The DataManager type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAckedAlarms
Specifies the list of acked alarms
Public propertyActiveAlarms
Specifies the list of active alarms
Public propertyAlarms
The list of incoming alarms
Public propertyAlarmsByCondition
A dictionary that (for each alarm style) returns if there are alarms associated to it
Public propertyCondition
The condition specifies the condition collection used to generate the style for the row
Public propertyContext
The Dispatcher used to run code on the UI thread
Public propertyDefaultFontFamily
The default font family applied when the condition font family is null
Public propertyDefaultFontSize
The default font size when condition font size is null
Public propertyDefaultForeground
The default Foreground when condition is null
Public propertyDictionaries
The list of dictionaries are used to specify a dictionary for each field in the ItemsKey.
Public propertyDisplayValueBindings
We can specify a display value (eventually a binding to another value) for each field in the ItemsKey
Public propertyEventsQueue
Public propertyFieldsMapping
Maps the index of the fields in the subscription to the index of the fields in the Event notification
Public propertyFilters
Specifies the filter used to filter alarms
Public propertyFiltersRepository
The repository of the filters used to filter the alarms, for the conditions, the dictionaries etc...
Public propertyFwxClient
Defines FwxClient
Public propertyItemKeys
The list of the keys used to get the values from the event field
Public propertyLineSeparator
Specifies the separator used to concatenate strings
Public propertyNormalAlarms
Specifies the list of normal alarms
Public propertyNotificationUpdateResetLimit
Gets or sets the notification reset limit. The limit is used to decide if updates should be propagated via notifications or sent just by one alarmReset event. Updates bigger then the limit value are sent as reset. Update lower or equal to the limit. The default value is 5000. Value must be from interval (100, 5000).
Public propertyResolveLanguageAliases
Checks if we should resolve Language Aliasing
Public propertyShouldConcatenate
Specifies if the array of strings should be concatenated
Public propertySubscription
The subscription managed by this manager
Public propertyUsageDetails
The details used to subscribe the point
Public propertyUseCompatibilityMode
When set to true the Update notifications are sent with an Update message, instead of Remove + Insert messages

See Also