
Home > MobileHMI > Configuring MobileHMI in the Workbench > Configuration > Augmented Reality > Augmented Reality


Augmented Reality

The Augmented Reality feature is intended to provide the user with configurable types of Location Services as well as a configurable Actions dialog. Location Services are a group of MobileHMI features that allow displays to automatically load and display data based on the user's location and proximity to devices.

Location Services

There are five Location Services within the Augmented Reality Type menu:

Each Location Service Type provides a different set of configurable functions and values that the user can customize.


Listed Location Services 


Using the QR Location Service


Configuring GPS:

  1. Click the Start getting location button.

Workbench now attempts to get your current location from integrated GPS using WiFi positioning or the user's IP address. As the user moves, the location will also relocate until the user selects the Stop getting location button.


Note: The user can also enter the location by searching for an address, or right-clicking their location on the preview map.


In order to dismiss the "Invalid Credentials" prompt in the map preview, the user must provide a valid Bing Maps key or a Bing Maps key ID that is being used in EarthWorX. This should be configured in the Security on a per-user basis.


Searching for an Address:

  1. Fill in the address field.

  2. Select the Search button.

The GPS coordinates populate automatically.  


Using the GPS Location Service


NFC Tag Example


Accessing NFC:

  1. Open the Configuration option in MobileHMI.

  2. Open the Augmented Reality heading within the Project Explorer.

  3. Select a Project Detail from within the Augmented Reality List.

  4. Set the Location Type to NFC.

  5. Set an appropriate Value.

  6. Click Apply & Close.

Note: Just for convenience, when you already have an NFC tags with an NDEF string value, clicking the Read button reads the value from the tag and fills the Value field for you. The Write button is there, again for convenience, and works the other way around. It allows you to write the value to the tag. To enable both buttons, you will need at least Microsoft Windows 8.1 (or newer operating system), as well as supported hardware and properly installed drivers. Some laptops come with NFC readers built in. Otherwise, you will need a USB reader/writer. The buttons will be enabled once you connect the reader to the PC and install the drivers.


Using the NFC Location Service


Accessing OCR:

  1. Open the Configuration option in MobileHMI.

  2. Open the Augmented Reality heading within the Project Explorer.

  3. Select a Project Detail from within the Augmented Reality list.

  4. Set the Location Type to OCR.

  5. Input an appropriate Value.
    This will launch a preconfigured Action.

  6. Click Apply & Close.

Using the OCR Location Service


Accessing iBeacon

  1. Open the Configuration option in MobileHMI.

  2. Open the Augmented Reality heading within the Project Explorer.

  3. Select a Project Detail from within the Augmented Reality list.

  4. Set the Location Type to iBeacon.

  5. Input an appropriate Value.
    This will launch a preconfigured Action.

  6. Click Apply & Close.

Using the iBeacon Service


Accessing Barcodes:

  1. Open the Configuration option in MobileHMI.

  2. Open the Augmented Reality heading within the Project Explorer.

  3. Select a Project Detail from within the Augmented Reality list.

  4. Set the Location Type to Barcode.

  5. Select the Barcode type.

  6. Input a Value for the Barcode.

  7. Select to Print or Save Preview.

  8. Click Apply & Close.

The primary advantage of Barcodes is that all existing codes can be re-used for Augmented Reality and for better accuracy in code recognition. The user can also connect a USB barcode reader (such as Honeywell Xenon 1900G SR) and use it instead of the built-in camera

Using the Barcode Location Service


Accessing Geofence

  1. Open the Configuration option in MobileHMI.

  2. Open the Augmented Reality heading within the Project Explorer.

  3. Select a Project Detail from within the Augmented Reality list.

  4. Set the Location Type to Geofence.

  5. In the Geofence Points section of the window, input a Latitude and Longitude. You can also left-click on a vertex to select the geofence point. Right-click on the map in the Preview Panel to move the geofence point. Middle-click on the map to add a geofence point.

  6. Click Apply & Close.

Using the Geofence Location Service

Displaying Geofences in EarthWorX

Displaying Geofences in KPIWorX

Commands Within the Action Dialog

For each Type you choose from, there are multiple Commands that can be configured independently within the Action dialog. From the Command drop-down menu within the Actions menu, the user can choose from a variety of specific options to configure their selected Augmented Reality Type. Commands within this dialog include; Load Alarm Configuration, Select Asset, Set Global Aliases, and many more. Click on a command to open its specific menu and edit it.



Within the Action dialog, the user can configure multiple different Commands for each Type, including:

See Also:

About Configuration

Overview of MobileHMI