Energy AnalytiX Viewer Configurator


Use the Energy AnalytiX Viewer Configurator to view specific assets and time intervals within an Energy AnalytiX viewer or to adjust the overall appearance and configuration settings of the viewer itself. The configurator presents settings for an Energy AnalytiX viewer across three tabs:

General Tab

You can select the asset and time interval that displays within the viewer using the General Tab of the configurator. This tab, along with the settings that you can change on this tab, appear below:


General Tab of the Energy AnalytiX Viewer Configurator



Selecting a Date and Time for the Time Interval within the Energy AnalytiX Viewer


Appearance Tab

The Appearance Tab of the configurator allows you to customize the display elements of the Energy AnalytiX viewer. An example of the tab, along with a description of the tab's settings, appear below:


Appearance Tab of the Energy AnalytiX Viewer Configurator

Configuration Tab

You can use the Configuration Tab of the configurator to edit the details of the configuration you view while in Runtime mode. A sample configuration and a description of the different settings on this tab appear below:


Configuration Tab of the Energy AnalytiX Viewer Configurator

See also:

Energy AnalytiX Viewer

Energy AnalytiX Configuration Ribbon