The GwxConfiguration type exposes the following members.


Public methodAlignBottom
Aligns the bottom edges of the currently selected objects.
Public methodAlignCenters
Aligns the centers of the currently selected objects.
Public methodAlignHorizontalCenters
Aligns the horizontal centers of the currently selected objects.
Public methodAlignLeft
Aligns the left edges of the currently selected objects.
Public methodAlignRight
Aligns the right edges of the currently selected objects.
Public methodAlignTop
Aligns the top edges of the currently selected objects.
Public methodAlignVerticalCenters
Aligns the vertical centers of the currently selected objects.
Public methodApplyPasswordForLoad
The specified password will be automatically entered when loading password-protected displays in configuration mode. This can be used to avoid showing the password prompt user interface when loading password-protected displays in configuration mode.
Public methodApplyPasswordForSave
Encrypts the specified password and stores the encrypted value to be saved in the document.

The specified password will be temporarily cached and used for subsequent re-saves of the same document (to prevent repeatedly prompting for the password).

Public methodBringForward
Brings the selected objects one step forward in the z-order.
Public methodBringToFront
Brings the selected objects to the front of the z-order.
Public methodCollapseAcross
Moves the selected objects so that they are touching but not overlapping in the horizontal direction.
Public methodCollapseDown
Moves the selected objects so that they are touching but not overlapping in the vertical direction.
Public methodCopyDynamics
Copies the specified list of GwxDynamic objects to the clipboard.
Public methodCopyDynamicsToDataObject
Copies the specified list of GwxDynamic objects to a new IDataObject.
Public methodCopyObjects
Copies the specified list of GwxDependencyObject objects to the clipboard.
Public methodCopyObjectsToDataObject
Copies the specified list of GwxElement objects to a new IDataObject.
Public methodCopySelectedObjects
Copies the selected objects to the clipboard.
Public methodCopySelectedObjectsToDataObject
Copies the selected objects to a new IDataObject.
Public methodCreateDynamic(Type, GwxDependencyObject)
Creates a GwxDynamic derived object of the specified type and attaches it to the specified GwxDependencyObject.
Public methodCreateDynamic(Type, GwxDependencyObject, Boolean)
Creates a GwxDynamic derived object of the specified type and attaches it to the specified GwxDependencyObject.
Public methodCreateDynamics
Creates and attaches a GwxDynamic derived object of the specified type for each of the specified GwxDependencyObjects.
Public methodCreateObject
Creates a new GwxElement using the specified parameters.
Public methodCreateSelectorDynamic
Creates a new GwxSelectorBase derived dynamic using the currently selected objects.
Public methodCutObjects
Copies the specified list of GwxDependencyObject objects to the clipboard and deletes them from the display.
Public methodCutSelectedObjects
Copies the selected objects to the clipboard and deletes them from the display.
Public methodDeleteAllDynamics
Deletes all GwxElement objects from the display.
Public methodDeleteObjects
Deletes the specified list of GwxElement objects from the display.
Public methodDeleteSelectedDynamics
Deletes all selected objects that have one or more associated GwxDynamic objects.
Public methodDeleteSelectedObjects
Deletes the selected objects from the display.
Public methodDuplicateObjects
Duplicates the specified list of GwxElement objects.
Public methodDuplicateSelectedObjects
Duplicates the selected objects.
Public methodEnsureHeadSelectedObjectIsVisible
If the HeadSelectedObject is not fully visible in the view, the view is panned to center the object in the view. If the HeadSelectedObject is already fully visible in the window, this method does nothing.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFileNew
Loads a new blank document.
Public methodFileOpen
Synchronously loads the specified filename/uri.
Public methodFlipHorizontal
Flips the selected objects horizontally.
Public methodFlipVertical
Flips the selected objects vertically.
Public methodGetDynamicObjectByName
Retrieve a GwxDynamic object given its name.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetObjectByName
Gets the visual GwxDependencyObject in the display with the specified name.
Public methodGetObjectByTitle
Gets the visual GwxDependencyObject in the display with the specified title.
Public methodGetObjectsByName
Gets a list of visual GwxDependencyObjects in the display with the specified name.
Public methodGetObjectsByTitle
Gets a list of visual GwxDependencyObjects in the display with the specified title.
Public methodGetSymbolLibraryControl
Gets the Symbol Library control that is running in the configurator.
Public methodGetTargetElement
Gets the GwxDependencyObject to which this GwxDynamic is attached.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGroupSelectedObjects
Groups the currently selected objects.
Public methodGroupSelectedObjectsToViewbox
Groups the currently selected objects into a Viewbox.
Public methodGroupSelectedObjectsWithNoZoom
Groups the selected objects into an EWX-friendly hierarchy.
Public methodImportGpxFromFile
Imports a .gpx file and converts it to a grouping of native application objects.
Public methodImportMetafile(Metafile, Double, Rect)
Imports a metafile and converts it to a grouping of native application objects.
Public methodImportMetafile(Metafile, Rect, Boolean, Boolean)
Imports a metafile and converts it to a grouping of native application objects.
Public methodImportMetafile(Metafile, Rect, Boolean, Boolean, IProgressContext)
Imports a metafile and converts it to a grouping of native application objects.
Public methodImportMetafileFromFile(String, Double, Rect)
Imports a metafile and converts it to a grouping of native application objects.
Public methodImportMetafileFromFile(String, Rect, Boolean, Boolean, IProgressContext)
Imports a metafile and converts it to a grouping of native application objects.
Public methodImportSvgFromFile
Imports a metafile and converts it to a grouping of native application objects.
Public methodMakeSameHorizontalSize
Resizes the selected objects to all have the same width.
Public methodMakeSameSize
Resizes the selected objects to all have the same width and height.
Public methodMakeSameVerticalSize
Resizes the selected objects to all have the same height.
Public methodOpenBrushEditor
Opens the Brush editor dialog, allowing the user to choose a color, gradient, or texture.
Public methodOpenColorPicker
Opens the Color picker dialog, allowing the user to choose a color.
Public methodOpenDataBrowser
Opens the Data Browser to allow the user to select a tag name.
Public methodOpenDataBrowserMultiselect
Opens the Data Browser to allow the user to select a list of tag names.
Public methodPasteFromClipboard
Pastes the current clipboard data to the current display, if a supported data format is on the clipboard.
Public methodPasteFromDataObject
Pastes the data in the specified IDataObject to the current display, if a supported data format is in the IDataObject.
Public methodPermanentlyResolveLocalAliases
Permanently resolves local aliases used within the specified list of objects.
Public methodRotateLeft90
Rotates the selected objects counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.
Public methodRotateRight90
Rotates the selected objects clockwise by 90 degrees.
Public methodSave
Saves the current document. If the document has never been saved, the "Save As" dialog will be shown, otherwise the document will be saved to it's current URI.
Public methodSaveAs
Saves the current document to the specified URI.
Public methodSaveToImageFile
Saves a bitmap representation of the specified element to an image file.

