The AwxView type exposes the following members.


Public methodAckNotVisibleAlarmsNotification
Acknowledge notification of alarms that appear outside of the visible area
Public methodAcknowledgeByFilter
Ack alarms using various filters
Public methodAcknowledgeByID
Directly acknowledge an object using its ID
Public methodAcknowledgeByList
Directly acknowledge a list of alarms
Public methodAddHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate)
Adds a routed event handler for a specified routed event, adding the handler to the handler collection on the current element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodAddHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate, Boolean)
Adds a routed event handler for a specified routed event, adding the handler to the handler collection on the current element. Specify handledEventsToo as true to have the provided handler be invoked for routed event that had already been marked as handled by another element along the event route.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodAddToEventRoute
Adds handlers to the specified EventRoute for the current UIElement event handler collection.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodAlarmStateOperationByID
Directly acknowledge an object using its ID
Public methodAlarmStateOperationList
Directly acknowledge a list of alarms
Public methodApplyAnimationClock(DependencyProperty, AnimationClock)
Applies an animation to a specified dependency property on this element. Any existing animations are stopped and replaced with the new animation.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodApplyAnimationClock(DependencyProperty, AnimationClock, HandoffBehavior)
Applies an animation to a specified dependency property on this element, with the ability to specify what happens if the property already has a running animation.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodApplyTemplate
Builds the current template's visual tree if necessary, and returns a value that indicates whether the visual tree was rebuilt by this call.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodArrange
Positions child elements and determines a size for a UIElement. Parent elements call this method from their ArrangeCore(Rect) implementation (or a WPF framework-level equivalent) to form a recursive layout update. This method constitutes the second pass of a layout update.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodBack Obsolete.
If the AlarmSubscription associated with the grid is an historical subscription, jumps to the previous page
Public methodBeginAnimation(DependencyProperty, AnimationTimeline)
Starts an animation for a specified animated property on this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodBeginAnimation(DependencyProperty, AnimationTimeline, HandoffBehavior)
Starts a specific animation for a specified animated property on this element, with the option of specifying what happens if the property already has a running animation.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodBeginInit
Starts the initialization process for this element.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodBeginStoryboard(Storyboard)
Begins the sequence of actions that are contained in the provided storyboard.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodBeginStoryboard(Storyboard, HandoffBehavior)
Begins the sequence of actions contained in the provided storyboard, with options specified for what should happen if the property is already animated.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodBeginStoryboard(Storyboard, HandoffBehavior, Boolean)
Begins the sequence of actions contained in the provided storyboard, with specified state for control of the animation after it is started.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodBringIntoView()()()()
Attempts to bring this element into view, within any scrollable regions it is contained within.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodBringIntoView(Rect)
Attempts to bring the provided region size of this element into view, within any scrollable regions it is contained within.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodCancel
Requests more historical data
Public methodCaptureMouse
Attempts to force capture of the mouse to this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodCaptureStylus
Attempts to force capture of the stylus to this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodCaptureTouch
Attempts to force capture of a touch to this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodCheckAccess
Determines whether the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject.
(Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Public methodClearClientSideFilter
Clears client side filter
Public methodClearEmptyRows
Clears all the empty rows in the AwxView
Public methodClearSubscription
Sets a default real time AlarmSubscription for this AwxView.
Public methodClearValue(DependencyProperty)
Clears the local value of a property. The property to be cleared is specified by a DependencyProperty identifier.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodClearValue(DependencyPropertyKey)
Clears the local value of a read-only property. The property to be cleared is specified by a DependencyPropertyKey.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodClone
Implements ICloneable
Public methodCoerceValue
Coerces the value of the specified dependency property. This is accomplished by invoking any CoerceValueCallback function specified in property metadata for the dependency property as it exists on the calling DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodContainsFilter
Checks if the filter is used by this viewer
Public methodEndInit
Indicates that the initialization process for the element is complete.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether a provided DependencyObject is equivalent to the current DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodExport(ExportFileFormat)
Exports the data in a specified format
Public methodExport(String, ExportFileFormat)
Exports the data in a specified format
Public methodFindCommonVisualAncestor
Returns the common ancestor of two visual objects.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodFindName
Finds an element that has the provided identifier name.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodFindResource
Searches for a resource with the specified key, and throws an exception if the requested resource is not found.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodFirst Obsolete.
