Energy AnalytiX Dashboard


Energy AnalytiX is an analytics data-driven application for Energy Management. It operates by collecting data from various data sources (real time, historical, Web services-based, external, etc.) and then utilizes the collected data in evaluating user-defined energy calculations.


The Energy AnalytiX version released with 10.96.xx ICONICS product release is a new version of the previous releases of Energy AnalytiX (including 10.95.xx) based on a new architecture.

Energy AnalytiX Architecture

Energy AnalytiX integrates a number of ICONICS key technologies in order to provide an energy management solution, including:

Energy AnalytiX is deployed using the AssetWorX infrastructure and the Asset AnalytiX support for mapping equipment properties to Hyper Historian tags and calculations. As such, an end user can add energy functionality to any asset using the Energy AnalytiX extension in the Workbench.


High Level Architecture of Energy AnalytiX


For more information, refer to Energy AnalytiX Quick Start.


Energy AnalytiX product installation will install an energy dashboard for the end user to utilize as a starting point for providing visualization for the energy application.


The energy dashboard is developed to be a general-purpose energy application visualization tool and it will require customization from the end user to make it specific to the end user’s application. For example, if the target energy application does not involve say Carbon-based analysis, then the default energy dashboard will need to be customized to exclude carbon-based visualization.


The energy dashboard consists of three main components

Both the energy data model as well the energy dashboard are developed in a generic way and they accommodate all possible data that an energy application may include. They are also developed in a way to automatically update with newer data, on different periodic intervals, based on the estimated frequency of changes in the underlying data.

Before You Start

Energy data can include data spanning significant time intervals or a high volume of energy calculations. As such, prior to deploying the energy data models or using them, it is advised that the end user sets the data load timeout interval to a high value in the AnalytiX-BI point manager, like 3600 seconds.


AnalytiX-BI Settings

Energy Dashboard Deployment

This refers to the process of deployment of the AnalytiX-BI Energy data model and related energy dashboard implemented in KPIWorX-BI. The energy dashboard requires three areas to be available so that it can function


Energy Data Model Implemented Under AnalytiX-BI


Related Triggers the Energy Data Model is Utilizing


Related KPIWorX-BI Dashboard Files


For the new Energy AnalytiX, there will be a new Workbench Project pack file, which the end user will have to unpack manually. The related file will be called EnergyDashboard.pkgx.


EnergyDashboard.pkgx File


It will be located under the \Genesis64 folder under “AnalytiX Dashboards”.


EnergyDashboard.pkgx File Location


The end user will have to unpack it and, while unpacking, the user should check all the related KPIWorX-BI files.


'Unpack a package into the project' Window


After the energy dashboard is successfully unpacked, the end user should perform the following actions:

Note: For the Rename Column Step in the Energy Assets Dimension, the schema in the Energy Analysis Weekly Data/EnergyAssetsDimBI and Energy Analysis Yearly Data/EnergyAssetsDimBI data models needs to be refreshed. Without refreshing each schema and applying the change, these models will show an “error” in the Status field on the BI form.


Rename Column Step in Energy Assets Dimension


Note: In addition, if data labels are not displayed on data series, it may be the result of different data series available other than the ones used in preparing the energy dashboard. In this case, the user should manually enable the data series labels and manually remove any data series not present in his/her data set.

Energy Data Model

The energy data model, implemented in AnalytiX-BI includes all the reference data (dimension data) as well all the energy data (fact data) and data relationships to model the energy application and to facilitate advanced energy data analysis and visualization.


The energy data model addresses the following time ranges of energy data:

In more details, the energy data model consists of:

For more information regarding implementing data models in AnalytiX-BI please refer to About AnalytiX-BI Server and Data Models.

Energy Data Model Architecture

The energy analysis data model consists of two basic groups of data

The Energy Data Model is implemented inside AnalytiX-BI as a collection of:

Energy Analysis Data Models

Energy Analysis Data Flows

The Energy Data Flows are grouped into several categories, each category representing the functional purpose of the related Data Flows as follows:

Energy Dimensions Related Data Flows

The Energy Dimensions consist of the reference energy data such as asset names, calculation names as well as metadata such as meter types, energy variables etc.


