The IDataGridColumn type exposes the following members.


Public propertyActualContentWidth
Gets or sets maximum width of the content. Use in DataGridPanel, should not be set manually.
Public propertyActualName
Gets or sets the actual (resolved) name of the column.
Public propertyAggregate
Aggregate set for this column.
Public propertyAggregateCommand
Gets the Aggregate command. This command is executed when aggregate column option is changed. Aggregates is passed as a CommandParameter.
Public propertyColumns
Gets or sets the reference to other columns. This reference is important for column rearrange in which case all other column's indexes must be updated.
Public propertyDataGrid
Gets or sets the data grid.
Public propertyDateTimeFormat
DateTime format.
Public propertyDoubleFormat
Double format.
Public propertyExecuteHyperlinkCommand
A command that gets executed when a hyperlink is clicked.
Public propertyFilter
Gets or sets the filter.
Public propertyFilterCommand
Gets the filter command. This command is executed when the user confirm filter .IDataFilter is passed as a CommandParameter.
Public propertyFilterViewModel
Gets the filter view model.
Public propertyGroupCommand
Gets the Group command. This command is executed when user changed column grouping. Bool is passed as a CommandParameter.
Public propertyHasCustomContent
Indicates that the column cells use custom content.
Public propertyHeaderTextTrimming
Gets or sets the header text trimming.
Public propertyHeaderTextWrapping
Gets or sets the header text wrapping.
Public propertyHyperlinkText
Gets or sets the hyperlink text.
Public propertyIndex
Gets or sets the index of the column at which the column will be displayed. Use only in the VIEW for rendering the column, do not use this property in the VIEW MODEL. Use OriginalIndex instead.
Public propertyIsAutoWidth
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column width is automatic depending on the actual content.
Public propertyIsHyperlink
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column contains hyperlinks.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is read only.
Public propertyIsSortable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is sortable.
Public propertyIsStar
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is star.
Public propertyIsSticky
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this column is sticky.
Public propertyIsVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column is visible.
Public propertyMargin
Margin inside the cells of this column.
Public propertyMinWidth
Gets or sets the minimum width of the column.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the column.
Public propertyOriginalIndex
Gets the original index at which the column is stored in the Columns collection. This property is intended to be used in the VIEW MODEL as it represents an index into the MODEL Columns collection. WinRT Columns collection in the VIEW MODEL is stored in the reversed order in order to support sticky columns, that's why it must be converted before it is used as an index into the Columns/Values collection in the VIEW MODEL. The conversion to perform is as follows: "Columns.Count - OriginalIndex - 1".
Public propertyScrollOffsetX
Gets or sets a value indicating the current horizontal scroll offset of the cell scroll viewer.
Public propertyShouldHaveIcon
If set to true, this column can have icons even though icon is initally null.
Public propertyShouldSortGroupsByCount
Indicates whether the groups by this column should be sorted by items count rather than by the value.
Public propertyShowAggregate
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show aggregate.
Public propertyShowFilter
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show filter.
Public propertyShowGroupBy
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show group by.
Public propertySort
Gets or sets the current sort order of this column.
Public propertySortCommand
Gets the sort command. This command is executed when the user clicks at the Column's header.Sort is passed as a CommandParameter.
Public propertyTextAlignment
Gets or sets the text alignment.
Public propertyTextTrimming
Gets or sets the text trimming.
Public propertyTextWrapping
Gets or sets the text wrapping.
Public propertyValueType
Column value type.
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the configured width. All cells in this column are data bound to this value.

See Also