
Every object in GraphWorX64 including This Display as well as the general application have preferences that you can set for them. For most objects, preferences set the default values for the properties of that object type so that when you work with an object of that type, its default values are those values that you typically work with. Not all object properties have defaults that can be set in the preferences; furthermore, not all preferences can be overridden for individual objects.

If you find that you are changing the properties of a particular class of objects on a regular basis, then modifying that property for the object class makes sense. Most of the time though the defaults should be altered for objects directly in the display. It is particularly important to be prudent when altering preferences in displays or projects that other developers are working on; changing the preferences without conferring with other people who are affected could lead to confusion and problems in your displays.

How to Go to the Preferences Tab

To view the Preferences tab:

All preferences are shown in the figure below (where the list has been elongated to show all of the categories). Note that preferences for 3D objects are included in the preferences list only when a 3D viewport is open on the GraphWorX64 work surface. Normally, the top part of the Preferences tab lets you scroll through and select a preference; the preference's properties appear in the bottom part of the tab (as shown later in this topic).


A List of All Preferences


Return to Top

Summary of Preference Categories

Each of these Preference categories is described in more detail later in this topic. To go directly to one set of preferences, click the one you want below.





General Settings

New Rectangle (2D)

New Size

Grid Settings

New Ellipse (2D)

New Location

Runtime Options

New Line (2D)

New Rotation

New This Display

New Polyline (2D)

New Hide


New Polygon (2D)

New Color


New Arc (2D)

New Disable


New Path (Spline) (2D)

New Pick


New Label (or 3D Annotation)

New Range Selector


New Button (2D)

New State Selector


New CheckBox (2D)

New Process Point


New RadioButton (2D)

New TimeDate


New Image (2D)



New Group (2D)



New Layer (2D)



New Plane (3D)



New 3D Polygon (3D)



New Cube (3D)



New Sphere (3D)



New Cone (3D)



New Torus (Donut) (3D)



New Terrain (3D)



Return to Top

Setting a Preference

To set a preference:

  1. Click the Preferences tab, then click the category of preferences you wish to alter.

  2. Scroll through the individual properties in the details part of the tab until you locate the property you want to modify.

Note: The number of properties that appear in the Preferences tab is determined by which Application Mode you are currently working in. It is possible that you will have to change the Application Mode in order to see all of the available properties for the category you have chosen. For information about changing application modes, refer to Configuration Modes.

  1. Click the property, then make the modifications you desire.

In the figure below, New This Display Default Settings is the selected category. The display size has been altered to 800 X 600. Note the icons at the top of the tab:

Changing a Preference



Note: Any changes you make to the preferences are automatically saved when you exit the display and save changes.


Return to Top

Preferences that Affect All Objects

Of special interest to you are the General Settings, Grid Settings, and the New This Display Default Settings because these settings alter the main objects that nearly all GraphWorX displays use. The important preferences for these three objects are described below. Click on the hyperlink to scroll directly to the topic:

Return to Top

General Settings

The following is a list of all General Settings properties that are available in Advanced application mode. General settings become the rule for working in the GraphWorX64 work surface; they cannot be overridden while working in displays, but can be changed using the Preferences tab. Setting these preferences is optional. General Settings are:


File New/Save section:

Layer Configuration section:

Layer Configuration section:

Miscellaneous section:

Mobile section:

Symbol Library section:

Return to Preferences

Grid Settings

The following is a list of all 2D grid settings properties that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become the default grid properties for the GraphWorX64 work surface and can be overridden while working in displays. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about working with the 2D grid, refer to Grid Features.


Note: This option does not affect the 3D grid in 3D viewports. 3D GraphWorX has three individual grids, and by default one of those grids is visible when you create a new 3D viewport. For more information, refer to Grid Options in 3D.


Grid Settings section:

Ruler Settings section:

Return to Preferences


Runtime Options

You can enter caching options for runtime in order to reduce the time it takes GraphWorX64 displays to load while in Runtime mode. By default, displays are not cached. For a detailed description of how to set up caching, refer to Configuring the Caching of Displays.


Caching section:

NUI Device section:

Return to Preferences


New This Display Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all ThisDisplay properties. The following is a list of all ThisDisplay property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become the default for displays' properties and can be overridden for individual displays. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about This Display properties, refer to Displays.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Measurements section:

Phone section: These options are used only for displays saved as Windows Phone displays.

