Security Privileges for Users and Groups

The Security Server offers nearly identical security options for user accounts and for groups. You can apply security restrictions at the group level, the user level, or both. The Security Server uses the following rules for determining whether a privilege is extended or denied to a user based on his or her security:

  1. If a user lacks a privilege and is added to a group that has that privilege, the privilege is extended to the user.

  2. Least restrictive permissions take precedence. There is one exception: each user and group setting has two lists for each category: the Allow list and the Deny list. In this context (a single user or single group), the Deny list takes precedence over the Allow list.

Once you define a group or user account (as described in Users and Groups), you define its privileges. You do this by using the several tabs available when you define or edit the group or user.


The Application Actions section of the User or Group properties remains visible, regardless of which of the following tabs is selected.


Each tab is described below:

Granting or Denying Access

Many of these tabs are divided into two sections: an Include section (called Allow these operations) and an Exclude section (called Deny these operations). When you fill a line in one of these sections, click on the next blank line and enter the string. During runtime, when a GENESIS64 client sends an OPC point string, alarm, file, or other object to the Security Server for access testing (granted or denied), the include and exclude lists are string-compared as described below for each active user and group until access is granted. OPC point strings are used in this example, but the same logic applies to all objects that require access:

  1. Compare the OPC point string with each string in the include list until a match is found. If no match is found, access is denied.

  2. If a match is found in the include list, compare the OPC point string with every string in the exclude list. If no match is found in the exclude list, access to the point is granted, and no further testing of active groups and users is performed.

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Application Actions

Privileges can be extended or denied to users and groups on an application-by-application basis. The Application Actions section of the User (shown below) or Group properties is where you define these privileges for a user or for a group. Each client application has its own set of actions that can be controlled, and you have precise control over each action. When you create a new user account or group, all applications and actions are selected by default. You should begin your definition of an account by visiting the Application Actions tab and setting the restrictions that you require.


Security Role Application Actions


The table below lists the different applications and the actions that are available for giving access or limiting. Select the action to give users access; deselect the action to deny the ability to perform the action.




Sub Actions

AlarmWorX64 Viewer :

Allow Toolbar



Toggle Details Visibility


Edit Filters



Fire Custom Event




Advanced Sorting

Clean Empty Rows

Column Reorder

Column Resize

Confirm Notification

Enable Tool Tips Selection


Minimize All Groups

Row Resize

Simple Sorting

Toggle Column Visibility

Toggle Details Visibility

Toggle Group Header Visibility



Historical Data:

Allow Reporting

Refresh Historical Data

Set Historical Data Time Range


Load and Save Configuration






Real Time Data:

Enable Ack By Comparison

Enable Ack Filtered Items

Enable Ack Not Active

Enable Ack Selected Items

Enable Acknowledge

Enable Global Acknowledge


Runtime Filtering






Add Favorite



Apply Discard



Call Method



Schedule Clear Override



Create Pen



Custom Command



Delete Pen



Edit Pen



Execute Commands



Expand Collapse



Export Data



Export Image



Export Statistic



Go To Location






Load Alarm Configuration



Load DataGrid Configuration



Load Energy Data



Load Executed Reports



Load Facility Data



Load Graphics display



Load KPI Dashboard



Load Mobile Layout



Load Report



Load Schedule Control Configuration



Load Trend Configuration



Load Url



Log Event



Login Dialog






Open Url



Schedule Override



Phone Call






Recipe: Copy



Recipe: Delete



Recipe: Download



Recipe: Load



Recipe: New



Recipe: Save



Recipe: Upload






Remove Favorite



Run Report



Run Script



Run Transaction



Save Configuration



Select Asset



Select Element



Select View



Send Alert Email



Send Alert Page



Send Email



Send Message



Set Filter



Set Freeze Mode



Set Global Alias



Set Global Color Theme



Set Language



Set Period



Set Time Range



Set Visibility



Show Details






Switch Layout



Write Value





EnergyAnalytiX Viewer:

