Schedule Control Configuration

The Schedule Control allows users to insert a schedule into a GraphWorX64 2D display.


Selecting the Schedule Control from the Controls Ribbon in GraphWorX64


After you have created a new display in GraphWorX64, you can insert a Schedule Control by selecting it from the Controls ribbon (as shown above) or from the Viewer Menu of the Toolbox.


Your cursor will turn into a '+', which allows you to set both the size of the control and its position within the display's canvas. The Schedule Control will then automatically size to the area you have created, as shown below.


A Newly Created Schedule Control in a GraphWorX64 Display Canvas


For info on how to set Schedule Control Pick properties from the right-side Properties section of the GraphWorX64 window, click HERE.


Note that the Schedule Control Configuration ribbon simultaneously appears at the top of the screen, as shown below.


Schedule Control Configuration Ribbon


The ribbon's buttons are used only in a Schedule Control that has been added to the GraphWorX64 display. Each button on the ribbon, as well as the configurator that the ribbon opens, is described below.

Configure your Control Dialog Box - Appearance Tab


You can right-click on the 'Schedule View Control' item in the 'Configure your Control' dialog to add new Tabs - or you can select the 'Schedule View Control' and click on the 'Add' button in the bottom left.

Configuring Your Tab Settings


You can right-click on a Tab in the left-side navigation pane in the 'Configure your Control' dialog to add:

The image above shows a new ScheduleWorX View.


Configure your Control Dialog Box - View Settings

ScheduleWorX View

Each ScheduleWorX View contains the following tabs:


Source Tab



The 'Data' section of the Source Tab allows you to select a Data Source via the ellipsis button [...]. This opens the data browser, which allows you to navigate to your selected schedule data source, as shown below.


Browsing for Schedule Data


The Data Source field of the Source Tab allows you to set the hierarchy and visibility of the Tabs associated with the selected schedule data.

To search for a specific Data Source, click the ellipses to the right of the data source field.



Weekly Tab


Holidays Tab


Exceptions Tab


Preview Tab


Advanced Tab



Expand Here for Advanced Tab Parameter Descriptions.


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BACnet Schedule View

Each BACnet Schedule View contains the following tabs:


Source Tab



The 'Data' section of the Source Tab allows you to click the Browse for Schedule button, which opens the BACnet Explorer, allowing you to find a schedule via connected BACnet devices.


You can also select a data source by entering the desired BACnet device's Device ID and Schedule Instance (or using the '#' buttons to navigate to those elements).


Click on the Specify FrameWorX Server Location checkbox if you wish to a connect to a remote FrameWorX Server (if you don't want to connect to the default one). This activates the Node text entry field where you can type the location or you can use the '#' button to navigate to your desired location.


The 'Tabs' section of the Source Tab allows you to set the hierarchy and visibility of the Tabs associated with the selected schedule data.


Weekly Tab



Exceptions Tab


Advanced Tab



Expand here for Advanced Tab Parameter Descriptions.


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BACnet Calendar View

Each BACnet Calendar View contains the following tabs:





The 'Data' section of the Source Tab allows you to click the Browse for Calendar button, which opens the BACnet Explorer, allowing you to find a calendar via connected BACnet devices.


You can also select a data source by entering the desired BACnet device's Device ID and Calendar Instance (or using the '#' buttons to navigate to those elements).


Click on the Specify FrameWorX Server Location checkbox if you wish to a connect to a remote FrameWorX Server (if you don't want to connect to the default one). This activates the Node text entry field where you can type the location or you can use the '#' button to navigate to your desired location.


The 'Tabs' section of the Source Tab allows you to set the hierarchy and visibility of the Tabs associated with the selected schedule data.


Calendar Tab


Advanced Tab



Expand here for Advanced Tab Parameter Descriptions.

N1 Schedule View

Each N1 Schedule View contains the following tabs:







Expand Here for Advanced Tab Parameter Descriptions.


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Remaining Schedule Control Configuration Ribbon Options

Load Button

Save Button

ToolBar Options

Title Options


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