Create a BACnet Device

For Network Discovery, click HERE.


To Create a BACnet Device:

  1. Right-click on the Devices branch of the BACnet provider's Project Explorer in the Workbench, then click on Add Device to Database.


Select the Devices branch of the BACnet provider's Project Explorer in the Workbench, then click on the Add Device to Database button in the Home ribbon at the top of the screen in Workbench64, then click on Device.

  1. The BACnet Device properties window will appear in the right pane of the Workbench. Enter a Name and Description in the top text entry fields.

New BACnet Device


The following Device Settings may be changed:

The following Static Binding settings may be changed:

  1. Click Apply to proceed.

Device Status Icons

Expanding the Device branch of the BACnet provider's project explorer allows users to see Device status, including:

- Devices in Runtime and Online

- Devices in the Database or in Runtime and Online

- Devices in Runtime and Offline

- Devices Only in the Database OR in the Database and in Runtime BUT Offline


See also:

Exploring the Network

Network Discovery

Backup Device

Restore Device

Device Communication Control

Reinitialize Device

Alarm Cache

Time Synchronization