Licensing Overview

GENESIS64 licensing uses the WCF Service as the standard communication method for determining if an application is running and checking its validity to run against the License Monitor service. When a client is closed, or should a client session terminate in any other manner the licensing service reclaims any license in use and restores it to the available license count so that it can be used for another client. When you purchase licenses for an application you are purchasing a license for client access to that specific application.


Licensing is based on two measurable factors:

When you purchase a license your license entitles you to run what is called a feature, and is one of the following instances:

Hardware Key, Software Key, and Point Count

GENESIS64 uses a hardware key that is self-contained that manages your license point count. When you insert the USB key into the system, the key contains the drivers that the Windows operating system needs to access the licenses, and those drivers are automatically installed. A light on the USB key indicates that the key is working. For additional information, refer to the Using the ICONICS Web Licensing Utility for Hardware Key License topic.


The software key is a licensing key that resides on the hard drive of a specific computer. Each software key is used on a single, specific computer and is used only once. It is activated using a key code that is tied to the computer that is being licensed; this process is described below in Activating a Software License. For additional information, refer to the Using the ICONICS Web Licensing Utility for Software Key License topic.


When you purchase licenses the licenses are measured in a point count that determines the number of OPC tags that you can use in your application. One point count is used for most GENESIS64 applications, the exception being the Hyper Historian which has its own point count system. There are two different modes for using tags in point counts:

These two mode types are not interchangeable and require you to buy a new license to upgrade your existing license status.

The ICONICS applications that have license monitoring include:

If you see a screen with a key motif for its background, a licensing error conditions exists. An alert describes the error. If your license expires for a particular feature, an alert tells you that you are "Disabled and Out-of-License". If an application cannot make a connection to its server it will post a warning describing which server cannot be accessed.


For more information, refer to these topics:

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Activating a Software License

Before you can use a computer to use an ICONICS product, you must have a license agreement with ICONICS and activate the software license on the computer. Each computer has its own license key.

To activate a software license, follow these steps:

  1. From the Windows Start menu/screen, type License Utility. The Software License Activation dialog box appears.

  2. A Site Code appears in the dialog box. You must go to the ICONICS web site and enter this code in order to receive a site key and license file from ICONICS.

  3. You will receive a Site Key and License File from ICONICS. Enter those into the fields.

Note: If you haven't yet received a site key and license file from ICONICS or you are waiting for a new license from ICONICS, you can click the Activate Trial License button to activate a temporary license that will last for 30 days without having to contact ICONICS. You can also use this feature if your hardware or software license stops working. This temporary license can be used only once per computer. When you receive your site key and license file, you can return to these steps to active the software license on the computer.

  1. Click the Activate License button. The software license is activated on the computer.

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Transferring a Software License to Another Computer

A software license is valid for one computer and one computer alone. Over time you may need to replace a computer and move its license to another computer. Follow these steps for transferring a computer's software license to another computer; for additional information, refer to the Using the ICONICS Web Licensing Utility to Transfer a License topic.

  1. On the computer that you are decommissioning, follow these steps:

    1. From the Windows Start menu/screen, type License Utility. The Software License Activation dialog box appears.

    2. Make a record of the software license information (press Alt + Print Screen to capture the License Utility tool, then paste the image into a file that you save). Note that this step is optional, but it gives you a record of your license before moving forward.

    3. Click the Kill Current License button. This writes a kill code .TXT to the desktop for you to provide to ICONICS as proof that the license has been killed.

    4. Make a record of the kill code and save it with your captured license information. Save the kill code .TXT file in a safe location.

    5. Contact ICONICS to provide the kill code for the license. When you receive confirmation from ICONICS, proceed with the rest of the transfer of the license.

  2. On the computer you are transferring the license to, follow these steps:

    1. From the Windows Start menu/screen, type License Utility. The Software License Activation dialog box appears.

    2. Referring to your captured license information, enter the software license a Site Key and License File.

    3. Click the Activate License button. The software license is re-activated on the new computer.

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If a License Stops Working

If a license stops working, you can activate the temporary license while you are trying to fix the problem. You can activate this license without contacting ICONICS. The license lasts for 30 days. It can be used only once on a computer, so use it only when you absolutely have to.

To activate the temporary license:

  1. From the Windows Start menu/screen, type License Utility. The Software License Activation Utility dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Activate Trial License button. The temporary software license is activated on the computer for 30 days.

