The AwxFilter type exposes the following members.


Public methodAwxFilter
Initializes a new instance of the AwxFilter class


Public methodClone
Implements ICloneable
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEvaluate
Evaluates the row using this filter, and a list of aliases that can be used to resolve the aliases in the filter
Public methodEvaluateExpression
Evaluates the row using this filter
Public methodGetAliases
Returns a list of aliases used by this filter
Public methodGetExpression
Returns an expression that represents the filter
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetKey
Returns the Key of the AwxFilter.
Protected methodGetPropertyName``1 (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHasErrorsOverride (Inherited from ValidatingObject.)
Protected methodOnErrorsChanged (Inherited from ValidatingObject.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged(String) (Inherited from ValidatingObject.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged``1(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(UMP>)>>)>)>>)) (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Protected methodOnPropertyValidated (Inherited from ValidatingObject.)
Protected methodSetAndNotify``1(UMP%, UMP, Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(UMP>)>>)>)>>)) (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Protected methodSetAndNotify``1(UMP%, UMP, String) (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Public propertyAlarmState
Defines the state of the alarms that must be filtered.
Public propertyAlarmType
Defines the type of the alarms that must be filtered
Public propertyArea
Defines the Area used to filter the data
Public propertyCategory
Defines the Category of the alarms that must be filtered
Public propertyExpressionFilter
Contains an expression string that represents a complex filter
Public propertyFieldName
Defines the name of the EventField Name used to filter the data
Public propertyFieldType
Defines the EventField TypeName used to filter the data
Public propertyFieldValue
Defines the value of the EventField used to filter the data
Public propertyHasValidationErrors (Inherited from ValidatingObject.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Specifies if the list is read only
Public propertyMaxSeverity
Defines the maximum severity used to filter data
Public propertyMessage
Defines Message used to filter the data
Public propertyMinSeverity
Defines the minimum severity used to filter data
Public propertyName
The name of this object
Public propertyNode
Defines the Node used to filter the data
Public propertyShouldFilterArea
Specifies if the area filter should be applied
Public propertyShouldFilterExpression
Specifies if the Expression should be used to filter data
Public propertyShouldFilterField
Specifies if the field filter should be applied
Public propertyShouldFilterMessage
Specifies if the message filter should be applied
Public propertyShouldFilterNode
Specifies if the node filter should be applied
Public propertyShouldFilterSeverity
Specifies if the severity filter should be applied
Public propertyShouldFilterSource
Specifies if the message filter should be applied
Public propertyShowInRuntime
Specifies if the filter is visible in runtime
Public propertySource
Defines the Source used to filter the data
Public propertySubCondition
Defines the SubCondition of the alarms that must be filtered


Public eventPropertyChanged (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Public eventPropertyValidated (Inherited from ValidatingObject.)

See Also