The format of the image file is determined by the file extension specified in the filename. Supported formats are: PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, and TIF.

Public methodSelectAllDynamicObjects
Selects all objects in the CurrentParent that have one or more associated GwxDynamic objects.
Public methodSelectAllObjects()()()()
Selects all objects in the CurrentParent.
Public methodSelectAllObjects(Type)
Selects all objects in the CurrentParent that have the specified Type.
Public methodSendBackward
Sends the selected objects one step backward in the z-order.
Public methodSendToBack
Sends the selected objects to the back of the z-order.
Public methodSetCurrentParent
Sets the CurrentParent to be the specified IGwxElementContainer, if possible.
Public methodSetCurrentParentToRootElement
Sets the CurrentParent to be the Root object.
Public methodSetCurrentParentUpOneLevel
Sets the CurrentParent to be the parent object of the current parent.
Public methodSetSelectedObject
Sets the specified GwxElement as the only selected object.
Public methodSetSelectedObjects
Clears the current selection and sets each object in the specified list of GwxElement objects as selected.
Public methodSpaceEvenlyAcross
Moves the selected objects so that they are spaced evenly in the horizontal direction.
Public methodSpaceEvenlyDown
Moves the selected objects so that they are spaced evenly in the vertical direction.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateMobileDisplayfaceplateOSServiceInformation
Updates service property to be shared with Common Core. This is necessary so that fonts are filtered accoridn go the faceplate being used.

See Also