custom JSON Encoder Format Keywords


Keyword Selection Form Window


In the Keyword Selection Form Window, you can select a keyword for the custom format, based on the properties being set. For instance, you can use the Keyword Selection Form Window for:

Encoder/Decoder - Value Format

Selection options for the Encoder/Decoder - Value Format property include:

Encoder/Decoder - Message Format

Selection options for the Encoder/Decoder - Message Format property include:

Encoder/Decoder - Write Format

Selection options for the Encoder/Decoder - Write Format property include:

MQTT Broker - MQTT Birth Message

Selection options for the MQTT Broker - MQTT Birth Message property include:

MQTT Broker - MQTT Will Message

Selection options for the MQTT Broker - MQTT Will Message property include:

See Also:

Custom Encoders/Decoders

MQTT Brokers