
Public classAlarmSubscription
Contains information about OPC UA Events the client subscribes to.
Public classAwxFilter
The ContentFilter used on the client side by AlarmWorX64
Public classCellData
Defines the meta data for the cells of an AlarmData
Public classEventCategory
Stores the information about a generic alarm category
Public classEventField
Represents an OPC UA Event Field available through AlarmSubscription
Public classEventFieldCollection
A strongly typed EventField collection. This collection supports the notification of the changes in the collection
Public classEventPoint
Represents an OPC UA Event Point
Public classEventPointCollection
A strongly typed EventPoint collection. This collection supports the notification of the changes in the collection
Public classFieldGroupKeys
Associates a custom key to each field group
Public classFieldGroupMap
This Dictionary is used to map the EventFields to their columns
Public classFiltersRepository
A strongly typed AwxFilter collection. This collection supports the notification of the changes in the collection
Public classNotifyFiltersChangingEventArgs
Extends NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs to provide the possibility to cancel the change in the list
Public classShiftDefinition
Class that contains the definition for the time shifts.
Public classSubCondtionNames
Defines the names for the SubCondition elements
Public classSubscriptionEventArgs
Extends EventArgs to return useful data about the changes in the AlarmSubscription
Public classSubscriptionsRepository
A strongly typed AlarmSubscription collection. This collection supports the notification of the changes in the collection
Public classTimeRange
This class indicates a date/time boundary for the events history
Public classVirtualEventField
Represents a virtual EventField whose content is calculated dynamically
Public classWorkShift
Class that holds information for particular shift


Public delegateNotifyCollectionChangingEventHandler
Simple Hanlder used to fire events when the filter collection is changin


Public enumerationAlarmProgress
Defines the State Operation to perform on alarms
Public enumerationAlarmState
Defines the values of the alarm NewState
Public enumerationAlarmType
Defines the types of the alarms
Public enumerationCategory
Defines the categories of the alarms
Public enumerationNewEventsPosition
Specifies the position where to put incoming events
Public enumerationStateOperation
Defines the State Operation to perform on alarms
Public enumerationSubCondition
Defines the Subcontitions for the alarms
Public enumerationTimeRangeType
Types of TimeRange