Energy Dimension Data Flows in AnalytiX-BI


In more details, the Energy Dimension Data Flows in AnalytiX-BI are:

Energy Data Related Data Flows

The Energy Data includes data such as consumption data, normalized variable data, cost data etc.


Energy Data Flows in AnalytiX-BI


In more details, the energy data flows in AnalytiX-BI are:


Energy Weekly (Energy data for the current week by hour)


Energy Weekly Data Flows in AnalytiX-BI

Energy Yearly (Energy data for 3 years by day)


Energy Yearly Data Flows in AnalytiX-BI

Energy Analysis Data Models

The energy data models are grouped into several categories, each category representing the time range of the related data flows as follows:

Energy Data Models in AnalytiX-BI

Energy Analysis Weekly Data Model

The Energy Analysis Weekly Data Model integrates the weekly data flows along with the dimension related Data Flows to provide the current calendar week energy dashboard.


Energy Analysis Weekly Data Model in AnalytiX-BI


In more details, this Energy Data Model contains:

Data Tables

Data Views

Energy Analysis Weekly Model Graphical View

Energy Analysis Yearly Data Model

The Energy Analysis Yearly Data Model integrates the yearly data flows along with the dimension related data flows to provide the last three (3) calendar years' energy dashboard.


Energy Analysis Yearly Data Model in AnalytiX-BI


In more details, this energy data model contains:

Data Tables

Data Views

Energy Analysis Yearly Model Graphical View

Energy Data Model Updates

The Energy Analysis Data Model utilizes a set of triggers to periodically update the energy data displayed on the energy dashboard. The associated triggers are created under Actions, in the Workbench, and they should not be deleted by the end user.


Energy Analysis Data Model Triggers


The Data Model is using the above triggers in updating related data tables in a periodic fashion, by following a load balanced approach. Typically, at least one and in some cases two periodic triggers are used for data updates.


Energy Analysis Data Table Triggers


The first one may be supported incremental updates based on a data key, while the other one (Overwrite with new data) repopulates the entire data table with a fresh copy of the data.


Typically, dimensional data tables are getting refreshed with an updated snapshot of the data every hour, which implies that any configuration changes will be visible tothe Energy Analysis data model every one (1) hour.

Energy Data Model Editing

The Energy Analysis Data Model is a generic data model and most likely end users will have to customize it. Editing the default energy data model needs to be planned carefully and with an understanding of the required steps.


Note: It is recommended that prior to any modification of the Energy Data Model, the related configuration database is backed up.


Next, the type of editing in the data model has to be reviewed with respect to data model entities relationship and parent child hierarchies. It is best if we provide a few examples of how to accomplish this.

Deleting an Existing Entity from the Data Model

The AnalytiX-BI-based Energy Data Model is made of:

Prior to deleting any entity, the user will need to review if other energy data model entities depend or reference the entity to be deleted. More specifically:


If the entity to be deleted is a data flow, all related tables, views and associated relationships must be deleted first. If the entity to be deleted is a data table or data view, all related data views and relationships need to be deleted first.


As a use case scenario, let’s say that we would like to remove any carbon-related entities from the weekly data model. The required steps would be:


Step 1: Expand the Weekly Energy Data Model and identify carbon-related entities and identify the carbon-related entities.


Energy Weekly Data Model


Step 2: Open the Weekly Energy Data Model in the Workbench, and for each carbon- related entity, delete associated relationships and save the Data Model.


Relationships in Energy Weekly Data Model


Step 3: Delete all carbon entities from the weekly data model.


Step 4: Delete all carbon-related Data Flows from the Weekly Data Model.


Another use case scenario would be to add or remove fields from existing data flows, data tables or views. The required steps would be:


If adding a new column to a data flow, in order to propagate it to the related data table, the user must first refresh the schema of the related data table.


