The GwxPolygon type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAngle
Gets/sets the current angle of rotation for this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyBitmapEffect
Visual effects (3D edges, shadow, glow, blur) applied to this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyBitmapScalingMode
Determines the quality of scaling for bitmap rendering.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyClipToBounds
True to clip the content of this object to bounds of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyColumn
For internal use only. Not for customer use.

Indicates the position of a child object within a parent. This property is only used if the parent of this element is a Grid.

(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyColumnSpan
For internal use only. Not for customer use.

Indicates the position of a child object within a parent. This property is only used if the parent of this element is a Grid.

(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyConfiguration
Gets the GwxConfiguration object that owns this object.
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyCursor
The cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyCustomData
A custom data string.
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyDescription
Description for this object.
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyDock
For internal use only. Not for customer use.

Indicates the position of a child object within a parent. This property is only used if the parent of this element is a DockPanel.

(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyEdgeMode
Determines the way the edges of objects are rendered.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyEffect
Hardware-accelerated visual effects (shadow, blur) applied to this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyFill
Fill color, gradient, or pattern of this object.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyFillRule
Specifies how the intersecting areas are combined to form the resulting filled area.
(Inherited from GwxPathBase.)
Public propertyFocusable
Indicates whether this object can receive keyboard input.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyHeight
Height of the object.

A number, or NaN for Automatic.

(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyHorizontalAlignment
Indicates where an element should be displayed on the horizontal axis relative to its parent element.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyIsEnabled
Indicates whether this element is enabled in the user interface.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyIsHitTestVisible
Indicates whether this element can receive mouse input.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyKeyword
A keyword used to mark this object as shared.
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyLatitude
The latitude of the center point of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyLatitudeDataSource
The latitude of the center point of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyLeft
Horizontal position of top-left corner of the object.

A number, or NaN for Automatic.

(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyLocked
True to prevent this object from being selected (except via the Document Explorer tool).
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyLongitude
The longitude of the center point of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyLongitudeDataSource
The longitude of the center point of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyMargin
The amount of space surrounding this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyMaxHeight
Specifies the maximum height constraint of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyMaxWidth
Specifies the maximum width constraint of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyMinHeight
Specifies the minimum height constraint of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyMinWidth
Specifies the minimum width constraint of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyMovesOwnerWindow
Specifies if dragging the object in runtime mode will move the parent window in which the object is contained. In other words, when MovesOwnerWindow is true, it makes the object act like a Windows titlebar.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyName
For internal use only. Not for customer use.

Unique name identifier for this object.

(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyNextSiblingElement
Next sibling GwxElement (if there is one).
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyNoZoomStroke
True to ensure the line width is not affected by the current zoom.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyNoZoomStrokeThickness
Width of the line of this object (this line width is not affected by the current zoom).
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyOpacity
Overall opacity percent of this object. Range: 0.0 (fully transparent) - 1.0 (fully opaque), or inherit.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyParentContainer
Parent object of this object (if there is one) as an IGwxElementContainer.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyParentDependencyObject
Parent object of this object (if there is one) as a GwxDependencyObject.
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyParentDependencyObjectContainer
Parent object of this object (if there is one) as an IGwxDependencyObjectContainer.
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyParentElement
Parent object of this object (if there is one) as a GwxElement.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyPoints
List of coordinates that define the polyline.
(Inherited from GwxPolylineBase.)
Public propertyPreviousSiblingElement
Previous sibling GwxElement (if there is one).
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyRenderTransform
Transformation that affects the rendering of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyRenderTransformOrigin
The center point of the render transform, relative to the bounds of the element.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyRow
For internal use only. Not for customer use.

Indicates the position of a child object within a parent. This property is only used if the parent of this element is a Grid.

(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyRowSpan
For internal use only. Not for customer use.

Indicates the position of a child object within a parent. This property is only used if the parent of this element is a Grid.

(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertySelected
Gets/sets the selection state of this object.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyShowDescriptionInToolTip
Determines whether or not this object's Description is included in the tooltip for this object.
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertySnapsToDevicePixels
Determines whether rendering for this object should use device-specific pixel settings during rendering.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyStroke
Line color, gradient, or pattern for this object.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyStrokeDashArray
Specifies the pattern of dashes and gaps used for the line.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyStrokeDashCap
Specifies how the ends of each dash are drawn.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyStrokeDashOffset
Specifies the distance into the line style dash pattern to start the dash.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyStrokeEndLineCap
Specifies the shape used at the end of a line.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyStrokeLineJoin
Specifies the shape used at the corners of lines.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyStrokeMiterLimit
Limit on the ratio of the miter length to the line width (must be greater than or equal to 1, or inherit).
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyStrokeStartLineCap
Specifies the shape used at the start of a line.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyStrokeThickness
Width of the line of this object.
(Inherited from GwxShape.)
Public propertyTitle
Title for this object.
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyTop
Vertical position of top-left corner of the object.

A number, or NaN for Automatic.

(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyVerticalAlignment
Indicates where an element should be displayed on the vertical axis relative to its parent element.
(Inherited from GwxElement.)
Public propertyVisible
Visibility state of this object.
(Inherited from GwxDependencyObject.)
Public propertyWidth
Width of the object.

A number, or NaN for Automatic.

(Inherited from GwxElement.)

See Also