Expression Editor

The Expression Editor, shown independently below, is available to assist you in creating local and global expressions for your GENESIS64 applications.


When opened from the Unified Data Manager, it creates an expression that is added to a global expression. However, the Expression Editor also appears on the Expression tab of the Data Browser. In the Data Browser, the expression you create is a local one, suited solely for a local purpose. The expression is not reusable in and of itself, although the editor does provide a drop-down list that lets you see the last 50 expressions that were created it the editor.


Note. For detailed information about the differences between local and global expressions, refer to Expressions in the Data Browser.


Note. If you are creating calculated tags in Hyper Historian, also refer to the functions described in the Performance Calculation Functions topic in Hyper Historian.


Expression Editor ('Configure the expression' window)


Each button in the Expression Editor displays a list of available functions. In cases such as the Variables button, the OPC tabs of the Data Browser are opened to allow you to make an assignment based on tag values. With this editor, you can build an expression, then use the Check Syntax button at the bottom left to make sure you've built it correctly. The important thing to remember about the Expression Editor is that although it checks your expression syntax, it does not check whether the expression is correctly applied.


The drop-down list at the top of the Edit Expression dialog box keeps track of the last 50 expressions you have entered. The expression entered most recently is the first one in the drop-down list.


Let's take a look at ways to write local expressions.

Writing Expressions

An expression is a string that defines and evaluates a data connection between a client and an OPC server. During runtime mode, OPC servers resolve the data value for the expression. To indicate that a data connection is an expression, precede the string with the "x=" token, as shown below:




The OPC tag is surrounded by double braces {{ and }}. Parameters are surrounded by double carets << and >>. For example, the expression for calculating a conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit reads:


x= (<<Thermometer>>*1.8)+32


Where the <<Thermometer>> parameter will be substituted when the expression is in use.


You can either type your expressions directly into the text box of the Edit Expression dialog box, or you can use the symbols and functions provided that help you use the proper string syntax when writing expressions. There are certain options you can use when writing expressions; they include String Expressions, String Comparison, Data type Conversion and Point Extension Syntax. The Expression Editor also provides buttons that list available functions to assist you in writing expressions; click on one of the hyperlinks to go do a more detailed discussion:

Strings in Expressions

Strings can be used in expressions. Constant strings are delimited with double quotation marks. For example:

“Hello World”


Constant strings can also be enclosed between $” and “$ characters. For example:

$”Hello World”$


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String Comparison

When comparing strings or numeric data coming from the server as strings, the comparison is based on the orders of the characters. For example, the expression...

x="world" > "hello"

...evaluates as true, because the character “w” comes after the character “h” in alphabetical order.


Sometimes the string comparison may be misleading. For example...

x="20" > "100"

...evaluates as true, because the character "2" comes after the character "1" in the character table. Of course, if there were an expectation of a numeric comparison, 20 < 100 and the above expressions might seem to be evaluated incorrectly, but they are not.


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Data Type Conversion

Expressions allow calculations to be performed on incoming data. An OPC server can provide data in one or more data types, such as "float," "long," "integer," "string," etc. Some OPC servers provide numeric data as a string. For example, the numeric value 20 may be provided as the string “20” (character "2" followed by character "0"). This may be lead an incorrect expression evaluation (see the String Comparison section above).


There is a workaround, though. If you add a numerical zero to each of the tags, the logic operators will work properly. For example:

x=({{JC.N1OPC.1.0\HDQTRS\sys2\ad-3.Present Value}}+0) > ({{JC.N1OPC.1.0\HDQTRS\sys2\ad-4.Present Value}}+0)


Some of the functions provided in the Expression Editor use parameters of type numeric. When possible, the Expression Editor automatically converts the string into a number. For example, the string “20” can automatically be converted to the number 20.


But if the string contains alphabetic characters or symbols, then the automatic conversion is impossible. For example, the string “20hello” cannot be converted into a number.


Even if the string contains only numeric characters and valid symbols, there may still be cases in which an automatic conversion is not possible. For example, the string “123.45.23” cannot be converted into a number because it contains two decimal separators.


Sometimes strings and numbers are mixed in expressions. In this case, the Expression Editor attempts to convert the string into a number. For example:

Str + Number, where Str is a string convertible to a Number, results in a Number.

