Find and Replace Properties in Displays and Symbols

When you are working in a GraphWorX display, it can be difficult to locate objects, especially if the display is large. If you have a large Symbol library, it can be equally difficult to locate symbols you are looking for. GraphWorX64 has a Find function that can help you locate objects quickly by searching for a text string in object properties. The Find option automatically discovers tags, file names, and object names, which it lists for you in the search criteria. GraphWorX also has a Replace function that works the same way as the Find feature, with an almost identical set of options.  


For properties and file names:

Finding objects:

Replacing text:

In a GraphWorX64 display:

Refer to Finding Objects in GraphWorX64 Displays

Refer to Replacing Text in GraphWorX Display Properties

Of symbols in the Symbol Library:

Refer to Finding a Symbol in the Symbol Library

Refer to Replacing Text in Symbol Properties


Related information is provided in Object Properties.


Finding Objects in a GraphWorX64 Display by Searching for Properties

To use the Find feature to find objects in a GraphWorX64 display:


1. In GraphWorX64, if you want to search in one object in particular or in one layer of the display, go to the Explorer and select the object or layer.

2. Go to the 2D Home ribbon. (If the display that is open has a 3D display in it, you may have to select a non-3D object in order to display the 2D Home ribbon.)

3. On the Home ribbon, click the down arrow next to the Find button in the Text section, and select Find. The Find dialog box appears. In the Find Type box, specify the properties in which you want to search for the text string you will be entering in the dialog box. Putting a check mark beside an option indicates you want to look for a text string in the property:


Looks in the:

Adds to the Find What drop-down list:


Text property of objects


Dynamic Data Source

OPC tags used as data sources in objects' DataSource property

All data sources referenced in the current selection


Name property of objects

All object names in the current selection


Title property of objects such as AlarmWorX and TrendWorX objects



Description property of objects


Share Keyword

ShareKeyword property of objects


Custom Data

CustomData property of objects


File Name

Names of referenced files

Names of all files referenced in the current selection


There is also an option to select or unselect all types of text strings:



4.  In the Look In section, choose where you want to search. (If the selection you want is grayed out, click the Close button then select the object in the GraphWorX Explorer, then restart the Find feature.)

5.  In the Find What box, specify the text that you are looking for by doing one of the following:

6.  Narrow your search using the qualifiers:

    • Check Match Whole Words Only to find the entire text string.

    • Check Match Case to find text that matches the text string's case.

    • Check Search Hidden Text to include in the search any text that is set to Hidden.

7.  Perform the search by clicking one of the following buttons. Matches are displayed in the Results section.

    • Click the Find Next button to find the first instance of what you are looking for and highlights it in the GraphWorX64 work surface. This works to your advantage if there are few instances and you want to easily pinpoint the object in the display. If the match is not the one you are looking for, continue clicking the Find Next button until you find the one you want.

    • Click the Find All button to find all instances of what you are looking for. This option is helpful if you want a complete list of instances or if you can want to save the results to a file, or copy the results to the clipboard. This option may take time to complete, depending on the breadth of your search criteria and the focus of your search.  

8.  Once you have results, you can view or save them:

    • To navigate to any object listed in the results, double-click it. This highlights it in the GraphWorX64 work surface.

    • To copy the search criteria and the results to the clipboard, click the copy button . You can then paste the report into a file or work area of your choosing.

    • To save the results in a comma-delimited file (.CSV), click the Save button . The Save As dialog box will display, allowing you to name the file and select where you want to save it.

    • To save and open the comma-delimited results file in an Excel spreadsheet, click the Save to Excel button . The results open in Excel, where you can modify it and save it in any format supported by your Excel filters.

Back to Find and Replace


Replacing Text in GraphWorX64 Display Properties

The Replace operation works in a similar way and replaces the Find What string(s) with the Replace With string(s). To use the Replace feature to find objects in a GraphWorX64 display:

  1. In GraphWorX64, if you want to replace text in one object in particular or in one layer of the display, go to the Explorer and select the object or layer.

  2. Go to the 2D Home ribbon. (If the display that is open has a 3D display in it, you may have to select a non-3D object in order to display the 2D Home ribbon.)

  3. On the Home ribbon, click the down arrow next to the Find button in the Text section, and select Replace. The Replace dialog box displays.  

  4. In the Find Type box, specify the properties in which you want to replace the text string. Putting a check mark beside an option indicates you want to replace the text string in the property:


Replaces text in the:

Adds to the Find What drop-down list:


Text property of objects


Dynamic Data Source

OPC tags used as data sources in objects' DataSource property

All data sources referenced in the current selection


Name property of objects

All object names in the current selection


Title property of objects such as AlarmWorX and TrendWorX objects



Description property of objects


Share Keyword

ShareKeyword property of objects


Custom Data

CustomData property of objects


File Name

Names of referenced files

Names of all files referenced in the current selection


There is also the option of selecting or unselecting all types of text strings.

  1. In the Look In section, choose where you want to search and replace text. (If the selection you want is grayed out, click the Close button then select the object in the GraphWorX Explorer, then restart the Replace feature.)

  1. In the Find What box, specify the text that will be replaced by doing one of the following:

  2. Limit the replacements that you make using the qualifiers:

  1. Do a test search by clicking one of the Find buttons. Matches are displayed in the Results section.

  1. Refine your search criteria until the result set shows the object text strings you want replaced.

  2. Replace strings one object at time by clicking Find Next until you find an object where the replacement needs to be made, then clicking the Replace button; continue using Find Next and Replace until you are done.
    Or replace all at once by clicking the Replace All button.

  3. You can interact with the content in the Results:

Back to Find and Replace


See also:

Object Properties


Symbol Library

Symbols Library

Updating Shared Objects in Groups or Symbols

Smart Symbol Creation

Smart Symbol Basics