
Public classColumnAggregateChangedEventArgs
Column aggregate changed event args.
Public classColumnFilterChangedEventArgs
Column filter changed event args.
Public classColumnGroupByChangedEventArgs
Column group changed event args.
Public classColumnSortChangedEventArgs
Column sort changed event args.
Public classComboAggregateVisibility
Public class which pairs an Aggregates to a Boolean to define its visibility.
Public classComparer<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Generic comparer.
Public classDataFilterOption
Filter option.
Public classDataGridCellViewModel
Data grid cell view model.
Public classDataGridColumnViewModel
Data Grid base column implementation.
Public classDataGridFilterViewModel
Filter view model implementation. It is lazy created instance with maximum one instance per column. It is prepared for view which is capable to construct the appropriate filter from given column values or advanced fields + apply and cancel buttons.
Public classDataGridGroupViewModel
Data Grid group implementation.
Public classDataGridRowViewModel
Data grid row view model.
Public classDataGridStyle
Data grid style properties that are being used in cells and rows. This class exists mostly because of UWP and compiled bindings when in order to be able to use compiled bindings, all properties must exist within the data context (View Model in this case) of the bound template. Referencing the entire DataGridViewModel would not be ideal, so this class encapsulates the subset of properties necessary for bindings.
Public classDataGridTreeCellViewModel
Data grid tree cell view model.
Public classDataGridViewModel
Data grid view model.


Public interfaceIDataGrid
Interface for DataGrid view models
Public interfaceIDataGridAggregate
DataGrid Aggregate viewmodel for agrregate view (column header aggregate icon)
Public interfaceIDataGridCell
An interface that each Data Grid cell must implement.
Public interfaceIDataGridCellCustom
Dummy interface that is being used by the CellTemplateSelector to specify a different template for a cell with custom content.
Public interfaceIDataGridCellIcon
Dummy interface that is being used by the CellTemplateSelector to specify a different template for a cell with an icon.
Public interfaceIDataGridColumn
An interface that each Data Grid column must implement.
Public interfaceIDataGridDummyRow
Interface for DataGrid template selector
Public interfaceIDataGridExpandable
Implement this interface to provide expandable support for grid UI.
Public interfaceIDataGridFilter
DataGrid Filter viewmodel for filter view (column header filter icon)
Public interfaceIDataGridGroup
An interface that each Data Grid group must implement.
Public interfaceIDataGridHasValue
An interface that must be implemented in order to use ValueTemplateSelector in the UI.
Public interfaceIDataGridItem
A common base for all Data Grid rows (Rows and Groups).
Public interfaceIDataGridRow
An interface that each Data Grid row must implement.
Public interfaceIDataGridTreeCell
An interface that each Data Grid tree node must implement.
Public interfaceIDataGridTreeNode
An interface that each Data Grid tree node must implement.
Public interfaceILocalizable


Public delegateDataGridColumnViewModel..::..AggregateChangedEventHandler
Aggregate changed event handler.
Public delegateDataGridColumnViewModel..::..ColumnGroupByChangedEventHandler
GroupBy changed event handler.
Public delegateDataGridColumnViewModel..::..FilteringChangedEventHandler
Filtering changed event handler.
Public delegateDataGridColumnViewModel..::..SortingChangedEventHandler
Sorting changed event handler.