If the AlarmSubscription associated with the grid is an historical subscription, jumps to the first page
Public methodFocus
Attempts to set focus to this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodStatic memberGetAckMessage
Given a StatusCode for the Acknowledgement returns the default error message
Public methodStatic memberGetAckTypeName
Returns the name of the AckType
Public methodGetAnimationBaseValue
Returns the base property value for the specified property on this element, disregarding any possible animated value from a running or stopped animation.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodGetBindingExpression
Returns the BindingExpression that represents the binding on the specified property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodGetClientSideFilterKeys
We try to get the list of filter keys subscribed by this view
Public methodGetClientSideFilters
We try to get the list of filters subscribed by this view
Public methodGetCommentFilter
Gets the comment filter
Public methodGetCommentFilterKey
Gets the comment filter key
Public methodGetCondition
Gets the comment filter
Public methodGetConditionKey
Gets the ConditionCollection key
Public methodGetField
Given a field key return the EventField associated to it, using the subscription set into the AwxView
Public methodGetFieldsAliases
Returns the list of aliases for the EventField used in the current AlarmSubscription
Public methodGetHashCode
Gets a hash code for this DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodGetIdFromSourceName
Returns the EventId of an Alarm using the SourceName as a reference
Public methodGetLocalValueEnumerator
Creates a specialized enumerator for determining which dependency properties have locally set values on this DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodStatic memberGetPaperSize
Given a page format returns a paper type
Public methodGetRowById
Returns a AlarmData with the Id specified
Public methodGetRowByIndex
Returns the row at the index specified
Public methodGetRows(Boolean)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRows(AlarmState)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRows(AlarmType)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRows(AwxFilter)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRows(AlarmState, AwxFilter)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRows(AlarmState, Boolean)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRows(AlarmType, AlarmState)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRows(AlarmType, Boolean)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRows(AlarmType, Boolean, Boolean)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRows(AlarmType, Boolean, AlarmState, Boolean, AwxFilter)
Used to retrieve all the alarms of the AwxView, or a subset of alarms based on multiple criteria. It's possible to get alarms selected by the user, the alarms with highest priority, or custom filtered alarms, or a combination of them.
Public methodGetRowsBySourceName
Returns the first row found with the sourceName specified
Public methodGetRowsToAck
Returns the list of rows that can be acked
Public methodGetRowsToAlarmStateOperation
Returns the list of rows that can be acked
Public methodGetSelectedRows
Gets the rows in the AwxView that are selected by the user. It's also possible to specify only the visible rows.
Public methodGetSubscription
Returns the AlarmSubscription set into the AwxView
Public methodGetTimeRange Obsolete.
Returns the time range
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue
Returns the current effective value of a dependency property on this instance of a DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodGetVisibleRows
Gets the visible rows in the AwxView. It's also possible to specify only the selected visible rows.
Public methodGetVisibleRowsClear
Gets the INACTIVE visible rows in the Grid. It's also possible to specify only the selected visible rows.
Public methodGetVisibleRowsInactive
Gets the INACTIVE visible rows in the Grid. It's also possible to specify only the selected visible rows.
Public methodHasActiveAlarms
Checks if there are active alarms in the grid
Public methodInputHitTest
Returns the input element within the current element that is at the specified coordinates, relative to the current element's origin.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodInvalidateArrange
Invalidates the arrange state (layout) for the element. After the invalidation, the element will have its layout updated, which will occur asynchronously unless subsequently forced by UpdateLayout()()()().
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodInvalidateMeasure
Invalidates the measurement state (layout) for the element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodInvalidateProperty
Re-evaluates the effective value for the specified dependency property
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodInvalidateVisual
Invalidates the rendering of the element, and forces a complete new layout pass. OnRender(DrawingContext) is called after the layout cycle is completed.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodIsAlarmFiltered
Checks if a row is filtered by the Client Side Filter or not
Public methodIsAncestorOf
Determines whether the visual object is an ancestor of the descendant visual object.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodIsDescendantOf
Determines whether the visual object is a descendant of the ancestor visual object.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodIsFilterChanged
Checks if the keys in the ClientSideFilterKeys are the same of the keys specified in the parameter
Public methodIsSelected
Checks if an AlarmData is selected
Public methodIsServerConnected
Checks if a server is connected or not. The point name is the name of an EventPoint specified in the AlarmSubscription subscribed by this grid.
Public methodJump Obsolete.
If the AlarmSubscription associated with the grid is an historical subscription, jumps to the specified page
Public methodLast Obsolete.
If the AlarmSubscription associated with the grid is an historical subscription, jumps to the last page
Public methodMarkAsErrorHandled
Acknowledges the error
Public methodMeasure
Updates the DesiredSize of a UIElement. Parent elements call this method from their own MeasureCore(Size) implementations to form a recursive layout update. Calling this method constitutes the first pass (the "Measure" pass) of a layout update.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodMoreData
Requests more historical data
Public methodMoveFocus
Moves the keyboard focus away from this element and to another element in a provided traversal direction.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodNext Obsolete.
If the AlarmSubscription associated with the grid is an historical subscription, jumps to the next page
Public methodOnApplyTemplate
When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call ApplyTemplate()()()().
