The GwxProcessPoint type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAccelerationRatio
The percentage of the animation's Duration spent accelerating the passage of time from zero to its maximum rate (range: 0.0 to 1.0).
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyAnimateWhenTrue
Causes the animation to be active when the datasource comparison yields a result of "true" (after applying reverse compare logic if specified).
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyAnimationMode
Indicates the animation behavior of this dynamic.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyAutoGrowIntegerDigits
When AutoGrowIntegerDigits is true, if MaximumIntegerDigits is specified and the number of integer digits in the current value exceeds MaximumIntegerDigits, then the number of decimal digits will be reduced in order to allow more integer digits to be shown.
Public propertyAutoReverse
Causes the animation to automatically play in reverse after its forward iteration has finished.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyCanFreeze
Gets a value that indicates whether the object can be made unmodifiable.
(Inherited from Freezable.)
Public propertyComment
When this property is true, if Confirm is also true, this property indicates that the confirmation message will provide the user with field to enter a comment to be logged for the written value. This property is unused when the Confirm property is false.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyCommentRequired
When this property is true, if Confirm and Comment are also true, this property indicates that the user must enter a non-empty comment to be logged for the written value. This property is unused when either the Confirm or Comment properties are false.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyConfirm
When true, this property indicates that a warning message should be displayed prior to performing a data write that has been initiated via user interaction (the warning message allows the user to cancel the pending data write, or to proceed with the write). When false, the data write occurs without a confirmation message. This property is unused when the dynamic is not controllable.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyContinuousWrite
When true, this property indicates that the dynamic should continuously write new values while the user is interacting with the dynamic control (as in the case of dragging a slider). When false, this property indicates that the dynamic should only write a value when the user has finished interacting with the dynamic control (as in the case of releasing a slider after having dragged it to a new position).
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyControl
When this property is true, this target object associated with this dynamic can be clicked on by the user to perform some action (i.e. slider, dial, button, dataentry). Usually, controllable objects are used to write data values.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyCustomConfirmMessage
A custom confirmation message.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyCustomData
A string field for custom data. The purpose of this field is defined by the user; it can be used to hold any extra configuration data in string format.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyCustomKeypadLayout
Filename of a custom keypad layout. If not specified, an appropriate layout will be automatically chosen based on the datatype/format of this Process Point.
Public propertyDataComparison
Type of comparison for DataSource and Limit(s) (or zero).

For Discrete Animations - animation will activate when comparison is true.

For Analog Animation - animation will be skipped when comparison is false (if not specified, animation is always active).

For GwxProcessPoint - designates type of range validation for data entry.

(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyDataEntryLostFocusWritesValue
When true, clicking outside of an active Data Entry field will write the value (the Escape key can still be used to cancel writing the value). When false, clicking outside of an active Data Entry field will cancel the write (the Enter key or Tab key must be used to write the value). Default is to use the document-level setting for DataEntryLostFocusWritesValues.
Public propertyDataSource
The primary data connection for this dynamic object. Datasources can be an OPC tag, expression, constant value, or local variable.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyDecelerationRatio
The percentage of the animation's Duration spent decelerating the passage of time from zero to its maximum rate (range: 0.0 to 1.0).
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyDecimalPlaces
Indicates the number of digits to display to the right of the decimal point. A negative value indicates that the number of digits to display to the right of the decimal should be determined by the regional settings of the current locale.
Public propertyDependencyObjectType
Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. 
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyDescription
A user defined description string for this dynamic.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyDigitGrouping
True, to use digit grouping (i.e. thousands separator). When true, the digit grouping character and spacing comes from the regional settings of the current locale. False indicates no digit grouping.
Public propertyDispatcher
Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with.
(Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Public propertyDragDropDataSource
Indicates that the DataSource of this dynamic can be drag/dropped during runtime into another component such as the Trend viewer.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyDuration
In general this property represents the time it takes for an animation to complete a cycle. This time is expressed in milliseconds.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyDynamicConnectionList
This list is used internally to compose a list of multiple dynamics to a single more complex/powerful dynamic object. A prime example of this is the GwxPickMenuItem dynamic configured to display a popup menu. In this case, the DynamicConnectionList is used to create a tree of child GwxPick objects, each representing a different command item on the menu. Other dynamics that use this list are GwxStateSelector, GwxRangeSelector, and GwxProcessPoint.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyDynamicStateWhenToggleOff
This property indicates that when this dynamic is not toggling, the alternate state of the dynamic (rather than the default state) should be used. For instance, if toggle (flash) is specified for a GwxHide dynamic, when this property is true, the associated static object will be hidden when not flashing (when this property is false, the object will be visible when not flashing).
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyEnableControlEvents
True to enable execution of commmands when events occur.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyEnabled
When this property is false, the control behavior for this dynamic is disabled.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyEndPercent
Used to specify an ending magnitude for the animation (range: 0.0 to 1.0).
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyFillBehavior
When the value is FillBehavior.Stop, this property indicates that the animated object returns to its default state when the animation's duration (including repeats) has expired. When the value is FillBehavior.HoldEnd, this property indicates that the animated object stays in its current state when the animation's duration has expired.

The default value is FillBehavior.HoldEnd. This property has no effect if the repeat count is infinite, or if there is no Duration.

