

Users of ICONICS CFSWorX can define all of their workers in the local database using the default "Local-Default" worker source. Alternatively, the have the option of utilizing either a Microsoft Dynamics 365, Active Directory, Salesforce, ServiceNow, or Azure Active Directory source to import a list of Workers from those systems.

Adding a Dynamics 365 Source

To Add a Dynamics 365 Source

  1. Expand your project in the Workbench, and then expand the Connected Field Service node.

  2. Right-click on the Workers branch, then select Add Dynamics 365 Source from the pulldown menu, as shown below.

Add Dynamics 365 Source from the Project Explorer




Select the Workers branch in the Project Explorer then click on the Add Dynamics 365 Source button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add Dynamics 365 Source Button

  1. This opens the Workers - Dynamics 365 Source configuration window, as shown below, within the Workbench. Enter a name for this configuration in the Name text entry field.

Workers - Dynamics 365 Source Configuration



Dynamics 365 Settings


Before configuring the Dynamics 365 source in CFSWorX, please refer to Configuring Dynamics 365. You must configure the proper settings in Microsoft Azure and Dynamics 365. The AppID and Secret will be used in the steps below.

Only users from specific group(s) - Click HERE for more info on Enhanced Group Filtering in Dynamics 365 Sources.

Note: When using any of the Specific options above, all names must be written with only letters, spaces, and numbers, removing all other characters. For example, “Company X, Inc.” should be written as “Company X Inc”.


Dynamics 365 Work Order Settings


The following options are used for creating work orders:

  1. Once you have completed setting your Workers - Dynamics 365 Configuration properties, click on Apply, then Close to return to the Workbench.

Adding an Active Directory Source

To Add an Active Directory Source

  1. Expand your project in the Workbench, and then expand the Connected Field Service node.

  2. Right-click on the Workers branch, then select Add Active Directory Source from the pulldown menu, as shown below.

Add Active Directory Source from the Project Explorer




Select the Workers branch in the Project Explorer then click on the Add Active Directory Source button in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add Active Directory Source Button

  1. This opens the Workers - Active Directory Source configuration window, as shown below, within the Workbench. Enter a name for this configuration in the Name text entry field.

Workers -Active Directory Source Configuration



Active Directory Settings

Only users from a specific group

Domain connection authentication


This section is all about securing the connection between our Security (running as an internal part of the FrameWorX Server) and the Active Directory.

  1. Once you have completed setting your Workers - Active Directory Configuration properties, click on Apply, then Close to return to the Workbench.

Adding a Salesforce Source

  1. Expand your project in the Workbench, and then expand the Connected Field Service node.

  2. Right-click on the Workers branch, then select Add Salesforce Source from the pulldown menu, as shown below.

Add Salesforce Source from the Project Explorer




Select the Workers branch in the Project Explorer then click on the Add Salesforce Source button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add Salesforce Source Button

  1. This opens the Workers - Salesforce Source configuration window, as shown below, within the Workbench. Enter a name for this configuration in the Name text entry field.

Workers - Salesforce Source Configuration



SalesForce Settings


Before configuring the Salesforce source in CFSWorX, please refer to Configuring Salesforce. You must configure the proper settings in Salesforce. The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be used in the steps below.

Only users from specific group(s)

Salesforce Work Order Settings


The following options are used for creating work orders:

4. Once you have completed setting your Workers - Salesforce Configuration properties, click on Apply, then Close to return to the Workbench.


Adding a ServiceNow Source

To Add a ServiceNow Source

  1. Expand your project in the Workbench, and then expand the Connected Field Service node.

  2. Right-click on the Workers branch, then select Add ServiceNow Source from the pulldown menu, as shown below.

Add ServiceNow Source from the Project Explorer





Select the Workers branch in the Project Explorer then click on the Add ServiceNow Source button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add ServiceNow Source Button

  1. This opens the Workers - ServiceNow Source configuration window, as shown below, within the Workbench. Enter a name for this configuration in the Name text entry field.

Workers - ServiceNow Source Configuration



ServiceNow Settings


Before configuring the ServiceNow source in CFSWorX, please refer to Configuring ServiceNow. You must configure the proper settings in ServiceNow. The Client ID and Client Secret will be used in the steps below.

Only users from specific group(s)

ServiceNow Work Order Settings


The following options are used for creating work orders:

  1. Once you have completed setting your Workers - ServiceNow Configuration properties, click on Apply, then Close to return to the Workbench.

Adding an Azure Active Directory Source

To Add an Azure Active Directory Source

  1. Expand your project in the Workbench, and then expand the Connected Field Service node.

  2. Right-click on the Workers branch, then select Add Azure Active Directory Source from the pulldown menu, as shown below.

Add Azure Active Directory Source from the Project Explorer




Select the Workers branch in the Project Explorer then click on the Add Azure Active Directory Source button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add Azure Active Directory Source Button

  1. This opens the Workers – Azure Active Directory Source configuration window, as shown below, within the Workbench. Enter a name for this configuration in the Name text entry field.

Workers - Azure Active Directory Source Configuration



Azure Active Directory Settings


Before configuring the Azure AD source in CFSWorX, please refer to Configuring Azure Active Directory. You must configure the proper settings in Microsoft Azure Portal The Application(client) ID, Directory(tenant) ID and Client Secret will be used in the steps below.

Only users from specific group(s)

  1. Once you have completed setting your Field Workers – Azure Active Directory Configuration properties, click on Apply, then Close to return to the Workbench.

See Also:



Enhanced Group Filtering in Dynamics 365 Sources

About CFSWorX