
Public classAnnotationCanvas
Represents an annotation in the 3D space
Public classAnnotationList
Represents a list of AnnotationCanvas
Public classAxis3D
Represent a 3D axis
Public classBox3D
Represent a 3D Box
Public classCameraInfo
Custom camera view settings.
Public classCameraInfoCollection
Represents a collection of CameraInfo.
Public classCameraInfoCollectionEditor
CollectionEditor for a collection of favorite views.
Public classCameraShot
Description of a camera shot (camera view, duration, track-in time, acceleration etc.) to be used in list of shots in Camera Patrol mode.
Public classCameraShotCollection
List of camera shots for Camera Patrol mode.
Public classCone3D
Represents a 3D Cone
Public classCuboid
Defines a cuboid, that is, a 3D volume with retangular sizes. The volume is defined by three pairs of minimum and maximum values. Each pair defiens the value range for the X, Y and Z coordinate axes. The minimum value for an axle must always be smaller than or equal the maximum value for that same axle.
Public classCylinder3D
Represents a 3D Cylinder
Public classDonut3D
Represents a 3D Donut
Public classIco3DControl
Represents the a 3D container control
Public classLine3D
Represents a line extending in the 3D space.
Public classMathUtils
Provides common mathematical operations
Public classMatrix3DStack
Matrix3DStack is a stack of Matrix3Ds.
Public classMeshUtils
Provides common mesh operations
Public classNavigation3DControl
Defines the common features for a 3D navigation control.
Public classNavigation3DControlSwitch
This class is responsible for switching among 3D navigation controls.
Public classNui3DMovementSensitivityParameters
Contains all the 3D movement sensitivity parameters for the Nui interface. These sensititvity parameters apply to all 3D navigation modes. However, only the Fly3D and Walk3d modes use the forward movement sensitivity parameter.
Public classNui3DZoomingSensitivityParameters
Contains all the 3D zooming sensitivity parameters for the Nui interface. These sensititvity parameters apply only to the Orbit3D navigation mode.
Public classOctree<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Spatial subdivision structure for maintaining objects in 3D space with the possibility to dynamically add/remove them and to find objects at particular positions.
Public classOctree<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Element
Encapsulatation of objects maintained in an octree.
Public classOctree<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Node
Internal representation of an octree node.
Public classPeriodicDataUpdates
Provides periodic update events for a certain type of aperiodical event. It basically converts aperiodic event handlers in to periodic ones. To use this class, the following stepes must be taken:
  1. An instance of the class must be created;
  2. An event handler for DataUpdate must be registered;
  3. UpdateEventArguments should be asynchronously called whenever new data for the event is obtained. The more frequently this method is called, the more up-to-date the data contined in the periodic mouse events triggered by this class will be. If it is never called the events are never triggered. TI it is called only once, the data sent by this class events are going to always be the same, outdated initial data, and potentially useless.
  4. The methods StartReceivingPeriodicDataUpdates and StopReceivingPeriodicDataUpdates should be called to start receiving periodic events.
  5. The previously registered event handler for DataUpdate must be unregistered if you woudl not like to receive periodic data update any longer.
Public classPeriodicKeyboardUpdates
Allows a continuous triggering of keyboard key press event position events at a pre-defined rate, even if keyboard key state does not change. In order to use this class, simply instantiate it by passing a parent UI element from where the keyboard key are to be captured and add a callback method to KeyboardKeyUdpate (using the KeyboardKeyUpdateEventHandler delegate) that will process the keyboard key updates.
Public classPeriodicMouseUpdates
Allows a continuous triggering of mouse event position events at a pre-defined rate, even if mouse position does not change. In order to use this class, simply instantiate it by passing a parent UI element from where the mouse positions are to be captured and add a callback method to MousePositionUdpate (using the MousePositionUpdateEventHandler delegate) that will process the mouse position updates.
Public classPipe3D
The 3D pipe class
Public classPlane3D
Represents a 3D Plane
Public classPoint3DConverterEx
A culture invariant Point3DConverter
Public classPolygon3D
Represents a 3D Polygon
Public classPrimitive3D
Represents the base class for all 3D primitives
Public classReducibleGroup
Equivalent for Model3DGroup element when converting a part of visual tree to/from its progressive form.
Public classReducibleModel
Equivalent for GeometryModel3D element when converting a part of visual tree to/from its progressive form.
Public classReducibleModel..::..PreprocessStatusEventArgs
Public classReducibleProperties
Helper class with definition of properties used in all progressive elements.
Public classReducibleVisual
Equivalent for ModelVisual3D element when converting a part of visual tree to/from its progressive form.
Public classRotoid
Defines three angular ranges for rotation around the X (pitch), Y (yaw) and Z (roll) axes. It can be used to restrict the amound of rotation allowed for a certain object.
Public classScreenSpaceLines3D
ScreenSpaceLines3D are a 3D line primitive whose thickness is constant in 2D space post projection. This means that the lines do not become foreshortened as they receed from the camera as other 3D primitives do under a typical perspective projection. Example Usage: <tools:ScreenSpaceLines3D Points="0,0,0 0,1,0 0,1,0 1,1,0 1,1,0 0,0,1" Thickness="5" Color="Red"> "Screen space" is a bit of a misnomer as the line thickness is specified in the 2D coordinate system of the container Viewport3D, not the screen.
Public classSpatialGrid3D<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
This class provides a universal 3D grid that stores location-based values and provides methods for querying values based on a point in space.
Public classSpatialGrid3D<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..SpatialValue<(Of <(<'U>)>)>
Provides a connection between a general value object and its spatial location.
Public classSphere3D
Represents a 3D Sphere
Public classTerrain3D
Represents a 3D terrain.
Public classThreeDimensionalRegion
Defines a region in a space with three dimensions. The region is defined by three pairs of minimum and maximum values. Each pair defines the value range for the X, Y and Z space dimensions. The minimum value for an axle must always be smaller than or equal the maximum value for that same axle.
Public classTickLinePlot3D
3D visual object representing a tickline plot used for graphs
Public classVector3DConverterEx
A culture invariant Vector3DConverter