If the string is not convertible into a number, then the result will have a bad quality.


The following is an example of a valid expression:



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Point Extension Syntax

The Point Extension Syntax (PES) allows for retrieving additional information related to OPC tags, such as quality and timestamp.


To use the PES:

  1. Prefix your tag name with “tag:”

  2. Postfix your tag name with “#” followed by a PES token.

Valid PES tokens are:

The following are example expressions using a valid PES request:

Note. Sometimes it may be necessary to enforce the "request data type" to a specific type, such as "string," in order to display the extended syntax information in a process point.


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Arithmetic Expressions

Symbols on the Arithmetic menu are shown in the figure below.


Arithmetic Symbols Menu


The symbols '+', '-', '*', '/' and '%' use the following format:

parameter symbol parameter


Where parameter is a local variable, an OPC tag, a constant, or another expression. The expression results in a number of any type (float, long, etc.). Some examples are shown in the table below.


Arithmetic Expression Examples







    ~~var1~~ + ~~var2~~

    8 + 3 = 11



    ~~var1~~ - ~~var2~~

    8 - 3 = 5



    ~~var1~~ * ~~var2~~

    8 * 3 = 24



    ~~var1~~ / ~~var2~~

    8/3 = 2.6667


    Modulus - Calculates the remainder after division

    ~~var1~~ % ~~var2~~

    8 % 3 = 2


    Open Parenthesis - gives precedence to parts of the calcualtion




    Close Parenthesis - gives precedence to parts of the calculation

    ~~var1~~ /(~~var2~~ + ~~var3~~)

    8 / (3 + 2) = 1.6
























    Square Root


    pow(base, exponent)

    Raise to Power






    Natural Logarithm






    Absolute Value



    Integer Ceiling



    Integer Floor



    Integer Round


    round to(number, decimalPlaces)

    Round to Decimal Places


    min(number1, ..., numberN)



    max(number1, ..., numberN)



    sum(number1, ..., numberN)



    avg(number1, ...numberN)




    Is Not a Number



    Is Infinity



    Circumference/Diameter Constant



    Natural Logarithmic Base Constant



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Relational Expression

Symbols on the Relational menu are shown in the figure below.


Relational Symbols Menu


The symbols '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==' and '!=' use the following format:

parameter symbol parameter


Where parameter is local variable, an OPC tag, a constant, or another expression. The result of the expression results in a Boolean value (0 or 1). The following table shows some examples of relational expressions.


Relational Expression Examples






    Less Than

    ~~var1~~ <+ ~~var2~~

    8 < 3 = 0


    Greater Than

    ~~var1~~ > ~~var2~~

    8 > 3 = 1


    Less Than or Equal

    ~~var1~~ <= ~~var2~~

    8 <= 3 = 0


    Greater than or   


    ~~var1~~ >=/ ~~var2~~

    8 >= 3 = 1


    Equal T

    ~~var1~~ == ~~var2~~

    8 == 3 = 0


    Not Equal To

    ~~var1~~ != ~~var2~~

    8 != 3 = 1


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Logical Expressions

Symbols on the Logical menu are shown in the figure below.


Logical Symbols Menu


The symbols '&&' and '||' use the following format:

parameter symbol parameter


And the symbol '!' uses the following format:

symbol parameter


where parameter is a local variable, an OPC tag, a constant, or another expression for the symbol && or || or !. The result of the expression is the Boolean value (0 or 1). Refer to the table below for some examples of logical expression.


Logical Expression Examples








    Conditional Branch






    Conditional Branch (Strict Quality)






    Switch Statement








    ~~var1~~ && ~~var2~~


    8 && 3 = 1






    ~~var1~~ || ~~var2~~


    8 || 3 = 1




    Or (Strict Quality)










    !8 = 0




    Boolean Constant True






    Boolean Constant False




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Bitwise Expressions

Symbols on the Bitwise menu are shown in the figure below.


Bitwise Menu


Note. Bitwise operations in the Expression Editor process only positive numbers from 0 to 4,294,967,295, or 00000000 to FFFFFFFF.


The symbols '&', '|', and '^' of the bitwise group use the following format:

parameter symbol parameter

where parameter is a local variable, an OPC tag, a constant, or another expression.


