Three are three types of email agents you can use. For a description of them, refer to Email Agents. Once you have decided which email agent to use, you will need to enable to correct one on your system during installation. If you have already installed AlarmWorX Multimedia and you installed it with a different active agent or you do not remember which agent you have chosen at the time of installation, you can manually activate the agent you would like to use now. This topic describes how to activate it.
There are two steps involved when trying to manually activate an agent. We will first have to enable the Registration Context Menu and then register the correct agent.
Open Windows Explorer and browse to the installation's bin directory. In a standard installation this is c:\Program Files\ICONICS\GENESIS64\Components\.
Double-click RegistrationContextMenu.reg. This opens the Registry Editor Warning dialog which asks if the registry should be updated. Click Yes.
A second dialog appears, letting you know you have successfully updated the registry. Click OK. Doing this has added new context menu options to the right-click menu in Windows Explorer.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to c:\Program Files\Common Files\ICONICS\FWX64\BIN\, and find the agent that you would like to use. They are MMXMail.exe (Simple MAPI agent), MMXMailExt.exe (Extended MAPI agent), or MMXmailSMTP (SMTP agent).
Right-click the agent you want to use, then select Register Component from the menu options. This registers the email agent. You will not receive a confirmation, but later you can click the Test button for any mail agent in your AlarmWorX Multimedia configuration to check that the correct agent is being used in the task manager.
See also:
Emailing in an Unattended Environment
Acknowledgment of an Alarm via Email or SMS