
Public classAlarmConnectionChangedEventArgs
Extends EventArgs to provide the name of the alarm server and its new state (connected/disconnected)
Public classAlarmData
An element that represent an alarm notification and all the related properties
Public classAwxDataValue
Specifies a base class for Generic Types of key pair values
Public classAwxDataValueCollection
Specifies a collection of AwxDataValue
Public classAwxDictionary
Public classAwxExpressionAsyncEngine
AlarmWorX implementation of ExpressionAsyncEngine.
Public classAwxView
Base class for the AwxGridView and AwxChartView
Public classAwxViewControl
A WPF UserControl that receives real-time or historical alarms and visualize them in charts or grids
Public classBlinkingEventArgs
Specifies the blinking or beeping speed of a style
Public classConditionCollection
Extends RepositoryList to support RowCondition
Public classConditionsRepository
Extends Repository to support ConditionCollection
Public classCriteria
This object is used to create custom groups of rows.
Public classDataCriteria
This object is used to create custom groups of items.
Public classDataDictionary
Contains a list of DataTranslation. The list is evaluated when new data come from the server in order to translate a value (e.g. an integer) into an human readable text or a KPI.
Public classDataDictionaryRepository
A shared repository for DataDictionary. The repository can be used to store DataDictionary and use them wherever it's needed. In this way it's possible to modify a DataDictionary once and apply the changes everywhere
Public classDataManager
Base Class for datamanagers
Public classDataRange
Contains a list of DataCriteria. The list is evaluated when new data element come from the server in order to group a set of elements together
Public classDataRangesRepository
A shared repository for DataRange. The repository can be used to store DataRange and use them wherever it's needed. In this way it's possible to modify a DataRange once and apply the changes everywhere
Public classDataRowList
A Wrapper for the Generics list of AlarmData used to keep compatibility with Scripting
Public classDataStyle
This class contains a set of properties that defines the style of a data object The style is applied to the data object when the filter (identified by the FilterKey) is applied as well.
Public classDataStyleRepository
A shared repository for DataStyleSelector. The repository can be used to store DataStyleSelector and use them wherever it's needed. In this way it's possible to modify a DataStyleSelector once and apply the changes everywhere
Public classDataStyleSelector
Contains a list of DataStyle. The list is evaluated when new data come from the server in order to translate an object into a style (which contains a set of fonts, colors, effects)
Public classDataTranslation
Base class for translations. Translations can be used to show custom data in the cells of a column, for example images or localized text
Public classDemoDataManager
Demo data manager. Used in the design mode in GWX as a container for demo alarms.
Public classDictionariesRepository
Public classErrorDetailsWindow
Shows a simple window with the error details
Public classEventNotificationUpdate
Wrapper for notifications update
Public classHistoricalDataManager
Manages Historical alarms
Public classHistoryDataControl
Interaction logic for MoreDataControl.xaml
Public classImageDataTranslation
This DataTranslation can be used to show images in the cells of the grid when the related filter can be applied
Public classImageTranslation
This ImageTranslation can be used to show images in the cells of the grid when the related AwxFilter can be applied
Public classLoadingNotificationUpdate
Wrapper for notifications update
Public classNotificationUpdateBase
Wrapper for notifications update
Public classOperatorComment
This object is used to show pre-defined comments in the AcknowledgeEditor
Public classOperatorCommentCollection
A strongly typed OperatorComment collection.
Public classRange
Extends RepositoryList to support Criteria
Public classRangesRepository
A strongly typed DataRange collection.
Public classRealTimeDataManager
The new datamanager used to receive alarms
Public classRepository<(Of <(<'TList, TItem>)>)>
A generic repository for objects. It's used to store complex objects (such as conditions, ranges, dictionaries) in one place and then share them all over the application
Public classRepositoryList<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
An element of a Repository. It's a generic list of objects with a human readable name and a key used to identify it
Public classRowCondition
This class contains a set of properties that defines the style of a row in the DataGrid. The style is applied to the row when the related AwxFilter is applied as well.
Public classTextDataTranslation
This TextDataTranslation can be used to show custom strings in the cells of the grid when the related filter can be applied For example it's possible to use this TextDataTranslation to show Human Readable strings instead of simple integer values.
Public classTextTranslation
This TextTranslation can be used to show custom strings in the cells of the grid when the related AwxFilter can be applied For example it's possible to use this TextTranslation to show Human Readable strings instead of simple integer values.


Public delegateAlarmConnectionChangedEventHandler
An event handler for AlarmConnectionChanged events


Public enumerationAckType
The type of acknowledge
Public enumerationAwxJumpMode
Specifies whenever the view should jump to a specific position when the Alarm State changes
Public enumerationAwxSortDirection
Specifies constants that define which header cells are displayed
Public enumerationDataStyleSpeed
Specifies the blinking or beeping speed of a style
Public enumerationDictionaryType
The type of Dictionary