Exporting Data from AssetWorX

You can export data from an AssetWorX database, asset tree, or equipment class node to a .CSV (comma-separated values) file. The file can then be imported into AssetWorX for use elsewhere. Note that you can export from any equipment node in the asset tree, or from any equipment class. The name you assign to the .CSV file that is created should identify the exported content.


To Export Data from AnalytiX Catalog

You can export data from the AssetWorX database, asset tree, or equipment class node.

  1. In the Workbench, go to AssetWorX's Project Explorer. Right-click on the node you are exporting, then select Export Sub-Tree or Export selected, as shown below. Or click on the node, then click the Export subitems or Export selected button in the Home ribbon.

Exporting from AssetWorX

  1. The Export Options dialog box opens, as shown below. Select the format in which the data is to be exported (such as CSV, Microsoft Excel, or XML). Specify the Delimiter to be used in the file (Comma, Tab, or Other character). Also specify whether to Generate Relative Paths for the exported data by checking or unchecking the check box.

Export Options Dialog Box

  1. Click OK. The export process begins.

  2. Once the export process is done, you can copy the status notices if you wish (by clicking To Clipboard to paste them into a text editor such as MS Word or MS Notepad for record-keeping). Otherwise, click Close to continue.

Export Progress Window

  1. The following notice will appear, providing the location of the exported data. You can click on the hyperlink to open the file containing the exported data.

Exported Data Location Notice

  1. Click on the X to close this box and return to AssetWorX.


See Also:

Importing Data into AssetWorX