Configuration Mode



Save Existing Configuration



Save New Configuration


FDDWorX Viewer:

Configuration Mode



Save Existing Configuration



Save New Configuration


GraphWorX64 :

Exit Application




Cache Display Settings


Data Explorer

Display Back-Forward

Exit Runtime

File Open

Fit to Window

Help Functions


Print Functions

Recent Files List

Set Icon Sizes

Set Language

Set Main Menu Visibility

Set Navigation Bar Visibility

Set Scrollbar Visibility

Set Status Bar Visibility

Show Diagnostics

Stop File Load

System Health Monitor

Zoom Functions



Drag-Drop DataSource

Zoom Functions


Pick Actions:

Close Window

Compose Email

Database Update

Display Back

Display Forward

Load Display

Make Phone Call

Play Sound

Popup Menu

Run Report

Run Script

Run Transaction

Send SMS

Set Global Aliases

Set Language

Set Local Aliases

Set Object Visibility

Set View

Start Application

Toggle Value

Write Value



Load Display

GridWorX64 Viewer:

Allow Toolbar



Edit Filers




Advanced Sorting

Allow Delete

Allow Insert

Allow Update

Column Reorder

Column Resize

Enable Tool Tips selection


Minimize All Groups

Refresh Data

Row Resize

Simple Sorting

Toggle Column Visibility

Toggle Group Header Visibility



Load and Save configuration



Runtime Filtering



Private favorites



Public favorites see



Public favorites modify



Enable ReportWorX Express


Schedule Control:

Allow Toolbar












TrendWorX64 Viewer :

Allow Toolbar










Data Navigation:

Scroll Trend

Set Right Time

Shift Pen


Export Data



Freeze Mode:




Historical Update Actions:

Delete Sample

Insert Sample

Update Sample





Operator Comments:




Pen Actions:

Add Pen

Delete Pen

Edit Pen


Switch Plot


Refresh Data



Side Panel:



Trend Actions:

Edit Period

Edit Trend


Show-Hide Axis

Swap Axis







Workbench :

AlarmWorX64 Logger:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


AlarmWorX64 Multimedia:

Add-Remove Database

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


AlarmWorX64 Server :

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


BI Server:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


Energy AnalytiX:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server

Upgrade Database


Exit Application




Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server

Upgrade Database


FrameWorX Server:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items



Browse Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


Global Aliasing:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Reload Configuration



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


Hyper Historian:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


Internet of things:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


Language Aliasing:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items


Layout Management:

Arrange Documents


Close Document

File New

File Open


Maximize Document



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


Mode Configuration



Mode Runtime



Platform Services Configuration



Project Management:

Configure Certificates

Configure Services

Configure SSRS

Edit Project

Get Installed Files

Open Project


Toggle Audit Log




Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Monitor Mode



Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


System Designer:

Add-Remove Database

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items



File New

File Open


Template Editor


TrendWorX64 Logger:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


Unified Data Manager:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server


User Profiles and Favorites:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items


Web Services:

Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items

Start-Stop Server



Browse Items

Delete Items

Edit Items


Return to top

Points Tab

A GENESIS64 application that is configured to send outputs to points in OPC servers will disable them if denied by the Security Server. OPC point names (with or without wild cards) are placed in include or exclude lists for each user or group.


Before a GENESIS64 client outputs a process value to an OPC server, the unique string that identifies the OPC output point is sent to the Security Server to determine if the write should be allowed based on the currently logged-in users and/or the groups to which they belong. Use the Points tab of the Properties form, shown in the figure below, to configure which OPC output points are allowed to be written to by users and groups. Refer to Granting or Denying Access for a description of how entries on this tab are used. Refer to Wildcards and Performance Optimization for a description of the wild cards you can use.