The symbol '~' of the logical group uses the following format:

~ parameter


The symbols ' shl' and ' shr' of the bitwise group use the following format:

symbol (number, shift by)

Where number must be a local variable, an OPC tag, a constant, or another expression; and shift by sets the number of bits to shift.


The symbol ' bittest' of the bitwise group uses the following format:

BitTest (number, bit position)


Where number is a local variable, an OPC tag, a constant, or another expression; and bit position sets is the position of the bit to test. A bit position of "0" indicates the "less significant" bit.


Note. The BitTest() function in the Expression Editor evaluates only positive numbers from 0 to 2,147,483,648 or in hex from 00000000 to 7FFFFFFF. Negative numbers between -2,147,483,647 and 0 will be converted to the corresponding positive numbers prior to testing. Numbers above the outside ranges will give you unexpected results.












    ~~var1~~ & ~~var2~~


    8 & 3 = 0






    ~~var1~~ | ~~var2~~


    8 | 3 = 11








    !8 = -9






    ~~var1~~ ^ ~~var2~~


    8 ^ 3 = 11


    shl(number, shiftBy)


    Shift Left




    8 << 3 = 64


    shr(number, shiftBy)


    Shift Right




    8 >> 3 = 1


    bittest(number, bitIndex)


    Bit Test


    (5 , 0)




    setbit(number, bitIndex, bitValue)


    Set Bit




    togglebit(number, bitIndex)


    Toggle Bit





    Hexadecimal Constant






    Octal Constant






    Binary Constant




The following two examples use the variables ~~var1~~ and ~~var2~~ in several expressions that use bitwise symbols.


In Example 1, the decimal values for these variables are:

~~var1~~ = 8

~~var2~~ = 10


In Example 2, the decimal values for these variables are:

~~var1~~ = 96

~~var2~~ = 8


Note. The binary values are also listed in the tables below. The representation chosen is 16 bits per variable.


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Code Blocks

Symbols on the Code Blocks menu are shown in the figure below.


Code Blocks Menu


As new functionality has been added to the expression engine over the years, expressions have grown more and more complex, difficult to read, and difficult to maintain. To help simplify complex expressions, users can now optionally use Code Blocks, which provide looping functionality and fast access to internal variables.




Optional internal variable declaration section

(example: @myvariable; @mysecondVariable = 10;)




Code section with code lines...




Each code block returns a single value. Code blocks can be used by themselves or in line with standard expression editor functions.


Inside the code section of a code block, users can utilize new commands, such as SET, FOR, FOREACH and EXIT.


Click HERE for more info on Code Blocks and Looping.


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Functions Expression

Symbols on the Functions menu are shown in the figure below.


Note. If you are creating calculated tags in Hyper Historian, also refer to the functions described in the Performance Calculation Functions topic in Hyper Historian.

The Functions Menu







    Quality of Value

    setvalue(variable, value)

    Assign a Value to a Variable


    Convert to String (Invariant Culture)


    Convert to String (Current Culture)

    toformat(value, stringFormat)

    Convert to Formatted String (Invariant Culture)

    toformatculture(value, stringFormat)

    Converted to Formatted String (Current Culture)


    Convert to Number (Invariant Culture)


    Convert to Number (Current Culture)

    tonumberbase(value, base)

    Convert to Number from Base


    Convert to Boolean (Invariant Culture)


    Convert to Boolean (Current Culture)


    Convert Ascii Value(s) to Character(s)


    Convert Unicode Value(s) to Character(s)


    Convert Character(s) to Ascii Value(s)


    Convert Character(s) to Unicode Value(s)

    String Functions


    Array Functions



    Time Span Functions



    Date and Time Functions



String Functions

String Functions




    tringSource, stringMatchPattern, booleanCaseSensitive)

     Wildcard String Compare


    String Length

    getat(string, index)

    Get Character at Index

    substring(string, startIndex, length)

    Extract Substring

    left(string, length)

    Left Substring

    right(string, length)

    Right Substring

    concat(string1, string2)

    Concatenate Strings

    indexof(stringToSearch, stringToFind, startIndex)

    String Search. Note: as of 10.95.4, the indexof() function was modified to make the "startIndex" parameter (the

    third parameter) optional, and to add a fourth optional parameter for "count". This keeps indexof() consistent with

    the new functions but will not affect pre-existing projects.