Protection section:

Runtime section:

Runtime Compatibility section:

Script section:

ToolTip section:

Visual Quality section:


Return to Preferences


New Rectangle Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Rectangle properties for the 2D rectangle shape. The following is a list of all Rectangle property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Rectangle properties that can be overridden for individual Rectangles. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about the rectangle shape, refer to Shapes Section of the 2D Home Ribbon in GraphWorX64.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Fill section:

Line section:

Measurements section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Ellipse Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Ellipse properties for the 2D ellipse shape. The following is a list of all Ellipse property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Ellipse properties that can be overridden for individual Ellipses. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about the ellipse shape, refer to Shapes Section of the 2D Home Ribbon in GraphWorX64.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Fill section:


Line section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Line Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Line properties for the 2D line shape. The following is a list of all Line property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Line properties that can be overridden for individual Lines. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about the line shape, refer to Shapes Section of the 2D Home Ribbon in GraphWorX64.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Line section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Polyline Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Polyline properties for the 2D polyline shape. The following is a list of all Polyline property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Polyline properties that can be overridden for individual Polylines. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about the polyline shape, refer to Shapes Section of the 2D Home Ribbon in GraphWorX64.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Fill section:

Line section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Polygon Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Polygon properties for the 2D polygon shape. The following is a list of all Polygon property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Polygon properties that can be overridden for individual Polygons. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about the polygon shape, refer to Shapes Section of the 2D Home Ribbon in GraphWorX64.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Fill section:

Line section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Arc Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Arc properties for the 2D arc shape. The following is a list of all Arc property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Arc properties that can be overridden for individual Arcs. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about the arc shape, refer to Shapes Section of the 2D Home Ribbon in GraphWorX64.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Fill section:

Line section:

Measurements section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Path Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Path (also called Spline) properties for the 2D Path shape. The following is a list of all Path property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Path properties that can be overridden for individual Paths. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about the path shape, refer to Shapes Section of the 2D Home Ribbon in GraphWorX64.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Fill section:

Line section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences

New Label (or Data Entry or 3D Annotation) Default Settings

You can enter preferences for properties that are used as defaults for:

The following is a list of the property preferences that are available for these objects in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default properties that can be overridden for individual objects. Setting these preferences is optional. For more information, refer to Labels, Process Points and Data Entry Labels, Properties for 3D Process Point and Data Entry Object Dynamics, or 3D Annotations.


Common section:

Common - Style section:


Content section:

Measurements section:

Text section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Button Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Normal Button dynamic properties for the button dynamic in 2D. The following is a list of all Button dynamic preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Normal Button properties that can be overridden for individual Normal Buttons. Setting these preferences is optional. For more information, refer to Buttons.


Common section:

Common - Behavior section:

Common - Style section:

Content section:

Measurements section:

Text section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New CheckBox Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all CheckBox dynamic properties for the CheckBox dynamic in 2D. The following is a list of all CheckBox dynamic preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Checkbox properties that can be overridden for individual Checkboxes. Setting these preferences is optional. For more information, refer to Buttons.


Common section:

Common - Behavior section:

Common - Style section:

Content section:

Measurements section:


Text section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New RadioButton Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all RadioButton dynamic properties for the RadioButton dynamic in 2D. The following is a list of all RadioButton dynamic preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default RadioButton properties that can be overridden for individual RadioButtons. Setting these preferences is optional. For more information, refer to Buttons.


Common section:

Common - Behavior section:

Common - Style section:

Content section:

Measurements section:

Text section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Image Default Settings

You can enter property preferences for referenced and embedded images in 2D. The following is a list of all image property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default properties that can be overridden for individual images. Setting these preferences is optional.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Content section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Group Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all group properties for new groups in 2D GraphWorX64 displays. The following is a list of all group property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Group properties that can be overridden for individual Groups. Setting these preferences is optional. (These preferences do not affect 3D groups.) For more information about groups and their properties, refer to Groups.


Common section:

Common - Style section:


Measurements section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Layer Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Layer properties for new 2D layers in GraphWorX64 displays. The following is a list of all layer property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Layer properties that can be overridden for individual Layers. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about layers, refer to Layers.