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodPointFromScreen
Converts a Point in screen coordinates into a Point that represents the current coordinate system of the Visual.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodPointToScreen
Converts a Point that represents the current coordinate system of the Visual into a Point in screen coordinates.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodPredictFocus
Determines the next element that would receive focus relative to this element for a provided focus movement direction, but does not actually move the focus.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodPrint
Prints the data
Public methodRaiseEvent
Raises a specific routed event. The RoutedEvent to be raised is identified within the RoutedEventArgs instance that is provided (as the RoutedEvent property of that event data).
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodReadLocalValue
Returns the local value of a dependency property, if it exists.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodRefreshData()()()()
It's callied when the FILTER or the TIMERANGE change
Public methodRefreshData(TimeRange)
Requests historical data using a specific TimeRange
Public methodRegisterName
Provides an accessor that simplifies access to the NameScope registration method.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodReleaseAllTouchCaptures
Releases all captured touch devices from this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodReleaseMouseCapture
Releases the mouse capture, if this element held the capture.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodReleaseStylusCapture
Releases the stylus device capture, if this element held the capture.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodReleaseTouchCapture
Attempts to release the specified touch device from this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodRemoveHandler
Removes the specified routed event handler from this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodResetConnection
Resets Data Manager connection (e.g. because security changed)
Public methodSelect(array<Byte>[]()[][])
Selects only the row with the specific event identifier
Public methodSelect(Int32)
Selects only the row at the specific index
Public methodSelect(AlarmType)
Selects only the rows with the AlarmType specified
Public methodSelectByFilter
Selects a list of FILTERED rows in the ListView
Public methodSelectData
Selects a row in the ListView
Public methodSelectList
Selects a list of rows in the ListView
Public methodSelectVisibleRows
Selects only the rows that are visible in the ListView
Public methodSetBinding(DependencyProperty, BindingBase)
Attaches a binding to this element, based on the provided binding object.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodSetBinding(DependencyProperty, String)
Attaches a binding to this element, based on the provided source property name as a path qualification to the data source.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodSetClientSdideFilterKeys
Sets a list of filter keys
Public methodSetClientSidefFilters
Sets the list of AwxFilter used to filter out the alarms in the view
Public methodSetCommentFilter(String)
Sets a new comment filter
Public methodSetCommentFilter(AwxFilter)
Sets a new comment filter
Public methodSetCondition
Sets a ConditionCollection for this AwxView
Public methodSetCurrentValue
Sets the value of a dependency property without changing its value source.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodSetResourceReference
Searches for a resource with the specified name and sets up a resource reference to it for the specified property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodSetSubscription(String)
Sets a new AlarmSubscription for this AwxView. The subscription is used to connect to the Alarm Server that sends the alarms.
Public methodSetSubscription(AlarmSubscription)
Sets a new AlarmSubscription for this AwxView. The subscription is used to connect to the Alarm Server that sends the alarms.
Public methodSetValue(DependencyProperty, Object)
Sets the local value of a dependency property, specified by its dependency property identifier.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodSetValue(DependencyPropertyKey, Object)
Sets the local value of a read-only dependency property, specified by the DependencyPropertyKey identifier of the dependency property.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodShouldSerializeCommandBindings
Returns whether serialization processes should serialize the contents of the CommandBindings property on instances of this class.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodShouldSerializeInputBindings
Returns whether serialization processes should serialize the contents of the InputBindings property on instances of this class.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodShouldSerializeResources
Returns whether serialization processes should serialize the contents of the Resources property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodShouldSerializeStyle
Returns whether serialization processes should serialize the contents of the Style property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodShouldSerializeTriggers
Returns whether serialization processes should serialize the contents of the Triggers property.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodShowAcknowledgeDialog
Shows the acknowledge dialog and once it's closed it automatically acknowledges the alarms accordingly to the settings specified by the user
Public methodStateOperationByFilter
Ack alarms using various filters
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Overrides Control..::..ToString()()()().)
Public methodTransformToAncestor(Visual)
Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from the Visual to the specified Visual ancestor of the visual object.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodTransformToAncestor(Visual3D)
Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from the Visual to the specified Visual3D ancestor of the visual object.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodTransformToDescendant
Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from the Visual to the specified visual object descendant.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodTransformToVisual
Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from the Visual to the specified visual object.
(Inherited from Visual.)
Public methodTranslatePoint
Translates a point relative to this element to coordinates that are relative to the specified element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodTryFindResource
Searches for a resource with the specified key, and returns that resource if found.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodUnregisterName
Simplifies access to the NameScope de-registration method.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodUnselectItems
Unselects all the selected items in the grid
Public methodUpdateDefaultStyle (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodUpdateLayout
Ensures that all visual child elements of this element are properly updated for layout.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodVerifyAccess
Enforces that the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject.
(Inherited from DispatcherObject.)

See Also