(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyFreezeWhenNotAnimating
When false, this property indicates that the animated object returns to its default state when the animation is stopped. When true, this property indicates that the animated object stays in its current state when an animation is stopped.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyHighLimitSource
This property specifies a high limit for value used in the analog animation.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyInitialValue
Initial value to be written.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value that indicates whether the object is currently modifiable.
(Inherited from Freezable.)
Public propertyIsSealed
Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only).
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyKeypad
When true, this property indicates that an onscreen keyboard/keypad should be used to enter a new value. When false, an in-place edit control will be used to change the value. This property is unused when the dynamic is not controllable (i.e. a dataentry field).
Public propertyLowLimitSource
This property specifies a low limit for value used in the analog animation.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyMaximumIntegerDigits
Indicates the number of digits to display to the left of the decimal point. A negative value indicates that the number of digits to display to the left of the decimal is unlimited. The default is unlimited.
Public propertyMaximumLength
Indicates the maximum number of characters that can be displayed by this process point per line. A value of zero (or a negative value) indicates no limit.
Public propertyName
For internal use only. Not for customer use.

A unique user-friendly name that can be used to identify the object.

(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyNumberOfLines
Indicates the maximum number of lines of text that can be displayed (for multiline string process points). A value of zero (or a negative value) indicates no limit.
Public propertyPadLeft
Fills in characters (zeros) to the left of a value that is shorter than the specified MaximumLength (useful for binary and hex formatting).
Public propertyPadLeftCharacter
Character used for left padding.
Public propertyPartitionMode
Indicates how to define the "partition" behavior of this analog dynamic. This feature is used to divide an analog range into a specified number of steps (useful for providing "tick" behavior in sliders, for example).
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyPartitionOrigin
This property specifies the starting analog value from which subsequent steps are calculated. This value is only used when partitionmode="DeltaValue".
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyPartitionValue
When partitionmode="NumberOfPartitions" this property specifies the number of steps to subdivide the analog value’s range into.

When partitionmode="DeltaValue" this property specifies an increment/decrement value between each step within the range.

(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyPassword
When true, this property indicates that process-point/data-entry text will be masked so that the current value cannot be seen (as in the case of entering a password).
Public propertyPasswordHashing
Specifies how the user-entered text should be hashed/protected.
  • None = plain text (no hashing)
  • Pbkdf2 = hash using Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (RFC 2898) - suitable for use with this application's security system.
Public propertyPeriodicToggleRate
If this property is specified, when the discrete state of the primary datasource would activate this dynamic, rather then simply activate the dynamic, the dynamic’s activation state will be periodically toggled on and off. This property represents the time interval between toggle state changes (i.e. for GwxHide and GwxColor dynamics, this represents the flash rate). This time is expressed in milliseconds.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyPostfixLabel
A string label to appear after the main value.
Public propertyPostfixSeparator
A string used to separate the PostfixLabel from the main value.
Public propertyPrefixLabel
A string label to appear before the main value.
Public propertyPrefixSeparator
A string used to separate the PrefixLabel from the main value.
Public propertyRadix
Radix used to format numbers (10=decimal, 16=Hex, 8=Octal, 2=Binary).
Public propertyRepeatCount
This property causes a discrete state animation to run/repeat the specified number of times. If this value is less than zero, the animation repeats infinitely.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyResolveAliasesInDragDropDataSource
True to resolve global aliases in the DataSource before dropping the DataSource on another component. False to leave the global aliases unresolved (to be resolved by the component that receives the dropped DataSource). Default to use the document-level setting for ResolveAliasesInDragDropDataSources.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyReverseAnimateWhenFalse
Causes the animation to be active (in the reverse direction) when the datasource comparison yields a result of "false" (after applying reverse compare logic if specified).
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertySafeTouch
When true, this property indicates that the user must be touching a "safe zone" in order to use this control in runtime mode. This property only applies to "Touch" interaction - mouse and keyboard interactions are not affected by this property.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyScientificNotation
True to display numbers in scientific notation.
Public propertyShowAsDataType
The datatype to display the value of the datasource as regardless of the datatype of the datasource. In other words, this property "casts" the datasource value to a specific type prior to displaying the value. Use Object for no cast (use the native type of the current data value).
Public propertyShowDataSourceNameInToolTip
Determines whether or not to include the DataSource Name for this dynamic in tooltips.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyShowDataSourceValueInToolTip
Determines whether or not to include the DataSource Value for this dynamic in tooltips.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyShowDescriptionInToolTip
Determines whether or not to include the Description for this dynamic in tooltips.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyShowErrorInformationInToolTip
Determines whether or not to include the error information for this dynamic in tooltips.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyShowToolTip
Determines whether or not to include information for this dynamic in tooltips.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertySkipInitialDuration
Indicates that the duration of a time-based dynamic will be skipped for the first data update.

This is useful, for example, for a time-based Hide dynamic that uses both AnimateWhenTrue and ReverseAnimateWhenFalse, to prevent an initial fade-out.

(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyStartDelay
This property represents a delay time before an activated animation will begin. This time is expressed in milliseconds.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyStartPercent
Used to specify a starting magnitude for the animation (range: 0.0 to 1.0).
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyUpdate
When true, this property indicates that the dynamic updates whenever the value of the associated DataSource changes. When false, this property indicates that the dynamic updates only when new values are written. Useful for sliders, dials, and data-entries.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyUseCustomConfirmMessage
True to specify a custom confirmation message.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)
Public propertyWriteInitialValue
Indicates that this dynamic will write an initial value after its datasource has been requested.
(Inherited from GwxDynamic.)

See Also