Data Explorer

The Data Explorer is a control that allows the user to navigate all data sources with zero configuration. Using the data browser tree view, users can navigate between all data sources and view live values for real-time data, historical data, data sets, alarms, schedules, assets and BACnet.


Alternatively, the Data Explorer can be launched directly as a standalone application from the Start Screen or Start Menu (All apps > ICONICS Tools > Data Explorer) as well as the Runtime ribbon.


To insert a Data Explorer into a display, begin by selecting the Controls tab. This will expose all of the available controls, including the Data Explorer.


GraphWorX Controls Ribbon

Selecting the Data Explorer option will transform the cursor into a cross. Use the cross to draw the desired size of the Data Explorer on the canvas. This will insert a Data Explorer onto the canvas.


Data Explorer in a Display


The Data Explorer has a number of properties that can assist the user in customizing their control.


Data Explorer Properties


The following Properties can be set for the GraphWorX64 Viewer:



Common - Style



Style (unique to the Data Explorer)


Once set in Runtime mode, the user can leverage the built-in browser to find and automatically locate and render data and data sources. For example, locating and selecting a trend will automatically render a trend viewer while selecting a schedule will automatically render a schedule control.


Grid Viewer in the Data Explorer in Runtime


In runtime, users can take full advantage of all control and viewer features available to the specified display. Utilizing the properties, advanced users can further customize the Data Explorer for various other functions without using the default data browser.


Advanced Use of the Data Browser


See Also:

Controls Ribbon in GraphWorX 2D