The Line3D type exposes the following members.


Public fieldStatic memberGroundPlaneCenterProperty
DependencyProperty for the GroundPlaneCenter property.
Public fieldStatic memberGroundPlaneNormalProperty
DependencyProperty for the GroundPlaneNormal property.
Public fieldStatic memberIsClosedProperty
DependencyProperty for the IsClosed property.
Public fieldStatic memberIsFilledProperty
DependencyProperty for the IsFilled property.
Public fieldStatic memberPointsProperty
DependencyProperty for Points property.
Public fieldStatic memberSidesProperty
DependencyProperty for the Sides property.
Public fieldStatic memberThickness1Property
DependencyProperty for the Thickness1 property.
Public fieldStatic memberThickness2Property
DependencyProperty for the Thickness2 property.

See Also