
Home > AnalytiX Suite > CFSWorX > Workflows > Configurations





Workflows in CFSWorX are similar to those used within Workflow actions or within BridgeWorX in GENESIS64 and the Workbench.


To Create a Workflow Configuration for CFSWorX:

  1. Expand your project in the Workbench, and then expand the Connected Field Worker node.

  2. Right-click on the Workflows branch, then select Add Configuration from the pulldown menu, as shown below.

Add Workflow Configuration from the Project Explorer




Select the Workflows branch in the Project Explorer then click on the Add Configuration button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add Configuration Button

  1. This opens the Workflow Configuration window, as shown below, within the Workbench. Enter a name for this configuration in the Name text entry field.

Workflow Configuration

Configuration Settings Tab

Workflow Configuration - Configuration Settings Tab


Generic Properties


Advanced Properties

Alarm Settings Tab

workflow - Alarm Settings Tab


Alarm Subscription


Note: workflows can subscribe to both AlarmWorX64 Server alarms and FDDWorX (Facility AnalytiX) fault incidents.

Triggering Workflows with Alarms that have Multiple States

New workflows are triggered by new alarms. A new alarm is defined by a unique alarm that has a new active time. Using the alarm server "Limit alarm" as an example, changing from LoLo to Hi does not change the alarm state. This will not trigger a new workflow. There are two options for forcing a change in behavior on state change:  

Including delays longer than 10 seconds will allow other workflows to run.

  1. Once you have completed your configuration, click on Apply and then Close to return to the Workbench. Your new workflow configuration will now appear in the Project Explorer.


To Create a Workflow for CFSWorX:

  1. Expand your project in the Workbench, then expand the Connected Field Worker node, then expand the Workflows node. The next steps will require that you have already created a workflow Configuration via the steps above.

  2. Right-click on a Configuration within the Workflows node, then select Add workflow from the pulldown menu, as shown below.

Add Workflow from the Project Explorer




Select a Configuration within the Workflow branch in the Project Explorer then click on the Add Workflow button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add Workflow Button

  1. This opens the Workflow settings window, as shown below, within the Workbench. Enter a name for this Workflow in the Name text entry field.

Workflow Settings

Workflow Settings Tab

Workflow Settings Tab


General Settings

workflow Template

Advanced Settings

Triggers Tab

Triggers Tab


Specify the list of tags that can trigger a workflow execution

  1. Click on Apply to save your workflow, then Close to return to the Workbench.

See Also:

About CFSWorX

Workflow Load Balancing and Redundancy