Time Zones

Multiple components within ICONICS product suites allow users to request to visualize information from different time zones. In some cases, there may be a need to visualize data aligned by time, perhaps using the source local time. An example would be in the comparison of daily energy usage of sites in the United States, European Union and Russia, where hour or day is the key parameter.

Time Zones in TrendWorX64 Viewer

In TrendWorX64 Viewer, time zones can be used in playback in UTC, local time and device time (available for historical data only). A single trend has the ability to show data from multiple time zones.


Time Zone Properties in TrendWorX64 Viewer Configuration


In the Time Zone properties, you can enter your preferred time zone for the Pen in the Chart or can click on the ellipsis button [...], which opens the Select Time Zone window, shown below.


Select Time Zone Window

Time Zones in AssetWorX/FDDWorX

Time Zone Settings in an Asset in AssetWorX

When used with FDDWorX Server, Time Zone ID's are read when loading an asset's info. When an active FDD incident is detected, an asset's Source Local Time is calculated based on the asset's Time Zone. The "Fault Active Time" in UTC, "Source Fault Active Time" in the asset's local time, and the "Source Local Time Offset" are written together into the FDD incidents log.


Fault Incidents Log


Timestamps can be adjusted by viewer options including Fault Active Time, Fault Deactivation Time and Activation/Deactivation Variables Timestamps. Comments are always displayed with client local timestamps.


Timestamps Mode - Use the pulldown menu to select from:

FDDWorX Viewer Properties


Client Local Timestamps Option


UTC Timestamps Option


Asset (Source) Local Timestamps Option


See Also:

Time Zones in TrendWorX64 Viewer in GraphWorX64

Properties Tab for Equipment