    Returns the zero-based index of the last occurrence of a substring within a string or returns the zero-based index of

    the last occurrence of an item in an array.


    Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within a string of any character from a specific set of characters.


    Returns the zero-based index of the last occurrence within a string of any character from a specific set of characters.

    replace(sourceString, stringFindWhat, stringReplaceWith)

    String Replace


    Trim Left and Right

    trimleft(stringToTrim, charactersToRemove)

    Trim Left

    trimright(stringToTrim, charactersToRemove)

    Trim Right


    To Lowercase


    To Uppercase


    Null Value Constant




Array Functions

Array Functions





    Is Array Value

    array(value1, ..., valueN)

    Create Array


    Creates an Empty Array with the Specified Length

    typedarray(elementType, value1, ..., valueN)

    Create Typed Array

    createtypedarray(elementType, length)

    Create an Array with the Specified Length Where All Elements are of the Specified


    qarray(excludeBad, excludeUncertain, value1, ..., valueN)

    Create Array with Quality Options

    qtypedarray(excludeBad, excludeUncertain, elementType, value1, ..., valueN)

    Create Typed Array with Quality Options


    Array Length

    setlen(array, length)

    Modify the Number of Elements Stored in the Array

    getat(array, index)

    Get Value at Array Index

    setat(array, index, value)

    Set the Value at the Specific Index (Zero-based)

    indexof(arrayToSearch, valueToFind, optionalStartIndex, optionalCount)

    Array Item Search

    lastindexof(arrayToSearch, valueToFind, optionalStartIndex, optionalCount)

    Reverse Array Item Search










    Standard deviation


    Standard deviation2









Time Span Functions

Time Span Functions





    Convert to TimeSpan (Invariant Culture)


    Convert to TimeSpan (Current Culture)


    TimeSpan from Milliseconds


    TimeSpan from Seconds


    TimeSpan from Minutes


    TimeSpan from Hours


    TimeSpan from Days


    Total Milliseconds from TimeSpan


    Total Seconds from TimeSpan


    Total Minutes from TimeSpan


    Total Hours from TimeSpan


    Total Days from TimeSpan

    timesincelastchange(variable, valueDelta, refreshRateTimeSpan)

    Elapsed Time Since Value Changed

    trueforduration(booleanCondition, timespanDuration)

    True for Duration


Date and Time Functions

Date and Time Functions






    Convert to DateTime (Invariant Culture)


    Convert to DateTime (Current Culture)


    Convert to Local Time


    Convert to UTC Time


    Get Time of Day from DateTime


    Get Date from DateTime


    Millisecond Fragment


    Second Fragment


    Minute Fragment


    Hour Fragment


    Day of Week


    Day of Month


    Day of Year


    Month Fragment


    Year Fragment


    Day Total Seconds


    Get Current Local Date and Time


    Get Current UTC Date and Time


    Periodically Get Current Date and Time


    Periodically Get Current UTC Date and Time






    Minimum Time


    Maximum Time


    Noon Time


    Beginning of Day


    Beginning of Week


    Beginning of Month


    Beginning of Year


    End of Week


    End of Month


    End of Year


Time conversion functions are implemented by forwarding the calls to the .NET equivalents. In .NET a DateTime object can be of 3 possible kinds (determined by the Kind property):

Conversions may have different results depending on the Kind property.

For example, this is the conversion table for tolocal based on the Kind property:






   No conversion


   Converted to local time


   Assumed Utc, converted

   to local


For the toutc function:





   Converted to Utc


   No conversion


   Assumed local, converted

   to Utc



As you can see the Kind.Unspecified has 2 opposite behaviors depending on the function you are calling. Even converting from string to datetime can give you different kinds. Consider:


tolocal(todatetime("2022-03-29T15:00:00")) à returns 17:00 because the conversion from string returns 15:00 with Kind.Unspecified (assumed UTC)

tolocal(todatetime("2022-03-29T15:00:00Z")) à returns 17:00 because the conversion from string returns 15 with Kind.Utc (UTC)

tolocal(todatetime("2022-03-29T15:00:00+02")) à returns 15:00 because the conversion from string returns 15:00 with Kind.Local (local, so no conversion)


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See Also:

Rules/Expression Editor

Expressions in the Data Browser

Global Expressions

Switch Statement

Code Blocks and Looping