Publishing Display Files to a Web Server

To Launch the Web Publishing Wizard in GENESIS64:

  1. Select Publish from the GraphWorX64 File menu, as shown in the figure below.

Starting the Web Publishing Wizard from GraphWorX64




Select Publish from the Workbench File menu (with the GraphWorX64 provider loaded), as shown in the figure below.


Starting the Web Publishing Wizard from the Workbench

  1. When the Web Publishing Wizard appears as shown below, click the Next button.

Note. The Communication Settings button opens the Publishing Options dialog box, which enables you to set the default publishing preferences and application preferences. For information about the Publishing Options dialog box, see Publishing Options.


Web Publishing Wizard Step 1

  1. You have the option as to whether you wish to change the Communication Settings. If not and you would like to use the default settings, click 'Next' to proceed. If so, click on the Communication Settings button. This opens the following window.

Communication Settings Window


You can change the following settings:


HTTP Headers Editor Window

When you are finished making changes to the Communication Settings window, click on OK to return to the Web Publishing Window.


Publish Configuration

When you have completed your settings, click 'Next' to continue.

  1. The Select File(s) to Publish section of the Web Publishing Wizard appears, as shown below. Click on the Add/Remove Files... button.

Select File(s) To Publish Section of the Web Publishing Wizard


The Edit File List window, as shown below, will open. You have the option of either adding files individually via the Add Files... button or adding specific folder via the Add Folder... button.


Edit File List Window


Clicking the Add Files... button opens a file browser, allowing you to navigate to, and select, an individual file.


Clicking the Add Folder... button provides you with additional options, as shown below.


Add Folder... Options

Browse For Folder Window


The contents of your folder will now be displayed in the Edit File List window, as shown below. At this point, you can select any files listed here and Remove them, or you can Clear the contents entirely.


Populated Edit File List Window

Include File Types Menu Option


These file types include:

Once you chosen your file type, when you proceed to the Browse for Folder step, only files of your selected file type will appear in the Edit File List window.


You also have the option to Include All Subfolders to include the contents of any folders contained within your selected folder.


Once you are satisfied with the files listed within the Edit File List window, click on OK.

  1. You will then return to the main Web Publishing Wizard window, where the Select File(s) to Publish section of the Web Publishing Wizard will now be populated with your selected file(s), as shown below.

Populated Select File(s) To Publish Section of the Web Publishing Wizard


You can now pick from the three publishing options for your linked file(s). These include:

Click on the radio button for your publishing preference and then on Next, if you wish to review your files, or Publish, if you wish to proceed without the review process.

  1. If you clicked 'Next' from the previous screen, the Publishing Options section of the Web Publishing Wizard appears, as shown below.

Publishing Options Section of the Web Publishing Wizard

Display File

When Runtime Only is selected from the Control Type drop-down list, the following options are also enabled.

HTM File

Advanced Multiformat Options

You have the option to publish in multiple formats. You can check the Use Advanced MultiFormat Options checkbox if you intend to publish files in anything other than a standard Desktop format.

Conflict Resolution Priority - Clicking the plus sign [+] shows the default order of conflict resolution priority (Desktop files first, then Mobile files, then Web files). The order of priority can be changed by entering a new priority number in the text entry field to the right of each file type or by using the up/down arrows.


Once you have completed your changes to the Publishing Options, click on Next to proceed.

  1. If you selected 'Next' from the previous step, you will then see the Review File(s) To Be Published section of the Web Publishing Wizard. Your selected file(s) will appear, where you will see the status of each file, along with any Warnings, if applicable. For each file, you will have the option of setting, via checkbox, whether to Publish that file and/or create an HTM (Web) version of the file and/or create a standard Desktop version of the file and/or create a compressed Desktop Z version of the file. On the top of each file type column (e.g. 'Publish, HTM, Desktop, Desktop Z), you can also choose to check all or uncheck all. The Scroll to File Type pulldown, located in the top right of the window, allows you to scroll directly to a given file type such as .GDFX, .GDFXZ, .JPG, etc.

Review Files(s) To Be Published Section of the Web Publishing Wizard


You can review the Upload Estimates, which provides the number of selected files, number of files to publish and the total publish size (in KB).

At this point, you can still go Back to change your file selections or click on the Next button to proceed.

  1. If you selected 'Next' from the previous step, you will then see the Select a Publishing Location section of the Web Publishing Wizard.

Select a Publishing Location Section of the Web Publishing Wizard


You can enter a Server/Location directly into the text entry field. If you had previously used the Web Publishing Wizard, you could also use the pulldown menu to select a previously used Server/Location. To add a Server/Location, click on the New button.


This opens the Web Server Configuration window, as shown below. [Clicking on Modify... brings up the same window, but meant to overwrite an existing Server/Location.]


Web Server Configuration Window


The Web Server Configuration window has the following settings:

Once you have finished making your changes, click on OK to return to the Web Publishing Wizard, then click on Next to proceed.

  1. The Enter Access Credentials section of the Web Publishing Wizard will appear, as shown below.

Enter Access Credentials Section of the Web Publishing Wizard


In the Credentials section, enter your User name and Password.


You can choose to Use anonymous Password and User name and/or to Remember my Password and User name.


You can also opt to save the current configuration to a file before the publishing process starts by clicking on the Save Publish Configuration button.


Once you have entered this information, click on Next or Publish.

  1. The Publishing Files section of the Web Publishing Wizard will appear. The Published files tab will open by default, where you can see the file publishing process status for each individual file, as shown below.

Publishing Files Section of the Web Publishing Wizard


Once the Publishing process is complete, the lower portion of the Publishing Files step of the Web Publishing Wizard will resemble the following:


Selected File Info


For a selected file, the Status Message box will display information including Preparation Status and Publishing Status. In some instances, the Open File button will be activated in order to review/edit the file.


Similar to the previous wizard screen, you can also opt to save the current configuration to a file, now after the Publishing process, by clicking on the Save Publish Configuration button.


You can also decide whether to go Back to change any settings and re-publish or click on Close to close the Web Publishing Wizard.


You can now navigate to your intended folder location to see the published files.


See also:

Bulk Publishing

Publishing Wizard

Publishing Displays Using the FTP Channel

Web Server Configuration

Viewing Published Files