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Welcome to ICONICS GENESIS64™, a powerful, 64-bit, Web-enabled, OPC HMI/SCADA suite. GENESIS64 takes full advantage of the convergence of 64-bit-based computing machinery, the release of new Microsoft operating systems (Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008) and the growing customer demand for engaging three-dimensional graphic visualization of business processes.


GENESIS64 is compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7 and certified for Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008. It includes several solutions that allow for connectivity from the plant floor to corporate business systems to provide a 360-degree view of an entire organization. It was designed from the ground up to use the latest technologies including:


ICONICS GENESIS64 suite includes the following products:

The following optional ICONICS products are also available via separate installation media:

Click HERE for further overview of GENESIS64's Architecture.

GENESIS64 is a substantial suite of applications. You can perform all system configurations in the Workbench. From your Alarm Server configuration to your system Security, and HMI displays, you can do it all within the Workbench.


As is shown in the illustration above, you can connect to and configure many different GENESIS64 applications within the Workbench. Aside from the services and their configurations, there are containers for viewing different types of data in the Workbench. These containers are also controls that you can add into GraphWorX64 displays. Unlike GENESIS32, where containers are standalone applications, most containers in GENESIS64 can only be configured and run within Workbench. The GraphWorX64 container is the only one in the GENESIS64 suite that allows for configuration and runtime without going into the Workbench. Like the Workbench, these you can configure and even go into runtime to view data in these containers. For more about the Workbench, refer to the Workbench topic.

OPC and Data Communication

GENESIS64 supports OPC specifications including OPC Data Access (OPC DA), OPC Alarms and Events (OPC AE), OPC Historical Data Access (OPC HDA), OPC Security, OPC Batch, OPC XML-DA, and OPC Complex Data. On top of these OPC specifications, GENESIS64 also supports the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA). For more information, refer to the OPC Overview and OPC and GENESIS64 topics.


In addition, GENESIS64 also supports communication from other industry standard communication protocols such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and BACnet which is commonly found in building automation. For more information, refer to the Overview of BACnet and Introduction to SNMP topics.


Platform Services

Platform Services within ICONICS software products perform a variety of functions including the following:

FrameWorX and Configuration Services

The Application FrameWorX and Configuration Services components are the core to the communications of the GENESIS64 client applications. Specifically, all communications from the GENESIS64 clients, such as the Workbench and GraphWorX64, go through a communications layer comprised of the Application FrameWorX and Configuration Services. Also, all of the Licensing, Security, and OPC Data go through the Application FrameWorX.


In contrast, all of the configuration pieces of the Hyper Historian, Unified Data Manager, AlarmWorX64 Server, and so on, go through their respective Configuration services.


For more about FrameWorX64, refer to the FrameWorX64 Server topic.


See also:

FrameWorX64 Server

Data Connections

Working with Servers
