The ScreenSpaceLines3D type exposes the following members.


Public methodScreenSpaceLines3D()()()()
Represents the main constructor for this class
Public methodScreenSpaceLines3D(Camera)
Alternative constructor, initializing the camera that will be used for line clipping.


Public methodAddToWireframe(GeometryModel3D, Int32)
Generates a wireframe representing the Vertex3D.
Public methodAddToWireframe(GeometryModel3D, Int32, Int32)
Generates a wireframe representing the Edge3D.
Public methodAddToWireframe(GeometryModel3D, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Generates a wireframe representing the Face3D.
Public methodAddToWireframe(Model3D, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Generates a wireframe representing the Model3D
Public methodApplyAnimationClock(DependencyProperty, AnimationClock)
Applies the effect of a given AnimationClock to a given dependency property.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodApplyAnimationClock(DependencyProperty, AnimationClock, HandoffBehavior)
Applies the effect of a given AnimationClock to a given dependency property. The effect of the new AnimationClock on any current animations is determined by the value of the handoffBehavior parameter.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodAttach
Attach this object to the CompositionTarget rendering engine
Public methodBeginAnimation(DependencyProperty, AnimationTimeline)
Initiates an animation sequence for the DependencyProperty object, based on the specified AnimationTimeline.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodBeginAnimation(DependencyProperty, AnimationTimeline, HandoffBehavior)
Initiates an animation sequence for the DependencyProperty object, based on both the specified AnimationTimeline and HandoffBehavior.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodCheckAccess
Determines whether the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject.
(Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Public methodClearValue(DependencyProperty)
Clears the local value of a property. The property to be cleared is specified by a DependencyProperty identifier.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodClearValue(DependencyPropertyKey)
Clears the local value of a read-only property. The property to be cleared is specified by a DependencyPropertyKey.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodCoerceValue
Coerces the value of the specified dependency property. This is accomplished by invoking any CoerceValueCallback function specified in property metadata for the dependency property as it exists on the calling DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodDetach
Detach this object from the CompositionTarget rendering engine
Public methodEquals
Determines whether a provided DependencyObject is equivalent to the current DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodFindCommonVisualAncestor
Returns the common ancestor of the visual object and another specified visual object.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodGetAnimationBaseValue
Retrieves the base value of the specified DependencyProperty object.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Gets a hash code for this DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodGetLocalValueEnumerator
Creates a specialized enumerator for determining which dependency properties have locally set values on this DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue
Returns the current effective value of a dependency property on this instance of a DependencyObject.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodInvalidateProperty
Re-evaluates the effective value for the specified dependency property
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodIsAncestorOf
Determines whether the visual object is an ancestor of the descendant visual object.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodIsDescendantOf
Determines whether the visual object is a descendant of the ancestor visual object.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodMakeGuidelines
Adds the provided points into the line point lists, converting them into lines. Each two consecutive points form a single line.
Public methodMakeWireframe
Generates a wireframe representing the Model3D
Public methodReadLocalValue
Returns the local value of a dependency property, if it exists.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodSetCurrentValue
Sets the value of a dependency property without changing its value source.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodSetValue(DependencyProperty, Object)
Sets the local value of a dependency property, specified by its dependency property identifier.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodSetValue(DependencyPropertyKey, Object)
Sets the local value of a read-only dependency property, specified by the DependencyPropertyKey identifier of the dependency property.
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransformToAncestor(Visual3D)
Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from this Visual3D object to the specified Visual3D ancestor of the object.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodTransformToAncestor(Visual)
Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from this Visual3D object to the specified Visual ancestor of the object.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodTransformToDescendant
Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from this Visual3D object to the specified Visual3D descent object.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public methodVerifyAccess
Enforces that the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject.
(Inherited from DispatcherObject.)


Public fieldStatic memberColorProperty
This is the dependency property for Color
Public fieldStatic memberPointsProperty
This is the dependency property for Points
Public fieldStatic memberStrokeProperty
Identifies the Stroke dependency property.
Public fieldStatic memberThicknessProperty
Identifies the Thickness dependency property.


Public propertyAsyncRender
Enables asynchronous rendering of lines for better performance
Public propertyChildren
Gets a collection of child Visual3D objects.
(Inherited from ModelVisual3D.)
Public propertyColor
Get or set the color of the line
Public propertyContent
Gets or sets the model that comprises the content of the ModelVisual3D.
(Inherited from ModelVisual3D.)
Public propertyDependencyObjectType
Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. 
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyDispatcher
Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with.
(Inherited from DispatcherObject.)
Public propertyHasAnimatedProperties
Gets a value that indicates whether this Visual3D has any animated properties.
(Inherited from Visual3D.)
Public propertyIsSealed
Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only).
(Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public propertyNormalScaleFactor
Get or set the scale factor for the lines representing normals to faces
Public propertyPoints
Get or set the Point3DCollection containing the Point3D that describe this line
Public propertyStroke
Gets or sets the foreground Brush used for the line.
Public propertyThickness
Get or set the tickness of the line
Public propertyTransform
Gets or sets the transform set on the ModelVisual3D.
(Inherited from ModelVisual3D.)

See Also