Common section:

Common - Style section:

Declutter section:

Layout section:

Visual Quality section:

Return to Preferences


New Plane Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Plane properties to be used as default values for new 3D planes added in the GraphWorX64 3D viewport. The following is a list of all plane property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. These properties can be overridden for individual Planes. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about planes in 3D mode, refer to The 3D Plane Primitive.


Note: This preference appears in the Preferences tab only when a 3D viewport is open on the GraphWorX64 work surface.


Appearance section:

Common section:

Material section:

Transformation (absolute) section:

Transformation (relative) section:

Return to Preferences


New 3D Polygon Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Polygon properties to be used as default values for new 3D polygons added in the GraphWorX64 3D viewport. The following is a list of all Polygon property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. These properties can be overridden for individual 3D polygons. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about polygons in 3D mode, refer to The 3D Polygon Primitive.


Note: This preference appears in the Preferences tab only when a 3D viewport is open on the GraphWorX64 work surface.


Appearance section:

Common section:

Material section:

Transformation (absolute) section:

Transformation (relative) section:

Return to Preferences


New Cube Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Cube properties to be used as default values for new 3D cubes added in the GraphWorX64 3D viewport. The following is a list of all Cube property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. These properties can be overridden for individual Cubes. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about cubes in 3D mode, refer to The 3D Cube Primitive.


Note: This preference appears in the Preferences tab only when a 3D viewport is open on the GraphWorX64 work surface.


Appearance section:


Common section:

Material section:

Transformation (absolute) section:

Transformation (relative) section:

Return to Preferences


New Sphere Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Sphere properties to be used as default values for new 3D spheres added in the GraphWorX64 3D viewport. The following is a list of all Sphere property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. These properties can be overridden for individual Spheres. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about spheres in 3D mode, refer to The 3D Sphere Primitive.


Note: This preference appears in the Preferences tab only when a 3D viewport is open on the GraphWorX64 work surface.


Appearance section:

Common section:

Material section:

Transformation (absolute) section:

Transformation (relative) section:

Return to Preferences


New Cone Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Cone properties to be used as default values for new 3D cones added in the GraphWorX64 3D viewport. The following is a list of all Cone property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. These properties can be overridden for individual Cones. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about cones in 3D mode, refer to The 3D Cone Primitive.


Note: This preference appears in the Preferences tab only when a 3D viewport is open on the GraphWorX64 work surface.


Appearance section:

Common section:

Material section:

Transformation (absolute) section:

Transformation (relative) section:

Return to Preferences


New Cylinder (or Tube) Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used as default values for new 3D cylinders added in the GraphWorX64 3D viewport. The following is a list of all Cylinder property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. These properties can be overridden for individual Cylinders. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about cylinders in 3D mode, refer to The 3D Cylinder Primitive.


Note: This preference appears in the Preferences tab only when a 3D viewport is open on the GraphWorX64 work surface.


Appearance section:


Common section:

Material section:

Transformation (absolute) section:

Transformation (relative) section:

Return to Preferences


New Donut (Torus) Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Donut (also called Torus) properties to be used as default values for new 3D donuts added in the GraphWorX64 3D viewport. The following is a list of all Donut (Torus) property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. These properties can be overridden for individual Donuts. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about donuts in 3D mode, refer to The 3D Donut Primitive.


Note: This preference appears in the Preferences tab only when a 3D viewport is open on the GraphWorX64 work surface.


Appearance section:


Common section:

Material section:

Transformation (absolute) section:

Transformation (relative) section:

Return to Preferences


New Terrain Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Terrain properties to be used as default values for new 3D terrains added in the GraphWorX64 3D viewport. The following is a list of all Terrain property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. These properties can be overridden for individual Terrain objects. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about terrain in 3D mode, refer to The 3D Terrain Primitive.


Note: This preference appears in the Preferences tab only when a 3D viewport is open on the GraphWorX64 work surface.


Appearance section:

Common section:

Material section:

Transformation (absolute) section:

Transformation (relative) section:

Return to Preferences


New Size Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used for new Size dynamicsadded to 2D and 3D displays. The following is a list of all Size dynamic property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Size dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the size dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional.