Refreshing Data Table Schema


If removing an existing field from a data table or view, the user should:

In general, any change in the data model’s entities will most likely impact the energy visualization dashboard. As such, it is recommended that users once they complete changes in the Energy Analysis data model that they do review all visuals in the related dashboards and verify that they operate properly. In some cases, users may need to remove visuals for which no data are available in the energy data model while in some cases, pending on the changes committed, all that it is required to add or to remove data model entity field from the related visual’s fields.

Multiple Time Zone Support

Energy assets can be geographically distributed and they can be allocated to different time zones. An Energy dashboard user would like to visualize energy data across same time intervals related to different time zones.


For example, let’s assume that we have defined two time zones in our asset structure.


Multiple Time Zones in Asset Tree

First Time Zone Properties


Second Time Zone Properties


Now, let’s say we would like to look at data for a calendar day 12:00 AM (today) to 12:00 AM (next day) in local time on 11/17/2020. The corresponding Hyper Historian data request would be in UTC times.

Athens Time Zone Info

All energy data model data tables and data views will propagate the energy asset’s Timezone information to the energy data model queries and all energy dashboard filters will operate on the local time of the user visualizing energy data.


In AnalytiX-BI, energy data model all energy dimensions will propagate the time zone information (or emptry string if not defined). The energy data model data flows are modified to use the new time zone support function in AnalytiX-BI (totimezonetime) and to parameterize the data request from Hyper Historian to the appropriate UTC time interval based on the asset’s timezone. Once the data are retrieved in UTC time for Hyper Historian, they will be converted to a LocalTimeZone time using as parameter the timezone of the related asset and then all added columns such as year, month, day, etc will be applied. In the energy dashboard, based on KPIWorX-BI, all date-based filters will work using the newly added LocalTimeZone column and all date-based data filtering will be based on the local time of the energy dashboard user.


As an example, let us look at hourly data inside Energy AnalytiX' overview dashboard page.


Without any asset selected, we can see data up to 8:00 PM although the screenshot was taken at 2:05 PM at Foxboro on 11/17/2020. This makes sense since NY is in Athens, where the time now is 9:05 PM and the consumption chart rolls up everything at the 10962 Enterprise level.


Overview of Today’s Consumption Data by Hour

Now, let’s use CT as our selection. Data are displayed until 2:00 PM, since this is our local time and CT is in Eastern (Foxboro) time.


Overview of Today’s Consumption Data by Hour in Eastern Timezone


Next, let’s use NY as our selection. Data are displayed until 9:00 PM, since this is our local time and NY is in EET (Athens, Greece) time and there the local time is 9:05 PM.


Overview of Today’s Consumption Data by Hour in Eastern European Timezone


Finally, let’s look at the total consumption at the 10962 Enterprise level. 10962 Enterprise level consumption = CT consumption + NY consumption.


10962 Enterprise-level Consumption (7948 kWH)


CT consumption (3737 kWH)


NY consumption (4211 kWH)

Energy Dashboard

The energy dashboard is implemented as a set of dashboard pages developed within KPIWorX-BI (under \ProgramData\ICONICS\KPIXStorage\Public). It is supplied as a sample energy dashboard with a general-purpose approach to provide a sample and a starting point for the end user to customize energy visualization to fulfill application requirements. Typically it will need to be modified by the end user to be made more applicable to the individual energy visualization needs of the end user’s application.


Energy Dashboard Files


The energy dashboard can be accessed by starting a browser and navigating to the KPIWorX-BI default site http://localhost/kpiworx/default.kpix.


Energy Dashboard in KPIWorX-BI


The Energy Dashboard is structured to have a home page (Energy Analysis Overview) and a number of related dashboard pages within dedicated virtual folders. In general, the following dashboard sections are supplied as a starting point.

Before You Start

Before starting to use the Energy Dashboard, please verify the following:

An energy dashboard page in general is developed using energy data from the energy data model along with filters to allow the end user to easily analyze energy data based on the current filter context selection.


Energy Analysis Overview Dashboard Page


Note: The dashboard filters which are used in single selection mode may have pre-selected values which are based on the source energy sample data that the sample energy dashboard was developed. As such, once the user goes to display runtime mode and selects an existing filter value, the new filter value will take affect and the saved pre-selected filter value will reflect existing values from the user’s energy application.


