the Workbench User Interface

the Workbench is used for the following purposes:

GENESIS64 stores configuration data organized in object form into a set of SQL databases. Many of the other components of GENESIS64 are essentially front ends to different databases and the data contained inside them. The aliasing system for global aliases and language aliases are an example of this feature. Another example is the Unified Data Manager, which provides a central utility for defining and accessing expressions, group definitions, value sets, registers, alarm subscriptions, and triggers. When you load a utility within the Workbench, it loads a configuration form in runtime. These forms often come with Apply and Refresh buttons since the data is stored in a database and may require that changes be committed or that current data be retrieved.

For help working in the Workbench, refer to the following topics.

For help working with individual applications or providers in the Workbench, refer to the topics for that application. To find a specific application, Search the help, or refer to one of the following topics: