Data Collection in TrendWorX64

You can control various aspects of the TrendWorX64 Logger 's behavior from within a set of configuration forms within the Workbench application. Among the important operations you can perform are: the selection of the database that you use, creation of new databases, modifying a database, and creating and storing configuration(s) that support your trending displays. The configurator lets you create database groups, logging groups, and add tags to those groups. The logger can WRITE to only one database at a time, requiring that you specify an active database for your work. You can start and stop logging activities as you require.


To start the TrendWorX64 Logger :

  1. Click the Start > All Programs > ICONICS > GENESIS64 > TrendWorX64 > TrendWorX64 Logger .

Starting at the top node (which is localhost), you can create a new database from the context menu. The second level in the hierarchy contains the database(s) in your configuration, and it indicates the active database by showing a database icon with a green arrow on it . Each of the remaining nodes on the tree control: Configuration, Database Group, Logging Group, and Tags all contain individual configuration forms.


The elements contained in the configurator include:

See also:

Database Groups

Logging Groups

Tag Properties

TrendWorX64 Logger

TrendWorX64 Logger Configuration