The GwxPipeControl type exposes the following members.


Public fieldStatic memberAutoScaleProperty
The auto-scale property
Public fieldStatic memberBaseColorProperty
The base color property (no longer used, use pipe color instead)
Public fieldStatic memberCapTypeProperty
The cap type property
Public fieldStatic memberEndCapProperty
The cap end type property
Public fieldStatic memberHighlightColorProperty
The highlight color property
Public fieldStatic memberJointTypeProperty
The joint type property
Public fieldStatic memberPipeColorProperty
The pipe color property
Public fieldStatic memberPipeRadiusProperty
The pipe thickness property
Public fieldStatic memberPipeThicknessProperty
The pipe thickness property
Public fieldStatic memberSmoothnessProperty
The smoothness property
Public fieldStatic memberStartCapProperty
The cap start type property
Public fieldStatic memberUseHighlightColorProperty
The "use highlight color" property
Public fieldStatic memberVerticesProperty
The pipe vertices property

See Also