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License Viewer in MonitorWorX

You can monitor your license status using the MonitorWorX Viewer, which is a special configuration of the MonitorWorX utility. Use the MonitorWorX Viewer to see the status of ICONICS products installed at your company. To open MonitorWorX, go to the Start menu/screen and enter MonitorWorX Viewer.


MonitorWorX opens the MonitorWorX Viewer and displays the Licensing tab and the Overview sub-tab on top. Each of the MonitorWorX Viewer sub-tabs of the Licensing tab (Overview, GENESIS64, Data Connectors, AnalytiX, AlarmWorX Multimedia, and Diagnostics) is illustrated and described below. For additional help using this tool, refer to Reviewing Your Licensing, below.


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Overview Tab

The Overview tab displays the nature of your license (whether it is a demonstration license or a paid license), and how the tags are configured.


Overview Tab in License Viewer


The tab lists the following information:

To see the machines where a feature or product is in use, use the Diagnostics tab.


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The GENESIS64 tab, illustrated below, lists license information for each GENESIS64 feature that is individually licensed.


GENESIS64 Tab in License Monitor


The In Use column displays the number of workstations where the GENESIS64 feature is currently running. The Remaining column displays the number of additional workstations that can run the feature in accordance with the license. The Total column displays the number of workstations that can run the feature per the ICONICS license agreement. Note that In Use and Remaining columns contain counts that were current at the time displayed in the Information Updated at Time field on the Overview tab; it is possible that connections have been added or removed since then.


To see the machines where a GENESIS64 feature is in use, use the Diagnostics tab.


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Data Connectors Tab

The Data Connectors tab, illustrated below, lists license information for each data connector that is individually licensed.


The Data Connectors Tab


The In Use column displays the number of workstations where the feature is currently running. The Remaining column displays the number of additional workstations that can run the feature in accordance with the license. The Total column displays the number of workstations that can run the feature per the ICONICS license agreement. Note that In Use and Remaining columns contain counts that were current at the time displayed in the Information Updated at Time field on the Overview tab; it is possible that connections have been added or removed since then.


To see the machines where a feature is in use, use the Diagnostics tab, described just below.


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AnalytiX Tab

The AnalytiX tab, illustrated below, lists license information for each ICONICS AnalytiX feature that is individually licensed.


The AnalytiX Tab


The In Use column displays the number of workstations where the AnalytiX feature is currently running. The Remaining column displays the number of additional workstations that can run the feature in accordance with the license. The Total column displays the number of workstations that can run the feature per the ICONICS license agreement. Note that In Use and Remaining columns contain counts that were current at the time displayed in the Information Updated at Time field on the Overview tab; it is possible that connections have been added or removed since then.


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AlarmWorX Multimedia Tab

The AlarmWorX Multimedia tab, illustrated below, lists license information for each AlarmWorX Multimedia feature that is individually licensed.


The AlarmWorX Multimedia Tab


The In Use column displays the number of workstations where the AlarmWorX Multimedia feature is currently running. The Remaining column displays the number of additional workstations that can run the feature in accordance with the license. The Total column displays the number of workstations that can run the feature per the ICONICS license agreement. Note that In Use and Remaining columns contain counts that were current at the time displayed in the Information Updated at Time field on the Overview tab; it is possible that connections have been added or removed since then.


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Diagnostics Tab

The Diagnostics tab, illustrated below, lists the ICONICS application features that are currently running, and the node where each is running. Any node that is running a licensed feature while pointing to the licensed server is included in the list. Use this tab to locate the nodes that are consuming license counts for this server's license.


The Diagnostics Tab


You can use the Filter by Node Name drop-down list to isolate the listing to just one node. Clicking the Export Diagnostic button opens a dialog box you can use for saving a diagnostic log file; you can email the log file to ICONICS Technical Support for help diagnosing your licensing issue.

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Reviewing Your Licensing

At any time, you can use the License Monitor to review the license status of ICONICS products installed at your company. You can access the License Monitor in either of the following ways:

The License Monitor, Displayed in the Workbench where GraphWorX64 is Running


The tab that displays initially is the Overview tab, where you can see general information about the license for the server that the node points to. You can view license information for GENESIS64 , AnalytiX, and OPC Servers product features by using the tabs for those products. To locate the nodes where individual product features are consuming the server's license counts, use the Diagnostics tab.


Here are some tips for troubleshooting licensing issues:

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