In the following sections, we will describe with more details each energy dashboard area.

Energy Analysis Dashboard Functionality

Energy Analysis Overview

The Energy Analysis Overview page is intended to present a quick summary of energy data for the current calendar day.

Energy Analysis Overview Dashboard Page

Energy Weekly Analysis

The Energy Weekly Analysis dashboard pages are intended to present a quick summary of energy data for the current calendar week.


Energy Weekly Analysis Folder

Weekly Overview

Weekly Overview Dashboard Page

Weekly Analysis

Weekly Analysis Dashboard Page

Energy Analysis

The Energy Analysis dashboard pages are intended to present analysis of energy data for the last (3) calendar years using daily resolution for the data.


Energy Analysis Folder

Consumption Analysis

Consumption Analysis Dashboard Page

Consumption Trends

Consumption Trends Dashboard Page

Normalized Energy Analysis

Normalized Energy Analysis Dashboard Page

Normalized Energy Comparison

Normalized Energy Comparison Dashboard Page

Segmentation Analysis Monthly

Important Note: The segmentation analysis applied to meter types predefined in Energy AnalytiX sample configuration data. If the end user is utilizing different meter type names then the dashboard page filters for meter types should be edited to reflect the desired meter types.


Energy Segmentation Meter Type Filters


Segmentation Analysis Monthly Dashboard Page

Year at a Glance

Year at a Glance Dashboard Page

Yearly Analysis

Yearly Analysis Dashboard Page

Yearly Consumption Analysis

Yearly Consumption Analysis Dashboard Page

Yearly Meter Data Analysis

Yearly Meter Data Analysis Dashboard Page

Yearly Overview

Yearly Overview Dashboard Page

Energy Cost Analysis

The Energy Cost Analysis dashboard pages are intended to present analysis of energy cost data for the last (3) calendar years using daily resolution for the data.


Energy Cost Analysis Folder

Normalized Cost Analysis

Normalized Cost Analysis Dashboard Page

Asset Cost Comparison

Asset Cost Comparison Dashboard Page

Yearly Cost Analysis

Yearly Cost Analysis Dashboard Page

Weather Data Analysis

The Weather Data Analysis dashboard pages are intended to present analysis of energy data with respect to degree days for the last (3) calendar years using daily resolution for the data


Weather Data Analysis Folder

Degree Days Yearly Overview

Degree Days Yearly Overview Dashboard Page

Normalized Consumption by Degree Days

Normalized Consumption by Degree Days Dashboard Page

Consumption Flows

The Consumption Flows dashboard pages are intended to present flows of energy consumption across asset levels for the last three (3) calendar years using daily resolution for the data. The visualization of the energy consumption flows is based on Sankey charts.


Consumption Flows Folder

Enterprise Flow Analysis

Enterprise Flow Analysis Dashboard Page

 Area Flow Analysis

Area Flow Analysis Dashboard Page

Site Flow Analysis

Site Flow Analysis Dashboard Page

NOTE: The Consumption flows assume that all asset levels, such as Enterprise, Site, Area, and ProcessCell are available in the application’s AssetWorX tree.


In cases where some of the above asset levels do not exist, the user will have to do the following steps:


The Reports dashboard pages are intended to present tabular analysis of energy data for the last (3) calendar years using daily resolution for the data.


Reports Folder

Yearly Carbon Report

Yearly Carbon Report Dashboard Page


Note: Carbon data is a bit different than, for instance, consumption data or cost data. Non-rollup assets cannot always be relied upon since users apply Carbon calculations to only high -evel rollups like "campus" or "buildings" and not, for instance, "floors".


For now, in the chart for Carbon consumption by day of week, users can set "IsRollup=false". However, if a user applies Carbon calculations to only high-level rollups, the chart may need to be modified or replaced.

Yearly Consumption Report

Yearly Consumption Report Dashboard Page

Yearly Cost Report

Yearly Cost Report Dashboard Page


See Also:

How Energy AnalytiX Works

About AnalytiX-BI Server

Data Models