Points Tab


Return to top

Alarms Tab

You can protect individual alarms or groups of alarms by securing those alarms. Do so by placing alarm names with or without wildcards in include (allow acknowledgement) or exclude (deny acknowledgement) lists for each user or group. (Include and exclude lists are commonly used by file backup programs to specify a backup set.) A GENESIS64 application will query the Security Server for alarm access before opening a file. Use the Alarms tab (shown below) to control access to alarm acknowledgement during runtime. Refer to Granting or Denying Access for a description of how entries on this tab are used. Refer to Wildcards and Performance Optimization for a description of the wild cards you can use.

Note: Alarms can also be secured by Asset Name. See Secure Alarms by Asset Name for more info.


Alarms Tab


Return to top

Files Tab

The Files form (shown below) controls access to files that GENESIS64 clients may open during runtime. You can use any of the features that are available, but all are optional and should be used only in accordance with policy strategies you have set up at your company. This tab is frequently used to define user access to GraphWorX64 display files; some users create the files and need complete access to the files they create, while others are runtime users such as dashboard operators or supervisors who much monitor operations.


In the Allow These Operations section, identify the files that the user can access then select the actions that are allowed for each file. In the Deny These Operations section, identify the files and actions that users are specifically denied. In both sections, you can use wild cards to include multiple files with one entry.


Refer to Granting or Denying Access for a description of how entries on this tab are used. Refer to Wildcards and Performance Optimization for a description of the wild cards you can use. The runtime processing and wildcard pattern matching apply here with the following differences:

Files Tab


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Stations Tab

The Stations form is used to grant (allow login) or restrict (deny login) access from specific nodes on the network. Each node on a Microsoft network is identified by a unique computer name. Refer to Granting or Denying Access for a description of how entries on this tab are used.


Stations Tab


When you click the Ellipsis button [...], the Select a Station dialog box appears, as shown in the figure below. Select the Station Name from the drop-down list, or enter the name or system IP address into the drop-down list box to define the station criteria.


Select a Station Dialog Box


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Methods Tab

The Methods tab (shown below) is used to grant or restrict the use of listed methods.


Methods Tab


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Assets Tab

The Assets Tab (shown below) is used to grant or restrict the visualization and/or execution of listed assets in a connected asset catalog database through the AssetWorX provider in the Workbench.


Assets Tab


Return to top

Favorites Tab

The Favorites Tab (shown below) is used to grant or restrict the visualization and/or execution of Favorite operations.


Favoritess Tab


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KPIWorX Favorites Tab

The KPIWorX Favorites Tab (shown below) is used to grant or restrict the visualization and/or execution of KPIWorX Favorite operations.


KPIWorX Favorites Tab


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Reports Tab

The Reports Tab (shown below) is used to grant or restrict the download and/or execution of reports.


Reports Tab


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Transactions Tab

The Transactions Tab (shown below) is used to grant or restrict the download and/or execution of transactions.


Transactions Tab


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Mobile Tab

The Mobile Tab (shown below) is used to grant or restrict the visualization and/or execution of listed mobile operations.


Mobile Tab


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Custom (Strings) Tab

VBA Scripts may use custom-defined strings as security tokens that are evaluated by the Security Server. As with the file names, custom strings with or without wildcards are placed in include (allow access) or exclude (deny access) lists for each user or group. The Custom form, shown below, is used to include or exclude strings that will be tested in runtime by VBA scripts executing within GENESIS64 clients. The meaning of these strings and the functionality they protect are controlled entirely by the author of the VBA script.


Refer to Wildcards and Performance Optimization for a description of the wild cards you can use. Refer to Granting or Denying Access for a description of how entries on this tab are used. For example, from a GENESIS64 VBA script, a custom security item is tested by calling the method TestCustomSecurityItem(BSTR customString) in the GwxDisplay object.


Custom Tab


Return to top

EarthWorX Credentials Tab

The EarthWorX Credentials tab (shown below) is used to grant or restrict visualization and/or execution options within the EarthWorX provider.


EarthWorX Credentials Tab


Return to top


See Also:

Users and Groups

Security Overview