
Home > GENESIS64 Suite > GraphWorX64 > Working with Objects in a Display > Properties > Add a 3D Size Dynamic and Set Properties



Add a 3D Size Dynamic to a Selected Object

In GraphWorX64, a size dynamic changes an object's size during runtime based on the data source or animation feature that you specify. To add a size dynamic to an object in a 3D viewport:

  1. Select the object you are adding the dynamic to.

  2. Click the Size button on the Position section on the Dynamics ribbon. This creates a Size dynamic for the object.

  3. On the Properties tab, use the SizeMode property to specify the directions in which the object’s size is to change. The colors on the icon match the colors on the viewport’s x-, y-, and z-axis legend. By clicking the arrows, you identify the axes and directions in which the objects are to resize. The directions you choose will display in the SizeMode field as Up, Down (x-axis); Left, Right (y-axis); and Back, Front (z-axis).

Size Dynamic Properties for 3D

The Size dynamic’s properties for 3D are similar to its properties for 2D, although there are some differences to accommodate the 3D environment. (For 2D Size dynamic properties, refer to Size Dynamic Properties for 2D.) Properties for 3D are:

The dimensions you choose for the SizeMode property are reflected in the following Size and Anchor properties. You can set these six properties individually, or you can just click the arrows in the SizeMode property:

The following fields use percentages (0% to 100%) to identify the anchored point of the object. The anchored point is the point that does not move when the object changes size.

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See also:

Position Section of the 3D Dynamics Ribbon

OPC Tags

Find and Replace Properties in Displays and Symbols
