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The AnalytiX-BI point manager includes additional diagnostic information exposed as tags similar to those originally implemented in the FrameWorX Server. Tables now expose an extra folder called "@@Diagnostics". This folder contains a few diagnostic points:
@@LastUpdated – The date and time when the table was last updated, in local time. A table is updated when it is first loaded when the service starts, or when a trigger causes a refresh.
@@LastUpdatedUTC – Same as @@LastUpdated, but in UTC time.
@@TableStatus – The current the status of table. Possible values are:
Offline – The table belongs to a model that is currently offline.
Initialized – The table belongs to a model that is currently online, but no data has been loaded in the table yet.
Loading – The BI Server is currently loading data in the table.
Online – The BI Server completed loading data in the table with no errors, and the table is ready to be queried.
Error – The BI Server completed loading data in the table and the table is ready to be queried, but an error occurred during the load process.
@@TableStatusCode – Same as @@TableStatus, but as a numeric code instead of a string. Values are: 0 (Offline), 1 (Initialized), 2 (Loading), 3 (Online), 4 (Error).
@@LastError – The last error that occurred while loading data in the table or null if there was no error. (Note, this point is not exposed by default. To enable it, go to Platform Services Configuration > Point Managers tab, select the BI Server Point Manager, and set EnableErrorDetailsDiagnosticPoints to true.) If the data source accepts parameters, parameters do have to be included.
See Also:
AnalytiX-BI Server SQL Queries