Working with Servers

A number of GENESIS64 components are servers or services that you can control and modify from the Workbench Classic. They include:

Use GenTray To Start and Stop ICONICS and Other Services

The SNMP Network Explorer


The SNMP service is an example of a server that is modified without having control over the database that stores the settings. SNMP is a network service, and although the parameters describing devices on the network called the MIB file can be edited, SNMP cannot be turned on or off for the network. However, a client can start and stop the SNMP client service locally. The Network Explorer controls some of the important aspects of the discovery process.

The Unified Data Manager is a Front End to a Managed SQL Database

Note: Local aliasing is not a service, but local aliases can be used in GraphWorX64. They are stored within the GraphWorX64 files to which they apply.

Remote Management

You can access the Workbench Classic locally, but you can also open and manage the Workbench Classic on remote systems. When managing a remote system the different objects, files, and settings are organized into different groups for each of the systems you are currently browsing.


To open and view a remote server or service:

  1. On the Project ribbon, click the Connect to Server button in the Edit section. This opens the Connect to Server dialog box shown below.

The Connect To Server Dialog Box

  1. If the Remote server is not listed click the Servers button.

  2. In the Add/Remove Server dialog box shown below click the Add button to Add a server or select the server and click the Edit button to edit the server.

The Add/Remove Server Dialog Box

  1. If you clicked Add, enter the Server name or IP address, Display name, and Connection Details in the Server dialog box that appears. If you clicked Edit make any changes to the fields in the Server dialog box.

Server Dialog Box

  1. Click the OK button on all of the open dialog boxes to return to the Workbench Classic .

The Workbench Classic validates the connection to the new project server and then lists the server in the Add/Remove Project Server.


See also:

Data Connections

Workbench Classic

Workbench Classic User Interface