Appearance Tab Options (TrendWorX)

In TrendWorX64, the viewer and tab objects have an Appearance tab, but not all options are available on each. For example, the Show Outline option draws a box around the viewer; that option would not be useful for a grid object as it defeats the purpose of grid lines. The significant features exposed on this tab are the ability to change the name of the viewer, control its display, and add a subtitle as a second line below the title. You can also dock the runtime toolbar top, bottom, right, and left, as well as float the toolbar; but these operations are available on the TrendWorX64 Runtime ribbon runtime, as well. This topic describes Appearance Tab options as they are offered for the following:

Click the hyperlinks above to read more about each object's Appearance tab.


Note: For a description of the Advanced tab, refer to Advanced Display Options (TrendWorX). The Advanced tab gives you access to the viewer's properties.


Appearance Tab for a Viewer

To open the TrendWorX64 Configuration dialog box, click to select the viewer and then click the Configure button in the Configure group on the TrendWorX64 Viewer Configuration ribbon. The Appearance tab is shown in the figure below.


The Appearance Tab for a Viewer Object


The options for the entire TrendWorX64 Viewer are set in the dialog box shown above. The major options you can set are:

External File Warning


Clicking the ellipsis button [...] opens the file explorer where you can select an existing TrendWorX64 configuration file to load at startup. Clicking the Refresh button [], allows you to load the selected TrendWorX64 configuration file into the existing GraphWorX display immediately.

Appearance Tab for a Tab Object

The Tab object options are rather simple and apply only to the selected tab. Other than determining the text that appears in the tab, the other options set font characteristics or color only. The option for where Tab objects are placed relative to the viewer is set at the Viewer object and is described above.


The Appearance Tab for a Tab Object


The properties for the Tab object are shown in the figure above. The following properties are available to you for those tabs:

See also:

Advanced Display Options

TrendWorX64 Viewer

TrendWorX64 Viewer Configurator

Working With Trends