For more information about the Size dynamic's properties as preferences, refer to the following topics:


Common section:

Data section:

Dynamic Behavior section:

Dynamic Behavior - Detents section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Analog):

Dynamic Behavior - Discrete section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

Dynamic Behavior - Toggle section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New Location Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used for new Location dynamics added to 2D and 3D displays. The following is a list of all Location dynamic property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Location dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the Location dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional.


For more information about the Location dynamic's properties as preferences, refer to the following topics:

Common section:

Data section:

Dynamic Behavior section:

Set true to automatically rotate the associated object such that the bottom of the object is always tangent to the animation path.


Dynamic Behavior - Detents section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Analog):

Dynamic Behavior - Discrete section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

Dynamic Behavior - Toggle section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New Rotation Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used for new Rotation dynamics added to 2D and 3D displays. The following is a list of all Rotation dynamic property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Rotation dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the Rotation dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional.


For more information about the Rotation dynamic's properties as preferences, refer to the following topics:


Common section:

Data section:

Dynamic Behavior section:


Dynamic Behavior - Detents section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Analog):

Dynamic Behavior - Discrete section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

Dynamic Behavior - Toggle section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New Hide Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used for new Hide dynamics added to 2D and 3D displays. The following is a list of all Hide dynamic property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Hide dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional.


For more information about the Hide dynamic's properties as preferences, refer to the following topics:


Common section:

Data section:

Dynamic Behavior section:

Dynamic Behavior - Detents section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Analog):

Dynamic Behavior - Discrete section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

Dynamic Behavior - Toggle section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

Flash section:

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New Color Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used for new Color dynamics added to 2D and 3D displays. The following is a list of all Color dynamic property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Color dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional.


For more information about the Color dynamic's properties as preferences, refer to the following topics:

Common section:

Data section:

Dynamic Behavior section:


Dynamic Behavior - Detents section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Analog):

Dynamic Behavior - Discrete section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

Dynamic Behavior - Toggle section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

Flash section:

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New Disable Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used for new Disable dynamics added to 2D and 3D displays. The following is a list of all Disable dynamic property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Disable dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional.


For more information about the Disable dynamic's properties as preferences, refer to the following topics:

Common section:

Data section:

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New Pick Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used for new Pick action dynamics added to 2D and 3D displays. The following is a list of all Pick action dynamic property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Pick dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional.


For more information about the Pick dynamic's properties as preferences, refer to the following topics:

Common section:

Data Write section:

Dynamic Behavior section:

Execution Trigger - Key section:

Execution Trigger - Mouse section:

Execution Trigger - When section:

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New Range Selector Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used for new Range Selector dynamics added to 2D and 3D displays. The following is a list of all Range Selector dynamic property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default Range Selector dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about Range Selectors, refer to Range Selector 3D Animation in Discrete Mode and Selectors and Animation.


Common section:

Data section:

Dynamic Behavior section:

Dynamic Behavior - Detents section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Analog):

Dynamic Behavior - Discrete section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete Animator):


Dynamic Behavior - Toggle section (appears only if the Animation Mode property is Discrete):

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New State Selector Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all properties to be used for new State Selector dynamics added to 2D and 3D displays. The following is a list of all State Selector dynamic property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default State Selector dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional. For more about State Selectors, refer to State Selector Animation in 3D and Selectors and Animation.


Common section:

Data section:

States section:

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New Process Point Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Process Point properties for the 2D and 3D process point dynamics. The following is a list of all Process Point property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default properties that can be overridden for individual Process Points. Setting these preferences is optional. For more information, refer to Properties for 3D Process Point and Data Entry Object Dynamics and Process Points and Data Entry Labels.


Common section:

Data section:


Data Write section (visible only when "DataEntry" is true):

Dynamic Behavior section:

Format section:

StateField section:

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences


New TimeDate Default Settings

You can enter preferences for all Time or TimeDate properties for the 2D and 3D TimeDate dynamics. The following is a list of all TimeDate property preferences that are available in Advanced application mode. All of these settings become default TimeDate dynamic properties that can be overridden for individual uses of the dynamic. Setting these preferences is optional. For more information, refer to Time and Date Text Labels.


Common section:

Data section:

Format section:

ToolTip section:

Return to Preferences