Public structureTerrain3D..::..Segment
Struct representing a segment defined by two points.


Protected delegatePeriodicDataUpdates..::..DataUpdateEventHandler
Delegate for storing the callback methods for when a data update is to be issued by this class.
Public delegatePeriodicKeyboardUpdates..::..KeyboardKeyUpdateEventHandler
Delegate for storing the callback methods for when a key press is to be issued by this class.
Public delegatePeriodicMouseUpdates..::..MousePositionUpdateEventHandler
Delegate for storing the callback methods for when a mouse update is to be issued by this class.
Public delegateReducibleModel..::..PreprocessStatusCallback
Delegate of a function to process notifications about changing progress of ReducibleModel preprocessing.


Public enumerationAnnotationCanvas..::..HorizontalAnnotationAlignment
Represents the horizontal alignment for the AnnotationCanvas compared to the Position
Public enumerationAnnotationCanvas..::..VerticalAnnotationAlignment
Represents the vertical alignment for the AnnotationCanvas compared to the Position
Public enumerationAxis
An enumeration of the available 3D Axes
Public enumerationAxis3D..::..Direction
Determines the direction of the different parts of the axis.
Public enumerationAxisTypes
Represents the Axis style
Public enumerationCameraShot..::..TrackInType
Type of camera movement while entering a shot.
Public enumerationIco3DControl..::..LookAtType
Determines the type of look at orientation during the camera movement.
Public enumerationIco3DControl..::..RenderType
Specifies which rendering engine to use for 3D.
Public enumerationInputDeviceType
Possible types of 3D input devices to be used with navigation controls.
Public enumerationMeshUtils..::..TextureMapping
Type of texture mapping that may be applied as a property of 3D primitives.
Public enumerationMeshUtils..::..TextureMappingDirection
Direction of the texture mapping to be applied to a 3D primitive.
Public enumerationNavigationMode3D
Defines all possible navigation modes for 3D scenes.
Public enumerationUVTileMode
Specify the tile mode to use for UV mapping