
Home > GENESIS64 Suite > GraphWorX64 > 2D Ribbons > Controls Ribbon > Camera Control > Camera Control


Camera Control

The Camera Control in the GraphWorX64 viewer allows users to include output from a networked camera within their display. Before configuring, please be sure IcoCameraService (Services > IcoCameraService) is running. It may be necessary to configure Camera Credentials in the Platform Services insert (Platform Services Configuration > Source > Realtime Subscription) for proper configuration. Within Camera Credentials, create a new record (FWX <-> Camera) and specify camera URL, user name, and password.


The Camera Control supports cameras that can stream in these formats:

The following chart shows which formats are compatible with which application platform.


Application Platform

RTSP (H.265)

RTSP (H.264)










To Use This Item, Select the Camera Control Icon from the Controls Ribbon.


VideoWorX Ribbon







Once you select the Camera Control icon from the Controls Ribbon, your cursor will now become a cross hair. Use the cross hair to draw the perimeter of the Camera Control on the display. Your Camera Control will now be visible.


Camera Control Added

Camera Control Object Properties

The BridgeWorX64 Viewer properties can be configured either through the Configuration window, shown below, or via the Properties section of the Workbench on the right side of the GraphWorX64 window.

Configuration Through the Camera Control Configuration Window


Camera Control Configuration Window - GENERAL Tab






Camera Control Configuration Window - STYLE Tab






Camera Control Configuration Window - RUNTIME Tab





[For Custom Command selection]



Note: The Camera Control is one of many controls that now supports executing commands on events. These events vary per control, but for the Camera Control they include:

To configure the command to be executed when this event occurs, go to Runtime tab. Find the Commands on Events section, check Enable Commands on Events, then configure the form below.

Camera Control Object Properties

The right side of the screen will now display the Camera Control Properties. Camera Controls have a number of standard properties such as Measurements and Text, but also have a number of unique properties listed under Camera Category, as shown above.





Preset Mode

Camera Control allows for a user to specify positions with configurations that can be recalled in the Camera Control at any time. Selecting the button will store your current position as a preset location. After naming the preset position, the exact camera configuration can be replicated at any time by selecting the preset location name from the preset position scroll-down menu.


Camera Control Preset Mode


Creating Presets:


Note: Before creating a preset, ensure that you have a camera that supports creating presets (ideally an Axis, Bosch or Planet one).


  1. Insert a Camera Control into your GraphWorX64 display.

  2. Enter your VideoURl.

  3. Enter "OnvifURL".
    Your URL looks like this: http://<IP_of_the_camera>/onvif/device_service
    Note: This may vary depending on the camera's manufacturer and the camera's configuration.

  4. Set your ShowControls property to True.

  5. Go to Runtime.

  6. Aim the camera and hit the cross button next to the combo box.

  7. Name your preset, and confirm it by clicking on the check mark.
    Your preset appears amongst the other presets in the combo menu.

Execute Commands on Events

The Camera Control is one of many controls that now supports executing commands on events. These events vary per control, but, for the Camera Control, they include:

• Ready

• Started


To configure the command to be executed when this event occurs, go to Runtime tab. Find the Commands on Events section, check Enable Commands on Events, then configure the form below.

Using Camera Control with HoloLens (UWP app only)

HoloLens supports any USB integrated webcam or device with DirectShow support. The DeviceName parameter must include the URL encoded FriendlyName. If the parameter is not specified, HoloLens chooses the first enumerated video device connected to the PC.


Users can input a URL like http://<ip_of_the_camera>/jpg/video.jpg to continuously query the image for updates. This allows JPG and page refreshing cameras that only support streaming to function with the program as well.


Motion/Sound Detection Alarms

Camera Control also supports the ability to motion and audio alarms using the camera control in GraphWorX. If the connected camera supports ONVIF and motion detection, the Camera Control can be tied in with AlarmWorX to report alarm detections through any AlarmWorX viewer.


To configure the camera for motion or audio detection, use the following alarm configurations in the AlarmWorX Configuration:


Camera Control Alarm Detection


Play or Pause Video Feedback with Commanding


Previously, users who wanted a way to play or pause the camera control's playback would need to use global aliases for the video URL and set the alias to null to "pause" it. This had a side effect of causing errors in the camera control.


Now, the SetFreezeMode command has been enhanced to play or pause the camera control's video. Set the camera control as the command target. The freeze action pauses the video, the unfreeze action plays, and the toggle action toggles between the two.


Creating Motion/Sound Detection Alarms


Note: Before creating an alarm, ensure that you have a camera that supports motion and noise events.

  1. Insert a Camera Control into your GraphWorX64 display.

  2. Enter your VideoURl.

  3. Enter "OnvifURL".
    Your URL looks like this: http://<IP_of_the_camera>/onvif/device_service
    Note: This may vary depending on the camera's manufacturer and the camera's configuration.

  4. Set your ShowControls property to True.

  5. Go to Runtime mode.

  6. Aim the camera and hit the cross button next to the combo box.

  7. Name your preset, and confirm it by clicking on the check mark.
    Your preset appears amongst the other presets in the combo menu.

  8. Return to Configuration mode.

  9. Insert an AlarmWorX64 Viewer into the display.

  10. Double-click the AlarmWorX64 Viewer to bring up the Configure your Control popup menu.

  11. From here, click the Grid button. This automatically opens the Source tab.

AlarmWorX64 Viewer Grid - Source Tab

  1. Click on the Green Cross to open the subscription drop-down menu.

  2. Select the "Real Time Subscription" tab.

  3. Manually input either, cam:http://<Ip_of_the_camera>/onvif/device_service\Detectors\MotionDetection , cam:http://<Ip_of_the_camera>/onvif/device_service\Detectors\AudioDetection or cam:http://<Ip_of_the_camera>/onvif/device_service\Detectors for both of the fields labeled "New Subscription".

  4. Enter Runtime mode.

See Also:

Controls Ribbon in GraphWorX 2D