Animation Mode for 3D Dynamics

All dynamics have some properties in common. For example: all dynamics are based on a DataSource and ActiveWhen properties. In the DataSource property you specify the source of input for the dynamic; and in the ActiveWhen property you specify the conditions under which the dynamic is active. Of particular interest is the AnimationMode property, which has two choices: Discrete and Analog. The mode you use depends on the data source. You can also include information about a dynamic in runtime tool tips.

Analog Mode

If the dynamic is based on the unfettered input from a data source, choose Analog. The data source might directly determines the ongoing location, position, or size of an animated object. This is for animation in direct response to data source input, either based on a user’s manipulation of a slider, or values being returned from a global positioning system (GPS).


In Analog mode, you can enter the LowLimit and HighLimit properties. 

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Discrete Mode

If the dynamic happens only as the result of a condition, choose Discrete. For example, a door can be hidden when the runtime user clicks the doorknob; an alarm can change color when a sensor exceeds a certain value. Discrete mode requires that you specify the following additional properties that control how the animation works:  

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Tool Tips

You can include information about a dynamic in runtime tool tips. A tool tip is text that displays when the runtime users holds the cursor over the dynamic object. To add information about the dynamic to the object’s tool tip set:

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See also:

Adding a 3D Dynamic

Pick Actions in 3D

Adding a Pick Action to a 3D Object

OPC Tags


Dynamics in the GraphWorX64 Interface