Project Document

The Project Document wizard helps users to configure a task to generate a document which contains a set of selected reports, along with a front cover.


The task runs on the connected server and analyzes the connected configuration databases in order to collect configured tags. Depending on each individual system, the number of tags involved and sizes of connected databases, this operation may require additional time to complete. Due to the possible time involved, the task is able to run in the background, allowing the user to continue working while creating the report. The 'in-task' status and progress will be shown in the Task Schedule Panel on the right side of the Workbench.


Project Document Button (Highlighted) in the Tools Section of the Home Ribbon in the Workbench


To Run the Project Document Wizard:

  1. Click on the Project Document button, shown below, in the Tools section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.

Project Document Button

  1. This opens the first screen of the Project Document Report Wizard, as shown below. Click Next to continue.

Project Documentation

  1. The General Settings/Validation Settings/Report Selection window, shown below, appears.

General Settings/Report Selection


General Settings

Validation Settings

Select the reports for your project documentation


Place a checkmark to the left of the Report Name(s) that you would like to include in your project documentation. All reports are pre-selected by default.


When you have completed your settings, click Next to proceed.

Set Custom Values

Select Active Configurations

  1. The Project Document Wizard then proceeds to create your requested report. Reports are generated asynchronously on the server. You will see the report's status appear in the Recent Tasks panel on the right side of the Workbench, as highlighted below.

Project Documentation Task Running

The Recent Tasks panel allows you to perform multiple actions related to the generated reports.

  1. You can right-click on the completed project document task in the Recent Tasks panel for additional options, including Download PDF, Download and Open PDF, Download Excel, Download and Open Excel, Show task explorer, View Log, Cancel, Retry and Delete Task(s) [Note: The same right-click options are available when viewing the task within the Task Explorer.]

Right-Click Options for Project Documentation Task in Tasks Panel

Report PDF Opened Within the Workbench (in a Popped Out Window)

Task Explorer Containing Queued Project Document Task

See Also:

Tools Section of the Home Ribbon

Project Reporting

Configured Tag Reports

Runtime Use Reports

Runtime Collection

Creating Custom Reports