The DataGridRowViewModel type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBackground
Public propertyCells
Gets the cells in this row.
Public propertyContextMenuItems
Context menu.
Public propertyDelayRowStyleChanged
Stop firing NotifyRowStyleChanged changes.
Public propertyFontFamily
Font family.
Public propertyFontSize
Font size.
Public propertyFontStyle
Font style.
Public propertyFontWeight
Font weight.
Public propertyForeground
Public propertyIsRowMouseOver
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the row is under cursor.
Public propertyIsSelected
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the row is selected.
Public propertyNotifyRowStyleChanged
Property changed event gets fired on this property whenever a styling property relevant for a row changes.
Public propertyRowHeight
Gets or sets the height of the row.
Public propertyRowNumber
Gets or sets the row number.
Public propertyStyle
Public propertyStyleKey
Identificator of style. Gets or sets the style key.
Public propertyStyleSelectorKey
Identificator of style. Gets or sets the style key.

See Also